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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

President Names

exercises in hypnosis

I have a theory that people who run for president run, at least partially, because of their names.
And maybe, are accepted or rejected, due to connotations, as well.

Washington, purity
truman- truth
Jimmy Carter, jc -jesus christ
Thomas Jefferson, T (cross), J (jesus)
john tyler- JT (inverse)
Adams, a dam(n) s (satan); mad A
Madison, madness
Jackson, jack (off?)
buren, urine
harrison, hair, hairy
polk, pierce, fillmore -sexual
taylor- tail
buchanon- canon
barack obama- baracks and bombs
lincoln- con (convicts?), link in
johnson- penis?
lbj (BJ)
dukakis- cock
tricky dick, dick cheney
harding- hard
grant- gr ant
hayes- haze
chester- chest
grover- gr over
teddy roosevelt- lingerie
taft- fat
coolidge- cool
hoover- vacuum (suck)
fdr (sex dr.)
woodrow wilson- wood, will son
ike, kennedy - k
bush- pubic hair
trump- rump
gore- bloody
clinton- clit
lieberman -lie
edwards- war, wards

you get the idea

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

back from Portland

  • I bought nice sandals from REI, pizza, coffee, a burger and fries, ice cream, pie, a candy bar, and 6-bladed disposable shavers from 7-11.  Pierre shaved his beard with a new trimmer.
    we went to a puppet show, at a N branch library next to Jefferson high (the Democrats!)
    There's a train museum (real trains, not model ones), kinda like the one in Sacto, I guess.  I saw "drinking fountains" that are bubbling, always on (!), by the river and at the nearby branch library.  I picked up a library card application.  I played with Augie a few times, and watched him a couple times, too.  Augie played with my phone, the tablet (youtube and google zombies and dinosaurs, etc.), trains, toy dinosaurs, a book, toy cars, and his brand new "jumpoline."  The flight in was "hazy and smoky", from the fires.  I found a scrabble dictionary, at a nearby "little free library".   Jesse means "to jess" (!), which I didn't know.  jess means to fasten straps around the legs of a hawk  (which i did know).  There's an ebike store near Reed, on Powell.  There's another, near Killingsworth.   I ripped a pair of shorts, at the zoo (they were too tight).  Portland is 133 square miles (land area), Reed is 116 acres, and their S:F ration is 10:1.  I looked up what kratom is, it's an herbal drug with "opioid properties", which is legal in Oregon, but not California.  I didn't ride any public transportation, or go downtown, or visit any Ymca's.  I looked at a bike route map, but I want a street map (free from AAA?).  Wag works there.  Augie was on a quest for a lollipop, but the only one we found was sugar-free, so Sara convinced him to get gummy worms, instead.  She made a tasty nachos and vietnamese salad.  Pierre made burgers and chili.  I think I'm forgetting something.  Oh, the soup.  Yum.
    Hi Mom
    Yes, Sara opened the gift, and told me she will send you a card.   She loves it, and says they are made in Arizona, where she has family.  I've been sitting Augie, but a meal is a good idea, too.  We went to a street fair today.  I got an accidental FaceTime call from dad, before he left to visit Jeannine.  I went to Reed (where I talked with a professor, and a librarian), the branch library (you can check out 150 items at a time!!), a bike ride (the 4 of us) along willamette river (I bought a 'biketown ' rental).  Augie got swim instruction at a nice indoor pool, and received a certificate.  He also got a trampoline, which I helped Pierre assemble.  I read Augie a (short) book, and showed him trains on my tablet, zombies, and kept an eye on him as we made our way through the crowd.  He went to a puppet show.  He met the second grader next door (Sebastian).  They have 2 rocking chairs on the porch.  I've been reading my Economist.  I brought, but didn't even start, Stephen King's short story collection, bazaar of bad dreams.  They made smoothies.  We went out for ice cream.  I bought them 3 slices of peach pie.  We just bought some gourmet donuts.  We played ball, trains, dinosaurs, and I did some exercise lifting him up 40 times, and push-ups out in the yard.  There's a gym nearby ($110/3 months).  Pierre is cooking chili for tonight.  I showed Augie where the trains are on a map of Portland, and where the zombies are (Haiti).  There's a Wikipedia for kids.  I explained zombies are people dressed up in costumes, trying to be scary, using ketchup, and are probably friendly.  the google pics are scary, though.  But there are pictures of zombie dogs and dinosaurs, and even zombie minions.  Augie has been to the movies twice (Coco, and the Incredibles).  Pierre made burgers the first night.  Sara made 2 yummy dinners.  I've only taken 3 photos, so far.  The Reed library is 2.2 miles away (15m bike ride), and the branch is .8 miles away.  Wifi at both.  There are special streets, for bicycles.  I was perusing a scrabble dictionary, and found shrieval, "pertaining to sheriffs".  I wonder if Vicki knows that one.  I showed Sara the picture of my nephew with his chaulk board for his first day back at school.  Augie starts in 2 weeks.  Sara has 5 clients, as an accountant.  Tata (Pierre's Mom), made a FaceTime call, and so did Peter (who knows me, also), who is coming to visit soon too, I think.  Sofia, from Italy, left before I got here.  We saw spiders, and a grasshopper, and a baby woodpecker, and crows, a cat, and lots of dogs.  I could have done a couple wag walks.  Good to know they're there.  Poutine made an exciting break for the corner from the porch, which surprised everybody.  I walked her, too.  She's eating plants, and still licking her paws.  She's been sleeping on the bed with me in the guest bedroom, possibly because she's too lazy to climb the stairs.  Augie sleeps with mom n dad upstairs, even though he has his own room.  Pierre and Sara both got new bikes.  Augie has a scooter that he's pretty good with.  I said he has an "eagle-eye", when it comes to trains.  He's learning about looking both ways at street corners (and driveways, too), and holding hands/waiting to cross with Mom and dad.  Sara wanted me to follow him, when he was going to scoot around the block (like you did!).  There's a community garden around the corner.  I sent an email to Julie in San Leandro (it's national dog day, I got a poem email about dogs, which I forwarded), who said she hopes I don't move because she (and the dogs) will miss me.

