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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Life is Butter Dream


urinating, micturating, pissing, peeing. (orinar)
Go with the flow, yellow stream, stream of consciousness
Yellow, yell ow!  Bubbles, blossom, buttercup (powerpuff girls)
Pop!  music, soda, father, bubble burst (goes the weasel)
Toilet, toy let, a doll that bleeds?!, vampiric reference
Objectification, boy toy, girl doll, gd, oy!
People ARE objects.  Bodies ARE things.  
Catholic Mass, and physical mass, substance, f=ma (force/acceleration)
Mind and mined, you the bomb, Barack Obama.  
Mind and my ND (notre dame, our mother), mother earth
Stream it!  Mindstream (buddhist term), meditation, wordless transmission
midstream, downstream, bits and bytes, wifi, dreams
Aikido flow, morpheus, creativity/muse, row row row your boat
Life is a dreamy butt, butter dream, wake up from life?
Buddha, awake!  Wake down?  A boat’s wake.  Wacky.
Ripple, on still water.  Up on ripple creek.   Cripple.  
We, our bodies, our selves
are like boats, with new parts, until entirely different, yet the same!
(philosophy thought-experiment)
mind, thought, ideas, concepts, stream, flow, consciousness, words, images
imagination, creativity, productivity, engagement, stimulus, “mental-masturbation”
see, hear, smell, taste, touch
visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory
If life is a dream (lie F?), who is the dreamer?  Who is dreaming?  God?
Corporate sleep, teams, churches, countries, humanity, life, the universe
A man dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of a man
And now, may The Great Master of all scouts, be with us, until we meet again.  
The alpha male (female?)
groupthink, memes, hypnosis, collective consciousness, Jung’s CU
Fictional factions, all-1!
unity, community
Mind control, programming
Think without ceasing, prayer, “prayer-warriors”
Mental illness, schizophrenia, madness, mad crazy insane, voice, telepathy
The fundamental delusion of humanity is I am in here and you are out there
Interpenetration, all in all is all we are, we are all spies, always spying
politics, chess, endgames, money moves, power moves, computers, Go!
Higher power, in control, corporate mind, different facets of God/gods, deities
Ceo of humanity, mayors, governors, presidents, etc.   distributed computing.
Spacetime and quantum computing and science (describe, predict, explain reality/phenomena)

Monday, November 25, 2019

Pow! Bang! Boom!

what was that?

Pow!  I got hit in the head by a piece of ceiling!  A giant rock just came crashing through my roof!  It’s steaming and embedded in my floor.   Call 911!  This is an emergency!  I ask my wife, do we have insurance for meteorite strikes?  Shit.  At least I’m okay.  My head isn’t bleeding.  Of all the places in the entire universe, it had to find its way to my living room.  Kinda like winning the lottery, when you think about it.   Maybe it’s valuable.  Maybe I can sell it on ebay.  Maybe a museum will want it.  Maybe it’s kryptonite!  I can be Lex Luthor!  Wait, is it a space ship?  Is there anyone inside?  Am I the first contact of an alien civilization?  Is it alive?  Helloooo in there!  Can you hear me?  Do aliens have ears?  Well, okay, I’ll deal with it in the morning.  I’m going to sleep.  Goodnite, space rock.   Goodnite, alien.  Goodnite, wife.

Bang!  The shot rang out, right outside my window.  There’s someone running away, I can’t even make out the clothing, much less a face.   There’s somebody lying in our yard, bleeding.  Shit!  I better call 911.  An ambulance.  Go see if he’s alive.  Or she.  Omg, there’s no face.  There’s no way he’s alive.  On MY yard?  What the fuck?  I want to feel safe, in my domicile.  Now I’m gonna have to move.  Fuckin’ thugs.  Maybe someone saw the perp.  Maybe there’s a camera, somewhere.  Is it gang-related?  Maybe there’s a gang war.  Maybe the shooter is next to be shot.  Wouldn’t surprise me.  Tit for tat.  Justice.  karma.  vengeance.  revenge.  A law of the universe.  What goes up, must come down.  You get what you give.  You reap what you sow.  You live, you die.  Life’s a bitch, and then you die.  So it goes.  He had a nice ride.  Last stop on this bus, buddy.  You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here!  Death to death!  Death, thou shalt die!   Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Meet your maker.  Burn in hell.  Re-unite with Brahma.  Become one with the universe.  Oblivion, like Vivian, or was it Olivia.   Revive! With vivarin.  Nullibiety, so go buy a tee.  Spawn til you die.  Ahead warp zillion.  Happy face with a bullet hole.  Kill ‘em all, let god sort ‘em out.  Japanese tea ceremony requires a tea shirt.  Ha! 

