my name
I'm Jesse, but you can call me Jess, if you like.
a jess is a falconry term. It's the strap that tethers a hawk or a falcon.
my name in spanish is Isai, or Jesus, or Chuy.
don't take the name of your lord in vain...
(an alternate interpretation of one of the ten commandments)
i didn't "take" the name. it was "given".
but maybe I should change my name?
I mean, if you're a hawk, you need to be free of me, to be able to fly!
or maybe I can fly free, by shedding my name.
Jesse was the father of David, in the bible.
the origin of the phrase 'tree of Jesse'
(church windows with genealogy of christ's descent from jesse)
it means, god's gift, god makes forget, the whole office of the eucharist
jesse (4), jess (8), if you do that numerology thing.
chuy is pronounced chewy, which is a little funny
eat me, lol. vampirism and cannibalism. t.w.o. of eu a christ.
there's jessant (issuing forth, like a plant), and jester (jess t)
jesse is similar to JC
jess can be short for jessica (my mom went to ICA)
ica is immaculate conception academy. kind of funny name.
anne rice has a vampire named jesse
acronym for see s.j. (society of jesus, aka jesuit) or sees J
J is the tenth letter, satan, say ten.
tennessee: J- esse
esse is latin for being or eating, i think.
10- is. (I'm actually 47) ( a perfect 10? ha) (tennis)
isai is pronounce eesah-e. there's an accent on the second i.
isa is arabic for jesus, yet another connection.
j' taime (french for i love you) JT am!
JT looks kinda like the symbol for pi
JLT evokes jailtime, jolt, jilt. jesse with an l? jealousy
from my chambers dictionary:
jessamine is jasmine
jessamy is jasmine or a dandy
Jesse is also a large branched church candlestick
jesserant is a splint armor
jessie is an effeminate or mamby-pamby man or boy
S10, Jetta,
saab 9-3 (my birthday), z71 (birth year)
drive me crazy
22 hours ago
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