Monday, August 20, 2018

Catechism of the Catholic Church

aPOSTolic, b-log (lamb of god)
interpreting page 1 of ccc (hypnotic suggestions!)
(only 687 pages to go!!)

Catechism of the catholic church: ccc (yes yes yes):
Catholic catechism. 2 cats. Pussies.
Chrism and christ. Oil, ollie. Chris Tucker. Cool cat.
Church. 2 ch's. You are clear head, clean heart!
Of the. 666. tee-hee. Love without elle =of.
Ove and oven and over. Ovum. Ovaries. Eggs.
The-ology, study of T.H.E.: cross, god, christ (285)
summer/similar- six, sicks, sex, socks, sacks, sax, sucks
alco-holic cat-holic. Holi c= Holy see.
Catholic, universal, one verse, infinite space/ eternal time
spacetime, st saint street something summertime
you-niverse, multiverse society, u as smile, happy place
apostolic stoli (vodka), sol (beer), vat/can, pub (lication), bis(hops)
pope: poppy, H (heroin), people (pope el) H/el 88. no elle.
8 sideways: symbol for infinity. Papal people poop. O pep.
Omg: orgasm, offense, o-sensei (superior, equal, inferior)
constitution: cons (convicts, pros and cons, tit, tu, shun, ion)
tit: breast, drugs; ion: keep an eye on
tu: u2. You, familiar (spanish). Two (the whole office). Jesus, dos.
Dos, 461, 2. Jesus, 15131, 2.
Jess U. jes u it. IT, information technology, eye tea.
hey zeus. Chuy, chewy (chewbacca, masticate)
Isai, I Isa (arabic for jesus). AI, artificial intelligence.
Venerable venezuela, brother greg, stanford cardinals
pat the patriarch, tim bishop, gr for example, ample eggs
greg the gregarious, gregorian chant, ian-in a nutshell
good night (knight), good morning (mourning)
pogo stick/pogs (people of god)
lord, life or death, ol' dr., lords and ladies
deacon dae, distant angry estranged, david andrew eldridge
death, de at H, at god, at honda, at hospital, heaven, hell
heather, helen, hannibal, st. ignatius college prep, history
apostolic constitution fidei depositum (acfd, grades!)
add a b for the complete package.  age-aggie (ucd)
stall, lick, if die, posit, p.o.s. (piece of shit), tums/smut
second vatican ecumenical council (only lasted a second? Lol)
sed, thirst. I can v at. Men, cal (uc berkeley), united nations
ec, european community, (cum unity), united state
servant of the servants of god (sos of gd)
sog: special operations group, son of god (love, sex)
cats, servants (ants), bis-hop (rabbit), follo-wing (bird)
prepared following (pre-paired)(fall low)(ng-nt'l geo)
faith: hi fat, if hat, hit fa (note), fait (french word)
ass fuck it forever, I fath (I fath-er)
YHWH (h is breath, Y female groin, W breasts)
(one interpretation, anyway), mission- miss st. ignatius
cat a kiss 'em, church: hurt is in there

