Islam believes in One God, Allah ("the god")
(the Catholic Trinity is therefore seen as heretical)
But, as people of the book (Jews, Christians, Muslims),
it's the same God:
(YHWH (tetragrammaton), Yahweh, Jah, Jehovah)
pluralism, celebrating diversity, e pluribus unum
(out of many, one) on American coinage
everybuddy. Jesus is my buddy.
Hinduism has one God, Brahman
(but also 330 Million, lol)
BABY T (Buddha, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, Trinity)
Then there's Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian good guy (half of the duality)
and the Twenty-four Tirthankaras of Jainism (one for each hour!)
They could all be the same thing!
Why not?
False dichotomy between
Allah and Brahman (India is making life difficult for Muslims, in the news)
Buddha and Allah (Myanmar has Buddhists killing Rohingya Muslims)
aren't Buddhists supposed to be peaceful?? Genocide? Really?
god's will is every individual's will, the full panoply of opinion
even if there is only one God!
God is one, everyOne.
god or devil, love and hate, demons/monsters or angels/saints
God is usually associated with the idealism of
going from love, toward love, in love
but I say He (or She) is also the middling human ambiguity
of everything, and everything else, too
cynical and realist and pessimist
people are pretty much the same, everywhere
us/them is virtual. it doesn't exist.
gangs and tribes and religions and countries and teams
racial and religious and ideological animosity and divisions
is a delusion of difference
we even share over 98% of our dna with chimpanzees.
even republicans and democrats
we don't need to be red and blue crips and bloods
threatening our country beyond incivility,
with the possibility of a goddamn civil war
parties and ideologies: abortion madness
meat is murder, death penalty vs. forgiveness
we can all see each other's point of view/perspective
and see it's compatibility with our own
even the Nobel peace prize winner is enraged
and an apologist for heinous genocidal atrocity
you could even say The Devil/master of puppets, is winning:
Paradise burned to the ground, and Bernie lost-
Nukes are an obscene abomination (it's really the perfect word)
shot callers, playas, player-haters, punk ass bitches
it's all good? to me, for me (2? 4?)
diabolical evil is delicious (and banal)
the devil argues his right to smite
if you fight for peace, you are doing military service (!)
even countries and cultures are false divisions, like race
humanity is a single organism, like a colony of ants, I think
we're all in the same boat, spaceship earth, the global village
Braintreee, Jesse tree, decision tree,
tree of life, tree of knowledge, genealogy, evolutionary branches
the middle way
between existence and nonexistence, eternity and oblivion,
evil depravity and virtuous saintliness: compromise between extremes
like the happy Buddha, gaining weight in his gut (the MIDDLE way, lol)
Undead?! (between life and death)
moderation in all things, including moderation
I don't believe in eternal life, or our lives being utterly inconsequential, either.
we're slightly more than just dust in the wind
22 hours ago
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