Boom!  What was that?  I think a bomb just blew up.   Bomb go boom.  Or blew down.  Blue down.  The sky is falling.  Goose feathers, slowly drifting to earth.  Skyfall is a movie.  Back to pow.  Prisoner of war.   Pow-wow.   Native American drumming, dancing, food, culture, items for sale.   Getting back to nature.  Getting front to nature, too.  Big bang.  Banking.  Bang king.  Bankok.  Bong smoking, and bang, an energy drink.  Bangs, women’s hair.  Bangalore, too.  And, yes, of course, bing.   Ben gay.  bungholes.  Boom goes 4th of July.  Boom goes fireworks.  Bam!  Put some spice on it.   
    Thinking the unthinkable.  Nukes and cities and chaos and melting flesh.  The blinding flash, and shock wave, and radiation.  Horror.  Cities aflame with rock and roll.  The end of the world?  Just the beginning of an infinite hell?  Move on.  Nothing to see, here.  Just a M80 firework that blew a hole in this house.  Creation is better than destruction, kiddies.  Make love, not war.   Make dinner, not bombs.  Make out, not in.  What?  Ya, I dunno, either.  Have a nice day.  H.A.N.D.   han D, smiling chinese.  Happy, happy.  Joy, Joy.  


latest in JLT's world

Bike in the shop, getting maintenance (new brake pads, and fixing the kickstand), $62 damage, ready tomorrow, I think/hope.  I start sitting for 4 days, tomorrow, too, for Junie and Giffen and the 2 outdoor cats, up the block.   They’re going to Oregon and Florida (Electra, Teresa, and  Johnny).  I’m going to my parents house in SF on Thursday night for Thanksgiving dinner.  I’ll bring gifts for my nephew's birthday.  A top and glow dough for my younger nephew, and maybe a giant Jenga game for Greg.  I’ll bring back a coffee pot.  And I should get cookies!  Tomorrow, I have a dental appointment, Berkeley free clinic, 8p.  Maybe I’ll have my bloodwork results, online, from Kaiser.  Then this weekend I’ll help Grace and pick up the back issues of the New York Times (and get paid!).  The following weekend I’m putting lights on the folks’ xmas tree.  That’s the plan, man.  Punctuated by reading the ny times and reading thousands of trivia cards!  Life is good!  No time for a book a day, though.  Unless I up my game, and learn how to speed read.  Which I think I really SHOULD do.  Go slow, says Key Caulker.   Well, whatever.  

Go fast!  Celerity, posthaste!  Onward!  Git r done.  Giddyup.  Get a move on.  Get goin. I like to move it, move it.  Yah!  (the yah way).  Mush! (in the mush room).  Wear a speedo.  With a quickness.  Take some Speed.  Meth? Coke?  Caffeine?  Red Bull?  Plain old sugar?  Get amped!  Woosh, zip, vroom, flash!  Running man.  Flash gordon.   That x-men character.  Quicksilver.  Quicksilver messenger service.  Ha.  

Read demon.  Faster than you can turn the pages!  Ingest?  In jest!  In Jess T.   Devour the pages.   Eat it up, yum.  Drink it in.  Absorb.  Consume.  Engage!  Yummy.  Feed your head.

Alternate universe, different reality, in other people’s heads, escapism, satisfying the thirst and itch and curiosity, engaged and absorbed, and thinking and learning, transported to different times and places, situations, creativity, being taken for a ride, follow different stories, artistic visions, imagination, stimulus, vocabulary, characterization, plots and development, states of consciousness… travel.   literary culture shock!

History and poetry.  What’s the haps?

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Saturday night

Happy 40th birthday, bro!

The world is in turmoil.   elections, demonstrations, riots, wars, displacement and migration, climate change, artificial intelligence, billionaires and homelessness, the internet providing access to omnipresent near- omniscience, quantum computers, trump and his stream of idiocy and foolishness… my family and my roommates and friends, and my routines (early to bed, early to rise), trying to be more vegetarian, and use and improve my spanish, and do things like go to glide memorial, or explore Tilden park, or do (free!) yoga, or simply do daily fit-bits of exercise like push-ups or planks, or fly a kite with my nephew in SF, if I can…

Personally, besides blogging, I walk dogs with Wag! (am I still an independent contractor?  There was a court case..), and read books, and try and keep up with news (i bought a ny times subscription), and daily history, and fill in the time with trivia cards and amazon echo (‘alexa’) music and jokes, and some exercise (i have a gym membership), with the abundance of youtube videos (i especially like self-defense, and cirque, and magic, and mtv ridiculousness videos).  I want to buy cool Christmas gifts for everybody, and produce an excellent blog (which gets around 85 page views a day), and of course, be all I can be.