Sunday, August 19, 2018

more books

working on a few, at the moment
(none from library)

Stephen King, Bazaar of Bad Dreams
Engaged Buddhist Reader, 1996
Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1994
(newest) Economist (weekly)
(Ray) Bradbury Stories, 100 of His Most Celebrated Tales
The Berkeley Book of College Essays, 3rd ed., 2007
make it stick, the science of successful learning
    by Brown, Roediger, McDaniel
The Marriage Book
  (Centuries of Advice, Inspiration, and Cautionary Tales)
   by Grunwald and Adler

I leave Tuesday for a trip to Portland OR, for a week (21-28)
which I'm looking forward to and excited about
if I move, it won't be til Spring

my (47th) birthday is coming up.
 I want an Amazon Echo (Alexa).
I got a nice (xl) jacket, last night, at dinner with my parents

Michael Helbush, a roommate of mine here in Berkeley, is routinely enjoying my mr. coffee in the morning (or when he gets up, which could be the afternoon), napping/resting on my futon, reading the economist and "best of the best" scifi book (from san francisco, which i've already read), and listening to music from my computer on my wireless headphones (he especially likes Steely Dan and the Grateful Dead).  He's a retired philosophy professor, a presbyter at his Alameda church, an avid reader, a former student at the GTU (graduate theological union), a longtime friend of my landlord (edgar), and a talkative, friendly, jolly soul who enjoys npr and hearts of space, and lots of bacon, chicken, and eggs.  We share our food pantry provisions.  His birthday is coming in October ('55).

I have 10 roommates: Edgar, Victor, Isabel, Miguel, Antonio, Aaron, Jose, Eddie, Elias, and Michael.
(11 total, including me, Jesse; or, as my dad just learned, in spanish: Chuy, Jesus, or Isai)

Thursday, August 16, 2018

the similarity ends

I've been told I look like:

Tom Cruise
Bob Saget
Doogie Howser, MD
Zach Braff

I think I just look like me :-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

