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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Green Old Deal

Red in tooth and claw!
The Great OutDoors

Wilderness, Wildlife, where the Wild things are
nature, national parks, native american heritage
conservaton, preservation
ecology, environmentalism, extinctions
deforestation, desertification
clean air, water, soil
no coal, oil, natural gas (cong)
(fossil fuels)(greenhouse gases)
global warming, weather/climate
climate change, forest fires
stewardship of the earth
love of the outdoors

some greenery:
green light, Green Party!
green lantern, green eggs and ham
greenhouse, Greenland, Green Day, Green Bay, green card
green-eyed monster (jealousy, Othello, Shakespeare)
yellow and blue (Go Ags!)

some redery:
red state, red scare, red flag, seeing red
red robin, red herring, red lobster
red hot chili peppers, red hair, reddit
red blood cell, mars, strawberries
better dead than -

GOD and GOP, and gobs of goy
(gop is grand old party, republican)
gol and goo and got and gov
(gol is Spanish for goal)
Goa, a state in India

fishing and hunting and trapping
hiking and camping and campfires
horseback riding and bird watching
canoeing and white water rafting
climbing trees and exploring
rowing, swimming, sailing

green deal:  also, a paper cash transaction
quid pro quo: (this cash) for (that product or service)
gold, plus noel, equals God :-)
money, my one

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Of Late

a few things, on my mind

6 reasons why I like my amazon kindle (ny times subscription):
     no paper, saves space, stores issues in memory
     you can change the font size
     highlight words for instant dictionary definitions
     cheaper than print edition

epistemology is the scientific/philosophical study of knowledge
   (especially its methods, validity, and scope)

bumptious: self-assertive or proud, to an irritating degree

proud prude parade (lol)
immanent and imminent eminence
playing polo with polio
advanced dance
immunity and impunity
the acme of my acne
restful, then restive
anger and anguish
cal: commitment and loyalty
IPA: iran, pakistan, india (on arabian sea)
    (also, indian pale ale, among many others)
    (Arabian Sea actually doesn't border Saudi Arabia!)

santa and his elves; satan and his mirv's
merry Christmas!  (is this the unhappy end of the year gift from N Korea?) (what if it was something pleasant!?...  that would blow everyone's minds)

we (USA, and everybody else!) need a missile defense system
 capable of:  detecting, tracking, and interception
of Russian's new ("invulnerable," says Putin)
hypersonic nuclear icbms (intercontinental ballistic missiles)
    (torpedos and cruise missiles, in development, too)

a mirv is a Multiple, Independentally-targetable, Reentry Vehicle)
a scary, ugh ly, unpleasant and wicked, threatening thing

Peace on Earth, and goodwill toward men
let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me
pieces of the peace:  peas! peaches! Reeses pieces!
diplomats and diplomacy, military preparedness, travel, linkages
economic interdependence, cultural exchange, tourism, shared values
alliances, multilateralism, cooperation in shared challenges like
   global warming, ecological collapse, fisheries, deforestation,
   desertification, greed, selfishness, exploitation, hate, hostility
   environmental respect and stewardship and tourism,
   extinctions, green new deal, clean water, water supply, sanitation
   doctors without borders (msg), Red Cross/Crescent, Unicef
   economic development, rule of law, wars, immigrants, displacement
   poverty, homelessness, insecurity, corruption, apathy, disrespect
   justice and fairness and human rights and safety and literacy
   slavery and human trafficking and gangs and, of course,
   stupidity, ignorance, incuriosity, filter bubbles, closed minds
   mental illness, madness, evil, superiority, us/them, violence, crime

Friday, December 27, 2019

Ho Ho Ho!

Merry Christmas to All

I got a subscription (6 months) to the Economist,
and lots of food:

oranges (from Fresno)
a chocolate Santa
a box of cookies, homemade and otherwise
    with a fun piece of artwork
a jar of "holy honey" (from the nuns at MSJ)
   (mission san Jose, in Fremont)
dog treats :-)
leftovers from dinner (Tupperware)
  I forgot the tamales!

I gave 27 boxes of trivia, and 5 (trivia) books, to my aunt Vicki
   ("indian giver" - yes, I realize this  expression
         is racist, unwoke, and politically incorrect)
I gave 2 kind bars to my other aunt Rose Marie
    (you are what you eat; or, you eat the kind: one or the other!)
I gave chocolate cookies to my dad (and trump tp)
I gave my mom a 1000 piece puzzle (sent back, nothing above 300!!)
I gave Esme a fairy that rides an elk
I gave cookies to Erin and Dan, and a magnetic toy car
    (that climbs the fridge)
I gave cookies to Greg n Liz
I gave a lunar launcher to B, and sea monkeys
I gave D a puzzle (25 pieces), and a stomp rocket

Santa was good this year
there's more on the way, too :-)

Junie ("psycho dog"), Giffen (the 3-legged cat), and the two outdoor cats are in my charge.  Sitting.  In Berkeley.  The owners return tomorrow from Lake Tahoe.  One of the cats has a nasty looking open sore on her (his?) nose.  I give him viralys lysine powder with food.  I wash my hands after touching the plate, just like after Bart, before dad.   I walk Junie every morning, while sitting.  She barks at every other dog.

A navy seal life coach says to wake at 4:30a, but the NY Times says to not wake before 6a.  Maybe I should just wake up naturally, (but not oversleep, is the thing).