Fires and hurricanes and corruption and human rights abuses and terrorist threat and cyber-insecurity and filter bubbles and so many things to do, like ted talks, or J! Archive, or wikipedia, or Joe Frank…. There’s just so much going on.   I want to read Bloom’s canon, and Bill Gates’ book recommendations, and all the award winners, and the best American series, and the 1001/501 must-read lists, and listen to the 10,001 songs (from another book).   There’s really too much homework I’ve assigned myself.  Life is great, and never boring, even when I retreat into meditative silence, which is ALSO important.  I have like 10 joke books.  That's a fun world to go into, periodically (including standup comedy).

That’s enough.   I don’t need to have a girlfriend, or be in a relationship - I’m happily asexual.  I’m doing something, 24-7.  I’m as productive and healthy as I can be, and aiming high, for mental health as well as being physically fit and strong, and grateful and appreciative for my amazing life.   If I don’t do anything wrong, then I’m doing something right.  If I’m not suffering, then I’m enjoying the comfort.  Life is simple.  Being good, which in itself is being God, is simply not being bad.   That’s doable.  That’s not something unhuman or impossible.   That’s a gospel I can preach to everybody, no matter what you believe.   Getting paid to exercise is a pretty good deal.   Engagement in my blog and learning and music and books and the news and health is an example that I think exceeds even the level of our current president (!).   I'm not lying an average of 22 times a day.   So, call me crazy, but I think my life is insanely sane.   Peace be with you.  Shalom.  Peace be unto you.  May the force be with you.  Peace out.  Aleikum.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

crazy stupid

insane ignoramus

I and I, and cs lewis
sanity of Sean Hannity's pet manatee; vanity, all is vanity
who's sane, Hussein?  who, said the owl?
saint, santa, satan, and sanity
insane, in the Seine
sane T (crucifixion)
insanely sane!
the seen scene; dreams, visions, videos, tv programs, movies
the Holy See, wholly c, Hole si!
I see, said blind man
ICU (intensive care unit, eye see you)
brain storms and barn storming
is quid pro quo illegal?  it just means this for that!
    every economic transaction is a quid pro quo
    it was a phrase in the Silence of the Lambs...
       but that doesn't make it wrong
"senseless violence"
    doesn't violence sharpen the senses?
    enhance memory, quicken perception, thrill?
psychopath vs. sociopath
    pathology and the path not taken
    (that has made all the difference)
         spam: selfish, predatory, antisocial, manipulative
      pure psychopath, pp, urine, you're in
   inform, deform, reform, conform, transform
   info, in foe;  "sinformation"
    lots of random data
read, Reed (college), Reid (Harry)
election has lect in it (a lector is a reader)
dare, dream, dear, are D (smile, devil)
democratic politics: "gives people a voice"
    representatives who will "fight for you"
    schizophrenia and violence?!

dumb, ignorant, moronic, stupid, foolish, incurious,
uneducated, unquestioning, uncritical, uninformed, unengaged
I don't mind dumb (silent), and retarded (can't help it)
     reckless, wreckless, a safe driver, defensive
     erect, direct (direction, directive), rectory, rectum

if you're bored, then you're boring
politics: poly ticks, many bloodsuckers
   vampiric leaches, mosquitoes, ticks
draining, suck the life out of you, tired, exhaustion, beat
vv, two fangs, eye teeth, canines (k9s)
vampire voice (Dracula was a lawyer) victim, victory, vanquished
     vampire v. god (thou shalt not judge)
adversarial, verses versus inverse, universe (one verse?)
the word of god, only say the word and I shall be healed...
one word is enough for all of us
god is a guard on duty
sug, sugar, suggestion for Jess T, in jest, ingest
pray, prey (prayer warriors, predatory?)
grace, gr ace (angry perfection) (a dish served cold?)

