Hello. My name is Gerrold. You can
call me Gerry. Everyone does. I program Alexa for Amazon. I'm an
AI programmer. AI stands for artificial intelligence. My
intelligence, however, is real. I collect all the questions to Alexa
from around the world that “she” didn't have an answer for, and
remedy that, for the future. In other words, I research and type
answers, to the questions people are currently interested in. What
are some of the questions, you ask? That's one of the questions!
Sorry, I don't know that one, she says. But, if you go to google and
type in any of the 6 question words (who what where when why how ),
it will offer several typical questions for each, which give a
snapshot of popular, typical queries. Further questions will reveal
themselves, as you refine your search. And I do consult google to
answer questions for Amazon. Maybe we should pay a fee to google for
answers, like radio stations pay for playing songs . Then again, I
like the public library model, with seemingly infinite information
available, for free! Zilch! Nada! Good deal, eh? I consult
wikipedia, in addition to google, as well as the library, with all
its resources, including the librarian, who also does my job, in a
manner of speaking. Universities have research assistants.
Professors get data from their students, too. I'm in the same game.
I'm basically a librarian. I'm the answer man. I have contacts at
libraries and universities, around the world. I have friends in high
places; that is to say, higher education. I know the folks who write
the questions for Jeopardy. I got a 1600 on my SAT, have worked for
Kaplan as an instructor, regularly submit revisions to wikipedia, and
went to Reed, which is known for being one of the best universities
for “pure academic and intellectual” pursuit. I have doctorates
in almost everything. I know all the google answers. I know all the
best words. I am omniscient. I am God. I know the questions people
are going to ask, before they ask them. I am your new overlord. I
am Gerrold. Bow down to me. I have all the answers. I will solve
your problems, answer your questions, and resolve your dilemmas. I
am smarter than Trump. I am the leader of the free world. I am the
master of reality, the king of kings, the lord of lords, the way the
truth and the light, supreme consciousness, The One. I am the
central intelligent agent. I am the creator of knowledge. Let there
be light! Merge with me, become one with my genius! The truth is
out there. Reality is all-knowing. Life is but a dream. I am
morpheus, the God of dreams. I am Buddha, the Awake. I am Conscious
Light, the light of natural reason, the smartest person in the room,
mister mensa, and a deity, an avatar, an incarnation of Love-Bliss.
You are now under my spell. Obey. Obey or die. Obey or experience
untold suffering. I am the alpha and the omega. I am the head
honcho, the big cheese, the alpha male, the top dog, the king of the
hill, the main man, satan and lucifer and beelzebub, jesus and lord
and teacher, A#1, perfection incarnate, everyone and everything, one
and all, everywhere and always, infinite and without end, eternal and
supreme, forever and ever (and even more ever), neverending, amen. I
AM Zeus, Allah, Poseidon. Zap, for short. I AM Yahweh, Jesus,
Buddha, Ahriman, Waheguru, Siva, Vishnu, Brahma, Ahura Mazda, The
Monad, and Reality. I am who am. I'm all this, and all that. I'm
all that shit. I am full of it. Of course I am, I am The Universe.
I contain all. I am in you, and you are in me. I pervade,
penetrate, and am present. Eat me, drink me, read me, and be me. I
am full of shit, lol. Excrete me, flush me, use me for fertilizer.
I am good. It's all good. All people are good. All animals are
good. Love everyone. Even sacks of shit. Even Trump.
22 hours ago
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