Happy New Year, one and all!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


I have a long list of attachments and aversions

that cause suffering, in their presence or absence-
my understanding is that equanimity (in the presence or absence of either) is enlightenment, or a good deal towards getting there.

things I like
things I dislike

equanimity, acceptance, detatchment
virtual virtuous virtuosity

Goodness, virtue
Pleasure, happiness, contentment, comfort, satisfaction, wellness, love-bliss, friendship, warmth, joy, satiation, met need, security, peace, calm, tranquility, humor, laughter, comedy, jokes, standup, community, cum unity, camaraderie, entertainment, diversion, escapism.   Wealth, money, affluence, riches.  Income, cash, filthy lucre, green, dinero.  Property.  Good cheer, optimism, stimulus, equanimity, virtue, caring, compassion, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, play, fun, games, music, movies, books, internet, restaurants, dance, art, sex, drugs, dreams, tv, videos, intimacy, variety, health, wellness, sanity, strength, fitness, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, truth, enlightenment, omniscience, data, information, words, images, tastes, touch, scents, visions, parties, nature, endorphins, curiosity, interest, engagement, fame, mastery, intel, intelligence, intellect, smarts, genius, alive, alive! Informed, educated, questioning, critical, helpful, sympathetic, empathy, passion, excitement, celebration, acceptance, achievement, reward, recognition, heaven, utopia, winning, development, growth, improvement, progress, change, purpose, meaning, making a difference, song and dance, employment, prosperity, long life, family, children, creativity, good conversation, volunteering, service, charity, exercise, sweat, betterment, best, perfection, flawless, reaching potential, safety, preparedness, honor, trust, loyalty, courtesy, obedience, thrift, bravery, cleanliness, reverence, faith, immortality, absence of pain or suffering or discontent, goodwill, school, learning, challenge, travel, culture shock, law, morality, ethics, victory, interesting. 

Attachment to these things is suffering!  So is aversion to their absence, or opposites

(Dukkha link) 

(Dukkha #2 link)

Plus, all the reasons (link) I gave that people kill.   That's a lot of dukkha, too.

Enlightenment is blissful detachment and discriminating awareness of all the pleasant or unpleasant things that make you happy or unhappy, with an awareness of
    no-self, neutrality, objectivity, truth, non-duality

(?) -I think-
You can go with "it's all good", or "it's all neutral"
Maybe God or Devil thinks "it's all bad"

It all just is.  Kindness is my religion, too!
Equanimity doesn't have to mean acceptance.
You can still be an activist, to relieve suffering,
increase the peace, and help humans* have happiness
*(plus, all sentient beings!)

enlightenment, wisdom, illumination, truth
extinction of delusion and ignorance
argute esemplastic power :-)

some more gods:
   gallons of diesel
   godly order of Dominicans
   grumpy ornery dad :-)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Mr. T

aka Larry, my dad

I'm sorry to report, y'all, he's got cancer ("stage 3, B-track, lymphoma), located near his hip, on the right side, near his back.  He starts chemo tomorrow.  It's beatable, possibly, we're told.  B track is better than D track.  He'll probably lose his hair (but not everyone on chemo does).  Hopefully the chemo will kill it.  He's at home, and they hired a live-in helper, a guy, named Mel.  Larry is camped out in Greg's old bedroom, with a special bed, a wheelchair, a seat toilet, and cable tv/radio/cell phone.  He has a tablet computer, too, but doesn't know the password.  I offered him my kindle, with the NY Times on it.  Anyway, there might be 5 stages of chemo, and we're hopeful he could be better in 4 months.  I counted 14 or so different medications on the kitchen counter, counting both the chemo ones he hasn't started yet, and also the as-needed pills.  I'm told the chemo session tomorrow will be 5-6 hours.  Greg is reminding everybody to wash their hands (especially me, coming off Bart). I recognized the prednisone from veterinary use with dogs.  I think the meds include an opioid, so I hope he doesn't get addicted.  His pain level was a 10 though (sometimes), he said.  We watched Jeopardy together (mom, dad, and I), tonight.  I didn't know many answers, but I'm still treated like I'm a genius.  I had dinner there, and maybe again tomorrow.  I brought them 2 oatmeal cookies, from Adeline bakeshop here in Berkeley, which they both appreciate.  They're $2 each.

I brought the first gifts for under the tree (4 packages, for Ben, Declan, and Esme).  I have a bit more shopping to do, for Summer and all the adults, (mom, dad, Vicki, Rose, Greg, Liz, Erin, Dan).  The (real!) tree has a train around the base, and has lights and ornaments.   My kite is there, too, since Ben's birthday (in May), waiting for the confluence of local SF wind (aptos), my presence, and Ben's.  I got two packages, recently.  A new Wag! walker t-shirt, and a Buddhism book, from Pat, Sara's mom.  I went to the gym yesterday.  Ridiculousness (on mtv) and radio (on my beats headphones, from my phone, connected to the gym wifi) make doing cardio fun.

(plus!) some spells:
orthography and Tori and Pell grants
serene Serena, irenic Irene, happy hippies
gin, god in.  gout, god out.  sin, satan in.  (justice Souter?)
monkey in a turban, oh what does it mean -ppg
   (powerpuff girls)

I looked up if anybody has had their remains shot into space (Heavens!)-
  I think there's only ever been one (into interstellar space, anyway)
  ("space burial") The One human being in heaven (!)