satan buddha jesus

love the hate haters and hating, the crime criminals and criminality, the whole ball of wax, all good. SIUFRI (stupid ignorant uneducated, foolish, retarded, incurious), too. Love everything, everyone, everywhere, always. God believes (in) everything. Faith, hope, and love. Beelzebug- satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at 3am and cannot be cast out. Karmageddon- serious bummer, the earth explodes, final reckoning, self-explanatory (from the wapo mensa invitational). It's all good, even the “bad”. If it's bad, it's part of the dialectic toward greater good, even the final solution, or the premise of Fallout (the mission impossible movie), for the sake of argument.  must there be hell for there to be a heaven? True heaven would be a universe without any hell. The devil would say someone should be in hell, for the greater good and purpose of making everyone (else) happy to NOT be suffering, grateful that it's not them, blissful by way of contrast. A virtual hell. Niffin, say. “Allright” is wrong: left, crime, evil, torture, unwritten, incorrect) (bad, illegal, unethical, immoral, unlawful) wibuicu. wrong immoral bad unethica illegal criminal unlawful.   wed. wicked evil depraved. cbavr. cruel brutal amoral vicious ruthless... BUT  does bacon really make torture forgivable? We swat flies. We kill pigs. If that's okay, then so is killing dogs, or even people? Kill butchers? Abortions, mothers with blood on their hands, abortion doctors, “doctor” -killer vigilantes, god himself, devil. Eye for an eye leaves whole world blind. Or everybody dead.  Which it'll be, anyway.  Imprison criminals. Enhanced interrogation. Waterboarding. Go to war for love and hate. The world as is is a decent construct?  Vengeance is mine sayeth the lord. Life or death. Playing god. Go to war for peace (!). until devil has the world to himself, all by himself (hell is other people). Sounds like hell to me.  A perfect world would be perfect, or (ours?) tending toward progress toward perfection at the highest possible realistic rate. Buddhist equanimity extinguishes both love and hate, attachment and aversion, so enlightened beings do not suffer, but simply exist at peace with reality, in all it's “good” and “bad” glory and infamy.  Is Buddha more God than the devil? (is there a difference between devil and satan?) Does a Buddhist love all, serve all, including the devil? God is love, believes all, makes good. Buddha is God - BIG. Was Jesus a Buddha? Better than buddha?  How does one attempt to rank sbj?

no attachment or aversion to creation or destruction
m, says yoda
all-1 says bronner soap.  all in all is all we are says kurt cobain.
if it's all god, then it's all good!  

Sunday, August 12, 2018

quoting Hemingway

de nada

“Our nada who art in nada, nada be thy name thy kingdom nada thy will be nada in nada as it is in nada. Give us this nada our daily nada and nada us our nada as we nada our nadas and nada us not into nada but deliver us from nada; pues nada. Hail nothing full of nothing, nothing is with thee.”

Words r weird

rhyme time
caution: adult language

sex hex, oral moral, icky dick
suck and fuck, good luck
hunt for cunt, quest for breast, no sign 'a vagina
hit that clit, magical vaginal, happy pappy
prostitute will cost you some loot, goal: to own your soul
bucks for fucks, suck bucks, honey money
holy hole, deep dicking, orgasm chasm, cock mockery
mex sex, nipples in naples, penis from venus
boris and chuck norris have no clitoris
duck dick, bass ass, loose moose, cock crows
sick sex sucks, thirst for worst, hearse curse, fate hate
lick dick for kicks, gawk at cock, pump rump
lass' ass, pump dumper, dumb cum, numb bum
ass gas at Mass (i'll pass), gay's gaze, groan up
can't spell basement without semen
micro mike, maximal max

chinese chicken, cock in wok
woosie pussy
nappy hair, nappy (diaper)
heroin heroine
stylish stylus
province of providence
order at the border, disperse n disburse
parson in prison for poison
Robert Stalin: rob and steel
pissed and provoked to punish
weapon for whippin'
deception, distraction, disruption, destruction

triumph, tragedy
trials and tribulation
truck, train, trolley
trip, travel, transportation
train/trolley tracks
trick or treat

reed, read, deer, dear
fiat lux (let there be light), deer in headlights (hl)
cool school, fish wish, eat treat, meat or beet
meet n greet

