acronymic interpretation
You Have What (it takes)
You Happy- (Who, what, where, when, why) How?
Why (breathe, in/ex-Hale), Double-you...H
in other words, interpretations involving-
breathing, sex and reproduction, happiness,
and chess/soldiering/murder (or theft)
and the interrogation of reality
please submit your own acronyms!
thanks, :-)
butt weight, there's more:
non acronymically,
in the same sense as devil is lived, or dog god:
YHWH is H, Why? (GOD, WHY??)
porque? (pronounced poor-k, en espanol), (maybe pork)
YHWH sums to 1 (7858), or 10 (like satan, 11215)
kill, k-ill, after viewing an undercover mercy for animals video
justice is just ice (!) (and you thawt it was burning in hell)
well, maybe hell's kitchen. ice=8=ate. ice, 935. ate, 125.
H, 8th letter, H8, hate (sum of sums, sos!)
god=764=8 (says the count, in summer). god is 1. love.
love and ha are both 9 (3645) (81). hate is 7 (8125),
numerology. 8 sideways, infinity. fin and itty and in.
numer is number in polish. (numb brr) nubian sumeria!
honda and infiniti and hyundai (hon(ey) or hun (eg. attila), die)
honda means deep in spanish (eg. laguna honda, deep lake)
H evokes breath, eat (512), in addition to infinity-
heaven, hell, head, heart, hope, heroin, hashish, and Hannibal
among many others (hm, how many) (cold and calculating)
is there a message in all this?
i love pork tacos
i hate murder, suffering
i'm in a love-hate relationship
i only eat one a week
you know what your problem is? you're delicious
i hope i'm not delicious, to the vampire cannibal, or aliens
the flies and worms might enjoy me, afterlife (bone apetit!)
burial or cremation? crema is cream. barry and al sounds gay.
i like cream in my coffee. i don't shun cream.
coffee and coffin, go figure.
kill=8, too (2933)
21 hours ago
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