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Virtue List

God is love, and love is good, so god is good, says the good book, the gospel, which is a word that is short for ‘god’s spell’.   Spelled YHWH.   H, why?  backwards.  The eighth letter.   Eight is a homonym with ate.  God and ate and H are all 8!  H8 is hate, of course.  HH his holiness.  Wake up.   God doesn’t exist.  Neither does true love.  Or does He?

Good morning.   God mourning.  God the father.  Be perfect, as your father in heaven is perfect.  Sweetheart.  Take care.  Death is hated.  Teshara as heart, hater, earth.  Heaven is ave hen, dirt bath, on earth as it is in heaven: dark, black, lonely, quiet, boring, empty, spacious, still, vast, empty, infinite, and filled with spacetime, whatever that is.  

Sex is lust is love is ecstasy and intimacy and touch and attachment and suffering. Aliens want to know what the butthole is all about.   Apparently they don’t excrete, so they probe all their abductees’ rectum.  Wrecked ‘em.  Anus.  A and us.  

God is a word.  People give it meaning.  Gawd.  Allah. A law.  All.   That is all.  
Ha.  Not quite.  A lot more than that.  Infinite love, goodness, creator…  

I don’t care.  Boring subject.

Reality isn’t God.  Reality is your head.  The godhead?  I don’t know what that means.  

Goodness, virtue
Pleasure, happiness, contentment, comfort, satisfaction, wellness, love-bliss, friendship, warmth, joy, satiation, met need, security, peace, calm, tranquility, humor, laughter, comedy, jokes, standup, community, cum unity, camaraderie, entertainment, diversion, escapism.   Wealth, money, affluence, riches.  Income, cash, filthy lucre, green, dinero.  Property.  Good cheer, optimism, stimulus, equanimity, virtue, caring, compassion, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, play, fun, games, music, movies, books, internet, restaurants, dance, art, sex, drugs, dreams, tv, videos, intimacy, variety, health, wellness, sanity, strength, fitness, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, truth, enlightenment, omniscience, data, information, words, images, tastes, touch, scents, visions, parties, nature, endorphins, curiosity, interest, engagement, fame, mastery, intel, intelligence, intellect, smarts, genius, alive, alive! Informed, educated, questioning, critical, helpful, sympathetic, empathy, passion, excitement, celebration, acceptance, achievement, reward, recognition, heaven, utopia, winning, development, growth, improvement, progress, change, purpose, meaning, making a difference, song and dance, employment, prosperity, long life, family, children, creativity, good conversation, volunteering, service, charity, exercise, sweat, betterment, best, perfection, flawless, reaching potential, safety, preparedness, honor, trust, loyalty, courtesy, obedience, thrift, bravery, cleanliness, reverence, faith, immortality, absence of pain or suffering or discontent, goodwill, school, learning, challenge, travel, culture shock, law, morality, ethics, victory, interesting.  

I’m retarded and schizophrenic and boring.   Sorry.  I shouldn’t apologize.
I am what I am.  Life sucks.  Life is hell. If you hate life, maybe you should consider suicide. 

I’m just passing the time (not shitting thyme), and listening to kalw (hos, hearts of space).  I have plenty to do, to keep me busy, active, engaged, lifetime learning.

words, prayers, poems, songs, stories, books
spelt and Tori Spelling, for a spell
taking a spill 

crazy 88's, happy and healthy
8 is the symbol for infinity, sideways
s/he; (wo)man
ruthless truth is cross; property is a proper T and Y?
can't spell comedies without meds
music- am you, sick
immorality and immortality (result of an immoral crucifixion?)
reality, more or less (morality and less-ality)
Hannibal Lecter hates life, hellish living;  Heavenly Love?
chewy Chuy and virtuous virtuosity
I forgot Toys and Presents
sin, iniquity, and transgression (sit down, down with sit)
vice, iniquity, evil, wickedness (the view)
pills, drugs, meds, pharmaceuticals; medicine, medication
mental dental
juggling with muggles
magic magnetic magii (Gaspar, Melchior, Balthazar)
Roman Catholicism: the firmament firm
corporate torpor
spell spiel
good god, gadzooks, I failed the ged
  giddy with geddy

corporate Teshara (t' share uh): 
    Timeshare, Sheraton, Aramark, Tesla
    Larry's tea, tee (shirt), T (cross); 
    PT: Peggy, cruiser (car), boat, philosophy talk
        physical therapy, physical torture
    TP: toilet paper, indian drank too much tea -drowned in teepee
         doctor, I have a recurring dream, first I'm a wigwam, then a teepee.
              reply: take it easy, you're two tents! (too tense)

