religiosity and spiritual ideation
god is love
but is love god?
a bird is an animal, but an animal is not (necessarily) a bird
necessarily Sarah Lee, any cess (pool)
love believes all things: things? love believes?
try looking up the definition for 'love' in the OED
(Oxford English dictionary), it goes on forever! love never dies, lol.
things don't make assertions (well, people ARE things, actually: bodies)
and love is a noun and a verb, but not an entity/being?
maybe God believes all things (that's part of the definition of God)
or, your lover believes anything you say (if it's true love)
(virtual realities are still realities)
god is one
god is Neo, eon, noe, and (my one, anagram for money)
all gods are different names, avatars, facets/expressions of the ONE God?
1 world is enough for all of us -police
all-1 -dr. bronner (on the soap label)
All, ah. Reality is all the god there ever is -Adidam
satan, say ten, 11215 (actually), sums to 1 (!), Santa, saint, holy, holes
1 and 0, phallus and hole, holes: ova (oral, vaginal, anal)
god is a number? book of numbers. numb, brr.
the count: Sesame Street (s.s.), Dracula (vampire, demon)
dragons and nazis
god is older than one, lol.
terrible 2's, godly 1's?
beast with 2 backs, sexual union: make love, make baby
god the Creator (mother and father, as one)
love (according to my -less than exhaustive/authoritative- chambers dictionary): fondness, an affection that gives pleasure, strong liking, devoted attachment to another person, sexual attachment (cum-unity), cupid/eros- god of love.
Always Love Life Attachment Hell
just a thought I had, for a buddhist spin on it
gawd! christ! (death) hell: he'll, he will
hell, heil (Hi! L), heal, heel
christ: crys T (t as cross)
Jesus: hey Zeus (Greek gods, Gr, eek! grim reaper, snake)
Jess, u (u as smile, me/you)
Chuy, Isai: chewy (eucharist, granola bars, Chewbacca),
AI: artificial intelligence, artificial insemination, amnesty int'l
"only god is good"
no good? only lies are good? (e.g. fiction at the library; tv/movies)
keepin' it realz, dawg (Anne I mull) Anne rice, vampire, I'm a perv
humans are (just) animals, like tubes/worms (eat, excrete)
(only, justice)
vamp is a part of a shoe, shoe is a cartoon
Jesse, Jesus, Zeus (vampire, greek god, 1/3 of God)
dvd plus ai (David)
Teshara: as earth, he's a rat, as heart, as hater
hart sea (Gary hart)
shat ear (mike tyson)
Hillary : (capital) hill, Larry (my dad, Mr. T)
USA: united state: am Erica!
mind meld, sexual union, political and military (common enemy)
A: ace, ass, America (aaa)
urination: u r in nation (micturate, wiz, piss) gee, whiz.
yellow: yell ow
p: ack (tongue sticking out emoticon)
Go: Japanese board game, green light, van Gough
O.D.: overdose, LD50, odie - the dumb dog in Garfield comic strip.
(o.g. original gangster)
soc (sociology, stream of consciousness, mindstream)
collective unconscious:
God, god, deity, divine, holy, sacred, blessed, lord, christ, king, father
love, lust, heaven, paradise, utopia, kingdom of god, shangrila, shambala
Jesse, Jesus, Chuy, Isai. Chessy:
(Tim) bishop, (Michael) king, (Sam) castle-scott, (Jeff) pon, Brooks (Chorley),
Knight (Ellen), Red Queen (Christine)
chessy, juicy, jazzy, jealousy, jayzee, Jussie
Jesse, David, Four, Al
number, Berkeley (numb, chilly); Chile, chili
Benjamin Mathew (math? ew!), BM: banh mi
Elizabeth Warren, poutine: pooh teen
politics: poly ticks
vampire: I'm a perv, vamp ire, ire land, v. (litigation), v am pyre (burning), amp
the count (down for the count)
numerology (new me are all oh gee)
calculations, cal cu later!, lay asians
cal! (graffiti approval: Colorful, Artistic, or Legible)
UC, California, Ripkin, Calvin, calendar
Q: question, Star Trek omnipotent being
(accordion to my Cal Q lay asians...)(!)
d.e. constructs
distant angry estranged
no spell blood
be lewd, blew d, blue, loo b/d
hip-hop hopi, house of pain, hoppy easter
Jesse you've got me swallowing
I'm fucking tired Jesse
David crying Jesse
I hate myself
I can't do it
German sermon
serving Noah's kids for dinner (Ham)
Jesus had 12 opossums, healed many leopards
divinity, dive in it why? dive in me- Nirvana
22 hours ago
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