gr-ace, prayer, spiritual warfare, and vengeance
pray is a homonym with prey (is prayer predatory?)
spirit sounds like spear it (with a fork? chew all)
vim, says the lord (life or death)
(vengeance is mine)
gird one's loins
grrrr: anger, growl, ngr
good riddance
good reason
god reality
(my godfather's name was richard)
Grand Rapids (MI)
golden retriever
governor's race
general relativity
gr-attitude (gratitude for no T/cross (!)
gr-eat (carnivore)(crunchy)(cannibalism)
gruel, groceries
grain, granola, greens, graham crackers, graze
grill, gristle, gravy, grog
gr-ace (acing the god role)
3 graces
thankyou god for our food and our blessings, amen (teshara grace)
for food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for friendship and fellowship, we thank thee oh lord (philmont grace)
good food, good meat, good gawd, let's eat! (children's grace)
gr-ass, gr-ape, gr-owl, gr-ant
grass: god role (love) ass (a single soul)
tiger: tie? grrr. (angrrr)
grrrl, groom
grub, grouper, grebe, grosbeak, griffon, grizzly
groovy grateful group grammy, gregorian
grumble, gripe, grudge, grope, grab, grasp, grapple, gurgle
ground, gravel, grime, grit, granite
greg, grieg, grohl, greer, groat, gronk
grade, GRE, graduate
grieve at a grave in a grove/grotto
gruesome grenade grunt groan
gross and grotesque graffiti in guerneville
rupert grint, hermione granger
greed, gratification, holy grail
grim reaper, grinch
gertrude the gerbil
it's all gravy, grok?
gurdjieff in a gurkin
oscar the grouch, super grover!!
greek, grin, gregarious, greetings, graph, grid, gridiron, gratuity, grow(th), grommet, gravity, gravidity, grody (to the max!). grammar, granular, gringo, gratis, gremlin, gradual, grandiose, grandiloquent, grecian, groupthink, grievous, gracile, groin, grist
gratulation, gradiometer, grangerism, graywackes, grimalkin, gravitino, gramercy, grisette, gromwell, graduand, greisens, gribble, gremial, gravulak, graupel, grazier, greegree, grigri, grugru, greaves, gryphon, gravure, grackle, grunion, grampus, grapnel, grummet, griskin, grogram, gradine, grappas, grapier, graben, greige, groat, granum, gradin, grivet, grison, groyne, groszy, grosze, griffe, gride, griot, grith, grutch, grume...
22 hours ago
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