Me, You, Menu


live, love, and leave;   tits, tights, and tats;   sex drugs and rocknroll; 
Peace, love, and happiness;   real, true, authentic;   mad crazy insane;
buddha, dharma, sangha. Greed, hatred, delusion. 
enlightened, awake, extinguished.  attachment, aversion, ignorance.
think, say, do.  person, place, thing.  past, present, future.
good,  bad, neutral.  Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.
father, son, and Holy Spirit.  faith, hope, and love.
The holy trinity, the trinity nuclear bomb test,
    and the Carrie-Anne Moss character in the Matrix movies.
this, that, and the other thing.  me, myself, and I.  he, she, it.
triplets, triad, trio.  creation, preservation, destruction.
Brahma, Vishnu, Siva.   Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos (fates).
Nina, pinta, and Santa Maria.  rock, paper, scissors. primary colors.
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  ego, id, superego.
the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
gold, silver, bronze.  bubbles, blossom, buttercup.  Huey, dewey, louie.
snap, crackle, pop.  harry, curly, moe.  magi.  tenors.  amigos.
little pigs, billy goats gruff, musketeers.  Chico, Harpo, Groucho.
divine wholeness, completeness, and perfection.  threesome.
of the people, by the people, and for the people.
friends, romans, countryman.  blood, sweat, and tears.
bee gees, Charlie's angels, Kingston trio.  triune, tertiary, triplicate.
destiny's child, Andrews sisters, Cerberus' heads, 3 strikes (law).
Alvin, Simon, Theodore.  stop, drop, and roll.  yakko, wakko, and dot.
ghostbusters, nirvana, police, beasty boys, Green Day, supremes,
tlc, blink 182, run dmc, ZZ Top, rush, cream, fugees.
Peter, Paul, and Mary.  Depeche Mode, de la soul, house of pain.
yeah yeah yeahs, portishead, yo la tengo, the little rascals
breakfast, lunch, and dinner!  3 cheers for Camp Royaneh!
criteria for acceptable graffiti: colorful, artistic, or legible (cal)
Astaroth, Lucifer, and Beelzebub;  trimurti, triumvirate, triptych
triarchy, troika, trilogy


Recap and Review

Human beings are things, animals, tubes (like worms)
Animals within animals, spells within spells
Logistics, moving things around
See, hear, smell, taste, touch
Religion? Be good

Words and names: anagrams, wordles, synonyms, antonyms
    acronyms, rhymes, denotation and connotation, conceptual associations
Meaning: mean, or kind
oblivion, space, time are all infinite
I know nothing, not even (this or) that
no one lives forever; live until you die's the only way to stay sane
you are what you eat, minus what you excrete
we are all programmed by our dna to survive and reproduce
    to seek genes and resources;  like biological machines
Work, play; read, watch, listen; eat, exercise, sleep; write, talk, create
And think.   Cogitate.  Ponder.  Reflect.  Process.  Ideation.
Breathe, be.  Sit.  Meditate, medicate.  Love life.   It’s all good.
Don’t be bad, reduce and eliminate suffering, be happy, content, well
Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane
Solve problems.  Be a part of the solution, not a problem.
Truth is good, lies and deception are bad, like pleasure and pain
Reality is all the god there ever is
Be love, in love, coming from love, going toward love
   loving life, all, and love itself.   giving love, receiving love.
   love self, another, everyone, everything, always and everywhere
Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, truth, enlightenment
Curious, intelligent, educated, informed, critical, questioning, learning, engaged
Creativity, imagination, art 
fun, play, games
laughter, joy, optimism, bliss, friendship, warmth
Wealth, security, safety, comfort, satisfaction
Reality- ality, all over again; laity / italy
       mentality personality externality
Etc and so on and so forth
Esme, So, Four

The End

Saturday, December 14, 2019

random recent rap

Bugle burglar

No-self: no body (ghost?), no name, no job or role, no personality, character, or identity
Equality, equanimity, equilibrium, eek. (ecology and economics)
Read books for knowledge, wisdom, money, fame, respect

I don't have a savior complex.  No one is saved from death.
    and you save yourself from sin.  confess.  just say no.  
        repentance, contrition, absolution
    I save money, my thoughts (written), 
        and myself from hate, misery, loneliness, etc.
        (with a little help from my friends)

Gregory- egregious, e.g. gory, gregarious, 
   and gr….eat! (says Tony the tiger), gratitude 
anxiety, fear, anger, uneasiness, depression, hopelessness, cynicism
Sra- safe, reliable, affordable (about PG&E) (Sara and Peggy)
Abc- billboard album chart
Prehabilitation, word of the day
Democratically elected (MIS)representatives, as leaders/followers

Violence and vandalism
Vampire and victim
Victor and vanquished
Vapid and vicious
   (teeth). this Barq has bite
Viscous Vicki

evil, vile, veil, live

I am actually much less corrupt, wicked, and sinister
Than it looks like, from the previous post 
   (4 posts down, 'Life is Life')
at least I hope I am!

the traffic outside my room, booming rap:
Ebonics: nigger bitch shit
Menacing dog poop
less than rapturous rap

Generally outraged democrats
Supercilious: (acting superior)

I may be schizophrenic, but I ain’t crazy
Britain- it brain

fm, pm.   Foreign minister, prime minister
   Former marine, papal morality
mister minister, mastering the mystery

Spacetime employment
Working around the clock, around the globe

iniquity, inequality, equanimity, equilibrium

Toby or not Toby, that is the question (Tobitha)
Tamara, Tamara - you're only a day away

I never metastatic I didn’t like
can cancer be cancelled?
toucan and the can-can

Apollyon is the devil, in Revelation 9:11
apple, yawn

Thursday, December 12, 2019

God's Will


Islam believes in One God, Allah ("the god")
(the Catholic Trinity is therefore seen as heretical)
But, as people of the book (Jews, Christians, Muslims),
   it's the same God:
    (YHWH (tetragrammaton), Yahweh, Jah, Jehovah)
pluralism, celebrating diversity, e pluribus unum
(out of many, one) on American coinage
everybuddy.  Jesus is my buddy.
Hinduism has one God, Brahman
   (but also 330 Million, lol)
BABY T (Buddha, Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, Trinity)
Then there's Ahura Mazda, the Zoroastrian good guy (half of the duality)
and the Twenty-four Tirthankaras of Jainism (one for each hour!)