Monday, November 18, 2019

Acting God (skits O)

Hearing my thoughts, here

People I avoid:
Stupid people, who don’t think.  Dumb people, who don’t talk.  Dumb people that do talk, or talk too much.  Retarded people.  Ignorant fools.  Incurious morons.  Unquestioning idiots.  Uncritical imbeciles.  Uneducated, uninformed dumbshits.  Twits spitting shit without wit.  Ignant fooz.  People that can’t read, or who watch tv all day, or don’t use libraries.  People that don’t care.  People that don’t vote.  Boring blatherskites.

People I hate? people that hate.  I guess I hate myself.
I hate hating, haters, hatred, and h8.   The snake eating its tail.
crazy, lazy.   Mad, insane, nuts, loco.  Schizophrenics and homeless.
Ignant, stupid, uneducated, uninformed
idiot, fool, moron, imbecile, twit, retard, dumbshit
assholes, dicks
sick and twisted
cruel, uncaring, rotten
Don’t be a hater?
But there’s so much to hate!
People with closed minds.  People that hate ME.
I’d hate myself if I didn’t hate
I hate my voice.  No, not my voice.  My voice.
Is schizophrenia the equivalent of prayer? (if god hears thought)
Is madness being angry?
Is a manatee in the Seine a crazy thought?
Fuck normal.  Flee, fly.  Flow.   Flay the fillet.
Stream of consciousness, mindstream, flows ever onward,
To the ocean of the internet.  A sea of things for the Holy See to see.
Flu, flew.  Bird flu.  Nubian Avian, maybe Ian.  Fluid druid.
Thoughts don’t derail, unless there are tracks.
Free your mind, neo. 
Knowledge, wisdom, understanding
Knowing the ledge, taking a piss, and standing over.

Pissed off and pissed on.  Hate and height and heat.  What a hoot.

Sick flow
Spirituality.  Spear it.  Britney and pickles.  Shakespeare.  Sex.  Jesus’ side.  Chew is a part of it.  Chuy is my name.  Me llamo Chuy.  Pronounced Chewy.   Like the petfood, or the granola bars.   Or bread.  bred.  London Breed.   Bread, read b.   Words of christ in red.  Written in blood.  B is butt, breasts, too.   Have you been washed in the blood of Jesus? JCON.   Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  conviction, and convicts.  Words and phrases and sentences.   Word to your mother.  Ends in a period.  Forked tongue, like a snake.  Slippery lawyers.  Led zeppelin, cuz you know sometimes words have two meanings.  T.W.O.  the world is over.   The whole office.  twa, thoughts words and actions.  An airline.  twat.  Twitter tweets for twits and women with tits, tights, and tats.  Tet offensive,  Taught about King Tut.   Tat tet tit tot tut.   Toys for tots.   Toot your horn, toots.  Honk honk, said the train, the traffic, the geese.  Honky tonk bar.  Tonka truck.  Gin and tonic.  Jinn, eblis, azazel.  Hooked on phonics.  Phone addiction.  Phony Tony.  Tiny Tim.  Tamara, Tamara you’re only a day away.  Associations, like the central intelligence agency, or the American technical institute.

List ten ng to raap
Rapid rape rap?  Rapier wit.  Rapunzel.  Rapport.  Raptor, rapture. Serape
rapacious, rapacity, rapidity.
rape, are ape

Wut, huh?  
wurd! 2 ya maamuh, wrapper

Saturday, November 16, 2019


let's solve them!

suffering, pain, unhappiness, dukkha
apathy, resignation, hopelessness, anomie
violence, war, gangs, terrorism, enemies
abuse, cruelty, bullying, intimidation, slavery
crime, assault and battery, murder, rape
theft, arson, vandalism, trespassing, breach of privacy
spite, malice, revenge
hatred, anger, rage, wrath, fury
sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, us/them
poverty, homelessness, hunger
famine, starvation, malnourishment
ignorance, incuriosity, stupidity, foolishness
lying, deception, misleading, bad faith, disrespect
mental illness, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia
greed, corruption, inequality, injustice, unfairness
health coverage, disease, addiction, obesity
education, training, infrastructure, long-term thinking
pollution, global warming, extinctions
deforestation, desertification, overfishing
meat, abortion, capital punishment
immorality, sin, guilt

misery, anguish, despair
threat, insecurity, unpreparedness
insanity, madness, psychopathy
weakness, vulnerability, discomfort
resentment, distrust, uncaring, unkindness
brutality, savagery, ruthlessness
wickedness, evil, turpitude
wrong, bad, illegal, unethical behavior -
"in what I have done, and what I have failed to do"
closed mindedness, superiority
godlessness? unrighteousness?
attachment, aversion, craving, delusion

