reasons I'm pro-life
1. adoption
2. heinousness
3. life
I take the arguments personally. I was adopted (at age 4). I'm glad I'm alive. Adoption is the only loving choice, for an unwanted pregnancy (aside from keeping him or her). The supply of unwanted babies is less than the demand for adoptions. There's a line to adopt.
The fetus can feel pain, has a heartbeat (after 8 weeks, I think), and the procedure entails cutting up limbs and sucking out brain... Pictures of the reality of abortion show how heinous, revolting, and evil it is, just like pics of bodies from the holocaust.
Life begins at conception. This is a scientific fact. It's a mother killing her child. It's fucking sick.
Other thoughts
It's a business, and they make a killing.
I can tolerate, MAYBE, the day after pill. Or before 8 weeks, possibly.
Its humanity can plausibly be described as merely conceptual, in the earliest stages.
Otherwise, sorry, no.
I forget the difference between an embryo and a fetus..
Life is good! Celebrate it!
I'm a Democrat.
Given the cogency of my argument, why is Trump my only choice?
I'm not 100% for anybody, for president.
I doubt many people are.
Must we always choose the Least Worse?
Some abortion facts, from this week's Economist article, plus wikipedia:
1. abortion has largely shifted from surgical to medical (drug-induced)-
(self-managed, with pills, often mail-ordered)
"when taken with mifepristone (aka RU-486), misoprostol (a stomach-ulcer drug) ends 97% of pregnancies in the first 10 weeks without complications." (if the pregnancy doesn't end, you risk a malformed baby, though), and ("misoprostol by itself is effective in about 85% of cases")
2. "for 90m women in 26 countries abortion is still banned under all circumstances."
3. worldwide, the number of women dying from botched abortions (most of them illegal) has dropped from 108 per 100,000 abortions (1990-94) to 63 (2010-14).
final fact
4. "over 2/3 of terminations, in rich countries, are carried out before 9 weeks, and 90% before 13 weeks."
So it's not as big a deal as it used to be, I think. More contraception, cheap pregnancy tests, and greater awareness (like the movie 'Juno'). I can definitely see both sides. It's gotten a lot less heinous, for the baby as well as the mother. It's still an ugly situation, and I remain pro-life.
21 hours ago
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