They could all be the same thing!
Why not?

False dichotomy between
Allah and Brahman (India is making life difficult for Muslims, in the news)
Buddha and Allah (Myanmar has Buddhists killing Rohingya Muslims)
   aren't Buddhists supposed to be peaceful?? Genocide? Really?

god's will is every individual's will, the full panoply of opinion
even if there is only one God!
God is one, everyOne.

god or devil, love and hate, demons/monsters or angels/saints
God is usually associated with the idealism of
   going from love, toward love, in love
but I say He (or She) is also the middling human ambiguity
of everything, and everything else, too
cynical and realist and pessimist

people are pretty much the same, everywhere
us/them is virtual.  it doesn't exist.
gangs and tribes and religions and countries and teams
racial and religious and ideological animosity and divisions
is a delusion of difference
we even share over 98% of our dna with chimpanzees.

even republicans and democrats
we don't need to be red and blue crips and bloods
threatening our country beyond incivility,
with the possibility of a goddamn civil war
parties and ideologies: abortion madness
meat is murder, death penalty vs. forgiveness
we can all see each other's point of view/perspective
and see it's compatibility with our own
even the Nobel peace prize winner is enraged
and an apologist for heinous genocidal atrocity
you could even say The Devil/master of puppets, is winning:
   Paradise burned to the ground, and Bernie lost-
Nukes are an obscene abomination (it's really the perfect word)
shot callers, playas, player-haters, punk ass bitches
it's all good? to me, for me (2? 4?)
diabolical evil is delicious (and banal)
the devil argues his right to smite
if you fight for peace, you are doing military service (!)
even countries and cultures are false divisions, like race
humanity is a single organism, like a colony of ants, I think
we're all in the same boat, spaceship earth, the global village

Braintreee, Jesse tree, decision tree,
tree of life, tree of knowledge, genealogy, evolutionary branches

the middle way
between existence and nonexistence, eternity and oblivion,
evil depravity and virtuous saintliness: compromise between extremes
like the happy Buddha, gaining weight in his gut (the MIDDLE way, lol)
Undead?!  (between life and death)
moderation in all things, including moderation
I don't believe in eternal life, or our lives being utterly inconsequential, either.
we're slightly more than just dust in the wind


or, Jess, if you prefer

jessant -sprouting, issuing forth (like a plant)
jess- a tether for a hawk, used in falconry (a short strap, around the leg)
jester- court jester
jessemiah -I made this up, as if my name is short for it

father of King David, ancestor of Jesus
source of phrase "Jesse tree"

in spanish
Jesus (hey zeus), Chuy (chewy),
Isai (eesah-e), Jese (hess-a, accent on second e)
   alternative take on the commandment:
"don't take the lord's name in vane" (vanity?)
    (or vein, for that matter) (oops, I meant vain)

in hebrew
Isai, Yishai

Yassa, in arabic
   evokes a slave's deferential "yes sir"
   was Yasser Arafat a Jesse??
   fat: fear, anxiety, terror (phobophobia!)

King, God Exists, God's Gift (wikipedia)
"the whole office of the eucharist" (forgot the source)
which reminds me, it also means "god makes forget"
   eucharist could be code for 'eu a christ'
ingest, in jest, in Jess T
laughter, ugh later

there's a weird connection to AI and algorithms:
gift in spanish is regalo, rearraged to al gore, then algorithm
Isai can be made 'Is A.I.'

I like to think of myself as a

famous Jesse s
Jesse Jackson, James, Owens, Helms, "the body" Ventura
Ventura's real name is James Janos
Jesse was a tv show, starring Christina Applegate as Jesse
   and a host of other fictional Jesses (e.g. J Custer, J Chambers)
There's a Jesse Applegate (American pioneer)
Jesse's girl was a Rick Springfield song
Uncle Jesse (Jesse Duke, in dukes of hazard, played by Denver Pyle)
    (Jesse Katsopolis, in Full House, played by John Stamos)

see sj (society of Jesus, jesuits)
sees J (as in wwjd?) (almost JC)
j esse (being, essence in latin) (je suis, 'I am' in French)
   J is the tenth letter (I think of tennis, satan, and perfect 10)

a Jessie is an effeminate or namely-pamby man or boy
a Jesus is size of paper in France (approx "super-royal")
jessamine is jasmine
jessamy is jasmine or a dandy
jesserant is split armor (also jazerant)
jealousy is close (my middle initial is L)

JZ, jazzy

and, of course, the son of god and savior of mankind (lol)
Jesse Custer is The Preacher character, in the comic book
There's also an Anne Rice vampire named Jesse