stress, worry, fear, lack of courage, pusillanimity
neglect, fires, hurricanes, disasters
inhumane treatment, iniquity, transgression
palages- pride avarice lust anger gluttony envy sloth
uninformed, lack of civic engagement, activism
surrender, submission, powerlessness
subversion, traitor, faithlessness, impiety
authoritarianism, lack of sanitation, clean water
monkey mind, unskillful thought, words, deeds
cynical manipulation, amorality, sociopathy
impurity, poison, toxicity, uncleanliness, filth

isolated, alienated, alone, lonely, solitary, antisocial
selfish, obscene, judgmental, untrustworthy
inebriated, intoxicated, drunk, impaired
disloyal, unhelpful, unfriendly, discourteous, disobedient
gloomy, morose, spendthrifty, irreverent
imprudent, foolhardy, thoughtless

Friday, November 1, 2019

thought-form associations

I've been listening to Master Teacher Radio
(a Course in Miracles)
loco, but stimulating

"associations" (about 'association'! : ass, so, cia, shun)
     tion- that is on, cross ion, I on cross, on it, no it, shun, etc.
     asshole shuns cia;
     the central intelligent agent might not be in the cia!
types of association: groups of people / interaction; (gop!)
    linguistic, conceptual, object relations
sin, separation, guilt
sickness, pain, death, sacrifice, crucifixion
inevitability and universality of death,  no exceptions
oblivion, nullibiety vs. eternal life, immortality
fear, insanity, chaos, cross
reality is your union with God
truth, purpose, meaning
the love of God
subjectivity, salvation, forgiveness
there is no past, there is no future, there is only now
karma, reciprocity, giving, receiving
mental masturbation, the mind associating with itself
you are your own conflict, split-mind
holiness and wholeness
release your identity
there is rebirth, every instant
spiritual growth, atonement (at-one-ment)
giving is receiving
you are perfect, divine, whole - as god created you
nothing is evil
it is impossible to be unjustly treated
you are possessed by your own thoughts
leadership to death
god and anti-god

some of my own:
smalbed: satan mephistopheles antichrist lucifer beelzebub, evil, devil
incest: iniquity crime evil sin turpitude
ellen, Lenore, helen
lek hl (Leslie, elle, Kathy, helen, Lenore) Lecter, hannibal
LN, KT (ellen, Katie)
mercury (4)- Michael Mercury, car (comet), planet, element hg)
love and evolution (love you shun)
atheist and a theist, godsend or god's end?
slave- slay and save (do you not know that you are not. your own? -NT)
the worthy words of Wordsworth
the witty hitman, Walt Whitman
bruce jenner, jen brucer, caitlin jenner; bruce lee; bruce almighty
   pat bruce, bruce meads, bruce mibach, mountain man
gay candy: mike and Ike's, ben and jerry's, m and m's, her-she's
cvs: crime vice sin, Cthulhu Voldemort Sauron, catholic victim of satan
dae- distant angry estranged, David Andrew eldridge
    dea (drug enforcement agency, part of death),
    aed - automated external defibrillator, etc.
drugs, meds/medications, pharmaceuticals
am/pm; am/fm (prime minister?, former marine?)
god/devil, good/evil, chess/war, black/white, win/loss, zero sum
problem/solution, adversary opponent enemy (aeiou!) I and you
hell and heaven are the same place, states of mind
happy and healthy vs. hating and hurting

indigent indigenous indignation
elegant and arrogant
eminent and eloquent
console the consul
asana sanity, yoga and yogis and yogurt
cold u could cloud
awkward award
premise, promise, compromise, calm prom, my eyes
coffee, coffin, cough
first fist, resurrection, res-erection, come again?
adult, a dolt; youth, you; child, chai;
   elder, leader, older, odor.  L Reed.

