insane ignoramus
I and I, and cs lewis
sanity of Sean Hannity's pet manatee; vanity, all is vanity
who's sane, Hussein? who, said the owl?
saint, santa, satan, and sanity
insane, in the Seine
sane T (crucifixion)
insanely sane!
the seen scene; dreams, visions, videos, tv programs, movies
the Holy See, wholly c, Hole si!
I see, said blind man
ICU (intensive care unit, eye see you)
brain storms and barn storming
is quid pro quo illegal? it just means this for that!
every economic transaction is a quid pro quo
it was a phrase in the Silence of the Lambs...
but that doesn't make it wrong
"senseless violence"
doesn't violence sharpen the senses?
enhance memory, quicken perception, thrill?
psychopath vs. sociopath
pathology and the path not taken
(that has made all the difference)
spam: selfish, predatory, antisocial, manipulative
pure psychopath, pp, urine, you're in
inform, deform, reform, conform, transform
info, in foe; "sinformation"
lots of random data
read, Reed (college), Reid (Harry)
election has lect in it (a lector is a reader)
dare, dream, dear, are D (smile, devil)
democratic politics: "gives people a voice"
representatives who will "fight for you"
schizophrenia and violence?!
dumb, ignorant, moronic, stupid, foolish, incurious,
uneducated, unquestioning, uncritical, uninformed, unengaged
I don't mind dumb (silent), and retarded (can't help it)
reckless, wreckless, a safe driver, defensive
erect, direct (direction, directive), rectory, rectum
if you're bored, then you're boring
politics: poly ticks, many bloodsuckers
vampiric leaches, mosquitoes, ticks
draining, suck the life out of you, tired, exhaustion, beat
vv, two fangs, eye teeth, canines (k9s)
vampire voice (Dracula was a lawyer) victim, victory, vanquished
vampire v. god (thou shalt not judge)
adversarial, verses versus inverse, universe (one verse?)
the word of god, only say the word and I shall be healed...
one word is enough for all of us
god is a guard on duty
sug, sugar, suggestion for Jess T, in jest, ingest
pray, prey (prayer warriors, predatory?)
grace, gr ace (angry perfection) (a dish served cold?)
22 hours ago
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