Heaven and Hell

says Wikipedia

the word
Heave a load (e.g. Sisyphus).  Heave (vomit).  heaven as heaving
Hen ave.  (the road where the chickens are?)
Space, "The Heavens" (plural)
rhymes with seven and leaven
and Devan, and revvin' (your engine)
ave (as in ave Maria), hen (as in Hennessy)(or a dirt bath)
   heaven as praising the earth, your infinite home (after death)

also, a synonym for Paradise (pair of dice?), Utopia (heaven on earth)
The Kingdom (on earth as it is in Heaven)
the absence of suffering (associated with death)

also, I just read:
from Wikipedia, on 'firmament'
The ancient, scientifically disproven and absurd, concept IS Heaven!!
So, there is no (biblical) heaven, apparently

although there are plenty of alternative conceptions:
Afterlife can be conceived in many ways: on earth (immortality, like a vampire), a perfect new world on earth (like the JW's envision (-Jehovah's Witnesses), eternal life in heaven (soul migrating to another world, in space presumably, like in the movie Avatar, or maybe Jesus, on another planet), your dna (children) that live on after you die, your art or ideas (that persist, even after your body is gone), or your dust itself (if not alive, then perhaps "pushing up daisies" or food for insects), or "born again" as rebirth, in the sense of starting over, a new chapter in your life, or reincarnation in your next life, whether conceived of as Hindu, or Buddhist (cycle of samsaric suffering, sss), as a human if you're lucky, or an animal if you've been a bad boy (!), or your artwork (such as books, or music, or sculpture, or paintings, etc.), or "the conservation of matter" (your body and blood, your bones and brain, ashes to ashes, dust to dust), the "persistence of memory," giving you life as long as you are remembered (like in the animated movie Coco)...

Paradise is a town in California.  Heavenly is a ski resort (also in California).

Hell is (I already wrote a post about everything I could think of)
But one of the definitions is The Place of the Dead (so we're all headed there)
(nothing to be afraid of!): oblivion, nullibiety, non-existence
Hell is also a village in Norway.
Suffering, like Jesus on the cross, the passion.
    (paint, couch, touch: pain, ouch)
"you got to go to hell before you get to heaven" sings a (rock) song-
Just like how sexual passion can result in the pain of childbirth.
holy orders, sacred sequences

Please click the 'firmament' link.
If you believe the Bible is unerring, the word of God, this may prove enlightening.
(And how will Today's scientific understanding/paradigm be upended in ANOTHER thousand years (or two)??)

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Life is Life

Everyone is sentenced to Death, after a Life sentence (!)

On Death, Oblivion, and God
some woofing:

If God is love, and love believes all things
If reality is all the God there ever is
If Allah is all, and God is infinite-
Then nothing is bad.   Atheism is a path toward God.
Hell, atheism IS god.  Anything is.  Anywhere is.
Hell is good.  War is good.  Pain and suffering are good.
Even death.  Death is good.  “Evil” doesn’t exist.
Religion is a method of social control. 
There is heaven as an incentive, and hell as a disincentive.
The devil is good.  Hell is punishment for sin. 
And love is the reward for virtue.
 It’s all part of the structure and ordering of society.
Carrots and sticks are both employed
    in the service of progress, goodness, betterment, change.

It’s all good, as they say.  Do what you want.  Be yourself.  Justice and Law are the only limits.  Maybe karma, too.  Prison is good.  Sometimes you have to take a step backward to ultimately move forward.  Maybe history has theses, antitheses, and syntheses.  Vengeance is mine, says the lord.   Malice and menace, included.  God is a man of war.   God is the prince of peace.   God is love.  Is not God also hate?  Does he not despise sin?  Yes, all of that and more.  God is everybody, everything, all the time, always and everywhere.  From the stink of the didie to the stench of the shroud.  It is literally impossible to do evil.  Maybe the word evil shouldn't even exist in the language.  But maybe some things are better than others.  Freedom vs. slavery, or freedom vs. incarceration. Jesuits try and see God in all things.  Not everybody can.  Prison is good, and so is freedom.  War, and peace.  Life, and death.   It’s a radical philosophy.  Hell is just a state of mind.   All gods as facets of the one god.  Torture and cannibalism and cruelty, neglect, suicide, abortion, capital punishment, the meat industry, nuclear weapons, IT’S ALL GOD.  It’s all good.  Enjoy life.  Have at it.  Have a ball.    Everybody dies, eventually.  All is vanity.   Are these the thoughts of a pure psychopath, or a spiritually realized guru?

It’s all good.   Even the psychopaths, I guess.   People love the bad guys.  People root for Hannibal Lecter.  My dad said about his favorite high school class, "Those guys were terrorists."  And that was funny. The crime, the murder, the death, the pain, the suffering, the misery, the war, the hell, the blood and guts, the disease, the torment, natural disasters, acts of god, hatred, twisted cruelty, agony, torment, disgust, vicious brutality, serial killing, mass murder, knives and guns and bombs and hostility and aggression and violence, depression and schizophrenia and neuralgia and neuropathy…reality as God can be a tough pill to swallow.  Truth is good, and the truth is life is hell, frustration, futility, absurdity, nonsense.   Life is meaningless.   To make meaning, you have to be mean.   It’s right there, in the word, itself.  Crucify that fucker.  Nail the bastard.  String him up.  That’s how it should be.   That’s the meaning of life.  Vile violence, and violins.   The devil is for evil.  Because it’s not.  Because it’s good.  You are God just the way you are.  Live!  Before you die.   And everyone, absolutely everyone, dies.  Get to it.  Just do it.  Be all you can be.  Aim high.  Be an army of one.  Do what thou wilt.  I'm not asking you to be a terrorist, unless that's what you are.  God loves terrorists, too.