mad crazy insane (mci), mentally ill, schizo, sick (miss).
   psychotic, delusional (pd)
deep, depths, Honda ('deep' in spanish), (honey, duh)
voices, victims, and vampires (Dracula was a lawyer)
courts (hearts in French?), litigation: x  v.  y (v as versus)
creativity, passion, constructs

you are always in your own circumstance and subjective condition
sex and procreation, procrastination (pro-c)
reality is what you are, your self-identity ("your" self)
surrender yourself to god, unconditional love
association is what is keeping you from god
god only gives, give everything - you are everything
   grim reaper, grievance, give receive, golden retriever
bones and flesh, hardware and software
fag, fear and guilt
sheep and goats, wheat and chaff
room and tomb
ss- mission, passion, association, consciousness, purposelessness
   singleness of purpose,
  (st. Stephen's (stoned)-white reality, red passion; sss, hissing snakes)
soy- shame on you
sow-savior of the world
human condition, con-dish-in
eat is a part of death
thyme and time, Enya- only time, spacetime blocks, instantiation
   alpha and omega, remembering now, end times
   the universe re-arranges itself, creation, ideation and prayer
oow! out of this world; in this world but not of it
specie and species (tv and total value, totally valuable)
man and human and newman (and Gary Oldman)
scrip and script and scripture (and crypt)
criteria and cry tears; loss=joy
l.a.  -lonely and alone
forms and formulations
there is only mind, you are nothing but your mind
all the world's a stage, staged in your mind, "fearfully fun"
common source and common sense
brain and rain and the matrix, "right as rain"
sickness, suffering, sin
forgive and forget (and four)
(2) the force, death, jew, Jesus, beast and the world is over
t.w.o.  - the whole office (of the eucharist)(meaning of 'Jesse')
time, that is me, you will kill yourself, murder by death/time
the projection project, object project, this or that
transformation and transfiguration (and trance)
energy associations, stars and photons, space between (neurons?)
light and consciousness and enlightenment and my burden
  and dreams and visions and light-headed and light-hearted
  illumination, thrill (and illness), distance between thoughts
  mass energy equivalence, beings of light
unity and singleness of purpose of the universe, oneness of mind
black hole, dark side, earth and moon, evil, danse macabre
hole, whole, holy
"little death"- orgasm
god is not conceivable -kristamurti
cells and shells, animation, possession
sad- sickness and death (oblivion, rebirth, or heaven?)
   god is love, love believes all things, so-
   god holds all three possibilities in quantum superposition?
   (just a thought) (all possibility, in fact!)
lord- life or death
vim (and vigor!) -vengeance is mine
respect and reflect
you are the hero of your own dream
convent and conventions
subject and object, madonna's material world,
goal objective destination (gooooool!!!)
reanimation, animal, anne-i-mate (lol)
God is One, everyOne, each (5138=8) is god (764=8)

a few more:

lightning lighting
perception, deception, inception
phony telephony
hay weight I got a wind ow pain
  4 ever in debt 2 your priceless ad vice
beloved boulevard (blvd)
I am Isai, am I....ami (French friend)
lector, like Lecter
I am a boar (Chinese astrology), boring pig
   I eat myself (I like pastor tacos, bacon, pork loin, salami)
street saint (something, sum thin, 6)
meat has me in it
outstanding incentives
progressive congress
imminent exile
evolution of death
transgressive transportation
  driven by a transvestite transexual
Damon's demon is dementia
blacks on the block
   bleck bluck!
chief chef
government argument
environmental alien (green gray), angry color
security scrutiny
guidance, guy dance
real royalty, queen on quinine, King Kong
ass, anxiety sadness shame
vampire empire umpire, steak stake, stakeholders, Keats
negro nagger drinkin nog
I am, am I?  Iam's cat food, amigo.
mediation, medication, meditation
fat infatuation and fate
hate crimes and hating crime
heart rending and rendering
team time
general's genitals
penis from Venus
animated by animus
plotting to plop in the plot
sated state, worst west
rei, rewarding exciting interesting
snide talk on the sidewalk, buy a glock?
the jock chased a flock of cocks around the block
white on top: white supremacy or, hair, or whipped cream?
alone groan, moaning Joan, a clone on the phone
rap nap: (crap! I got the clap! snap!)(slap your gap), dirty dozen
 strapped, cap, flap, app, baps, haps, japs, lap, map, sap, tap, zap!

dump trump
   mendacity, criminality, hypocrisy, incompetence
sister, resist, is rest
soldier, lord is e (i.e. S), i.d. loser
identity, i.d.  entity
accident, axe sid (vicious) ent (lord of rings walking trees)
   cutting down a tree, a branch of the family tree
sin, iniquity, transgression, unrighteousness
    godlessness, faithlessness, impiety, irreverence
collusion collision
cyber-bribery at the library
eternal learning, learn extraterrestrial, real net, real ten
trump putter and mutter
Putin and mutton