Life’s a bitch, and then you die.  Accepted social arenas for murder are police, military, soldiers of fortune, the agent of the state (“hangman”) in capital punishment cases, prisoners who murder other prisoners (especially child molesters), boxers and mixed martial artists, lawyers and judges who sentence criminals to death, abortion doctors, vigilantes like batman who are widely celebrated (if not in fact legally sanctioned), and assassins who dispatch unloved politicians.   Life can be like a game (like chess, or what have you).   You can simply love everyone, love every day, love it all, and enjoy life, as an observer, a neutral participant, a prayer warrior, a meditator, a writer, an influencer, a priest, a monk, anything, anything you want, anything at all.  A life without evil would be boring, I think.  But boring is another kind of evil, preferable for most, I think.

I’m considering making this my last post.  I’ll think of more, though, of course.  It never ends.

You have to stand up for what you believe.  There are different Gods, battling.  Life is a mess.  If there’s only one God, then everything is good, action and reaction, crime and punishment, injustice and unfairness and cruelty and disrespect, whatever happens.   The devil is an agent of God.   The “dark agent," in the chess game of life.  You can play, or get played.

Good mourning.  Good knight.   Good gawd.  
Jesus loves the hypocrites, too, right?  No.  He's dead.

It should be noted, as my mom taught me, God hates the sin, but loves the sinner.  Hates the terrorism, but loves the terrorist.   And so on.  Hates the sadism, but loves the sadist.  Unless it's performed on appreciative masochist.  Every rule has an exception!  Honestly, I don't believe or follow all the rules in this post.   But they logically follow and are entailed in the concept of an infinitely loving God.  Whether you agree, or have a visceral reaction against, either way is fine with me.  Because it's all good.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Butt Weight, there's more

Politics, my current state of play

1.God is love, love believes all things.
(so feel free to ignore me)
2.Romans 13 (and 1 Peter 2) says "everyone must submit to governing authorities, all authority comes from God, those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." -beliefnet

however, I want to say-

Trump is an idiot, a liar, a rapist, and a scumbag.   That is all.
     He is a criminal, and deserves to be in prison.
I do not think the charges against him are "trumped up," as it were.

Bernie is a kindly grandpa (7), with righteous anger.  I like him the most, I think.  I don't want a "revolution,"  but I do want his brand of change.

Tom Steyer graduated summa cum laude from Yale with degrees in economics and politics, and is a progressive billionaire.  He is associated with Hellman and Friedman, lol.  He signed on to the Giving Pledge.  He's worth $1.6B.

Bloomberg has/"is worth" $58B (14th in the world). Wikipedia says he studied electrical engineering at Johns Hopkins.  He wrote an autobiography... He's rabidly pro-choice :-(
He's been a Republican, but mostly Democrat.  He liked smoking pot, but thinks it should remain criminalized.  Go figure.  I cannot in good faith endorse someone who endorses the right of mothers to murder their fetuses.  But I like that he's a "relatively secular" jew, is data-driven, and increased the salaries of teachers (which improved test scores).  

Buttigieg studied History and Literature at Harvard (magna cum laude).  Then, (first class honors) in politics, economics, and philosophy.  Good shit.  Do we want to replace a Rump with a Butt?  Weirdness.   T-rump, rap name.   I think it's pronounced 'boot ij-ij'.   It means chicken-owner (poulterer), in maltesian.  Anyway, he was a soldier, he plays guitar and piano, speaks a bunch of languages, was a hs valedictorian and Oxford Rhodes scholar, and is a gay christian.  He chooses to opine on abortion as a decision "above his pay grade,"  which I feel is disingenuous, and which I don't respect (along with military service, to be honest).  Well, whatever.  Maybe (small, or "enemy combatant") life isn't worth all that much.

EW (Eliz War), likes the war in warren, I guess, to show she's a fighter.   Or maybe she doesn't want to identify as a Mann, lol.  Anyway,  she's a Harvard law professor.  She's authored 5 and co-written 6 more, books.  She was a champion hs debater, and studied speech pathology and audiology at UH, before being a public-school teacher (of children with disabilities) .  Has 2 kids, is a grandma (of 3).  She's smart, too.  But she keeps saying "big, structural change", like a mantra, as if voters have any idea how society should be structured, lol.  I just read only  26% of Americans can name the 3 branches of government (and 33% can't name any).  Ugh.  Not that professor-politicians should talk down to a retarded electorate, but I'm just saying.  If she wins, I get an extra $200/month.  I perceive Wall Street as selfish, out of control, and dangerous - and I trust her to keep banks and financial institutions in line and safe.  So I've given her money.  I like that she has so many plans, and is attentive to detail.  She's been Republican in the past, too.

Yang's UBI ("freedom dividend") should get serious attention, I think (universal basic income).  Democracy dollars are cool, too.  He might be more revolutionary than Bernie, actually.
After Bernie, my next favorite is Klobuchar, (ranking personalities, lol) -I think.  She has a sense of humor.  I don't know what her policies might be, except that she's "moderate."  Better than Trump, whatever it is.  Okay, wikipedia: Another Yalie.  Studied political science (magna cum laude).  Also a lawyer, also a prosecutor (like Kamala), Minnesota "lawyer of the year," works across the aisle, but... with a reputation for emotional abuse and rage with her staff... Funny, angry (schizo, like me).  Nobody's perfect.

I'm voting Warren.

Boring Me


    So I woke up one morning, around 9am, and said to myself, “Self, what do I want to do with my day?”, to which I replied, “I want to write a story.”  So, obeying myself (to thine own self be true), I proceeded to turn on my computer (an apple), and open the word processing program (“pages”).  Then, I stared at the blank screen, and wrote

    So I woke up one morning, around 9am, and said to myself, “Self, what do I want to do with my day?”, to which I replied, “I want to write a story.”  So, obeying myself (to thine own self be true), I proceeded to turn on my computer (an apple), and open the word processing program (“pages”).  Then, I stared at the blank screen, and wrote

You get the idea.

I ate some hot oatmeal.   I already ate the package of blueberries, and the other package of raspberries, so the “omio” (as Augustus calls it), went down plain and unadorned.  For me, oatmeal is a daily ritual.  I get the oats from either the food pantry or a store.  I like the “minute oats,”   that doesn’t need to sit in boiling water for however long.  Instant works for me.  

I’m all alone.  Well, I have almost a dozen roommates, but we don’t talk much.  They mostly speak spanish, which is kinda cool.  It’s a Mexican household.  One of them (Juan) plays a synthesizer (in the living room), right outside my door.  I like it here.  My room is big, the rent is good, the house is clean, there haven’t been any problems (the cockroaches are gone), and it comes with free wifi.   Plus, it’s close to Bart, which I use to get to family in SF, or Rover, in San Leandro.  

I’m supposed to write a story, but I’m just journalling about my boring life.  Sorry.

Okay.  Characters.  A rapper.  An AI programmer.  A cat.  
Plot.  Those crazy hijinks rappers are always getting into!  Blam! Blam!
Denouement, and resolution, and conclusion (?).  I forget about structure.  I’ll wing it.

Hm..  I woke up one morning from uneasy dreams to discover I had transformed into a rock dove (pigeon).   Uh,  that’s plagiarism, almost.  Sorry, Franz.   I’ll start over.

First, watch Talladega Nights.  Then, I’ll return.  Bye!

Okay, that movie sucked.  It was a little funny.  But more of a waste of time.  Sorry, Greg.  At least I learned how to rent movies on YouTube, through my PayPal account (link to wells fargo).   Can I watch tv like that?  Like Ridiculousness, or SNL, or South Park.  Bet I can.  I don’t see many movies.  I’ve seen thousands.  It’s like I’ve seen everything, already.  I like to keep it real, these days.  Martial arts and self-defense videos, for me, thank you.   They don’t even fight real in movies.  Not that I want to fight.  But BE PREPARED, right?

There’s just not enough time.  Prioritize health.  Eat clean.  Process reams of data.  Love life.
I just had a pound of beef, and a cherry coke.  So, starting over, NOW.  Gotta start somewhere.  Tomorrow is, another day.  

The Goal?  Speed-read the news (daily ny times, weekly economist, cs monitor, wikipedia, some yahoo, email Wapo, and Foreign Affairs (every 2 months? bimonthly)… 
and the onion and snl and Colbert
and the daily show and the tonight show
        for the satirical perspective. And a book/day.  
Daily exercise, gym, maintenance.  
Early to bed, early to rise.  Make friends, go on dates, get into nature, travel, shower, brush/floss/rinse, and blog.   If I want to be God, i’ve got lots of work to do.  Sanity, the first thing!! I don't think that's a selfish priority.

To do, in my room.  
trivia, music; jokes, dictionary, atlas; write, print blog
History 5, News 4 (of 7), (cs/econ/FA, at library)
owned (nonlibrary) books (incl. big book ofs), 
library books, surf wikipedia, favorites (internet): ted, arts and letters, inicio (spanish news)
   (pushups, dancing, lunges, yoga/stretch, bicycle crunches, 
    Dumb bells: passes, curls, bent row, tricep extensions)
meditate, nap, sleep.  clean, straighten, organize.  

Geez, I never need to leave my room.  Busy, busy.  
I’m boring myself.  Hopefully, you’re not in a coma, too.
My blog only got like 17 viewers, yesterday.   Shit.  I’ve become a bore.  What to do?  Nobody subscribes to my blog.  Nobody writes comments, or sends email.  I guess I’m just crazy.  In my own world.  Blogging, walking dogs, visiting family, music, reading, and watching video.   All alone with my trivia cards, my books, magazines, and internet.  That’s okay with me, really.  So it goes.

Eat well, brush and floss and rinse, be clean, eat clean, etb etr, daily exercise, maintenance,  and improvement.  Occasional weirdness: travel, nature, dating, restaurant, bus ride…

11 things: work, play.  
read, watch, listen.   
   eat, exercise, sleep.   
   write, talk, create.
it's all logistics, moving stuff around, including money and ideas.   
Temporary Tubes.   Simplicity.  You can make life a game: Superbetter - Be God
Be Good, Don't be evil.  Be a part of the solution, not a problem.
Be all you can be, aim high, good/better/best, helpful, kind
flawless, perfect, goat (make mistakes!), personal best
strong, fit, healthy, well, sane; reach your potential; greatest of all time!
Be happy, with love-bliss; content, satisfaction; safe, secure
Be love: in love, giving love, receiving love, loving all, loving life
Engaged, curious, learning, informed, educated
Have fun!  fun and games.  play, like a kid.  Do what makes you happy. 
laughter:  humor, satire, comedy, jokes
you're in your own world, you-niverse
community, get by with a little help from your friends

that's all, folks!