write right rite- a nightly project, a daily way
projecting images onto paper through words
red- a tomato, a strawberry: read
words of christ in red, written in blood
Jeezus.  jumpin' jesus on a pogo-stick!
words that stick, sticky - like blood
like sap, from a tree, from a carpenter
nailed to a tree, first letter T
cross on a cross, behind him, like satan
to the death, two the death (45128)
left satan, right satan, nailed
what a feat, and also the feet
5x4=20 (T)
fingers and toes, fat, false and true
fin, the end.  gr, anger rage growl n-word

wrong order, smelly ordure, delicious hors d' oevres
holy orders, do this do that, git r done:
this, that, and the other thing
  oblivion- ob, i liv on (obstetrics, obi wan kenobi)
  devil- lived (for evil)
criminal law, moral philosophy, living room (!)

life blood, a whole lotta nonsense
nonsense and nun incense
time for thyme, cooking for kooks
our nada, who art in nada
thank you! de nada (of nothing)
gracias: gr a cia s (angry satanic agent)
serving god, of course, as well
camus and sartre, exixtentialist, absurd
make your own MEAN- ing
internet inter, programmer pro gr
enter, inter ("little death")
urine, you're in, yellow, yell ow!
ur in nation, pissed
flow, flower, floor (fight, dance)
ow: orgasm woman
that's cold: brrth

eek, O
economics, ecology/ecosystem
E! (entertainment network, daily hour-long newscast)
   corporation, co

Tezcatlipoca, Tlaloc, Quetzalcoatl, and Huitzilopochtli
god as a word without a referent:  that is to say, with only a theorized referent.
God exists? tricky, the word God exists.  'God' exists.
Any word can mean any definition/thing, said the legal eagle.
plus, when do roles become real? rolls (bread to body)
    (eat minus excrete)
on a related note, if virtue is virtual, is reality criminal?
(re is real, reality repeats, time/earth rotations and revolutions)
god as love, truth, reality, universe different than Q

playing with 'Sara'
triceratops, seraphim, samsara (saints angels martyrs, state administration for religious affairs)
sentient android robot assistant, serape, ceremony, k sera sera, teshara: the sara
slb: swim lift bike, schlumberger (saturates, aromatics, resins, asphaltenes)

pot, essay, futon:
cooking or smoking pot? wanna buy a pot?
     potent potables for a thousand, alex.
     cbd (cannabidiol) good for psychosis, i read.
          (but doctor says it can cause or worsen)  who's right?
SA like south africa, saudi arabia, south america?
futon or tofu?  F.U. embedded.

sittin' satan, walking joaquin, runnin' nun
judyism's god yahoo (from ignorance is blitz)
loose lucy, tight dwight
liver lover, jazz jizz
flush with fish, listening to whales wail in Wales
site a breach from the beach
coffee coffin, folger soldier, meth death, gassin' the assassin
poison in the hoi sin sauce
deadheads, murderburger, hannibal the cannibal
hay hoe, live love go to the louvre and leave
HOS house of spirits, hearts of space
SAT sit and talk, skill and technique, shy and timid
true: truth reality universe everything
love and velocity and evolution
hate and H8, hospital infinity
Ian: in a nutshell (nut's hell?)
police positvitiy: coptimism!
quizlam: the test of being muslim

my e-m

Friday, August 3, 2018


(Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code)

10 if input 'nigger', then print 'fuck you'
20 if input 'sorry,' go to wikipedia page 'african history'
30 if navigate away from text, go to youtube african music
40 if exit youtube, display google results for 'african food near me'
50 if input 'leave me alone,' then display 'ebony personals'
60 if input 'thanks', then send bitch ass ho to domicile for some ass
70 if then goto run print input peek poke end

african american, alcoholics anonymous
big brother, body building, beach blanket, brady bill, barumpabum bum
cc rider, st. francis of a cc, yes yes, come clean, compassion charity

input, putin (vladimir), poutine, put in
yahoo, netanyahu (bibi)
total ass, t-rump (the donald) (duck!)(trump it)(trumpet)(pet?)(shoe-throwing!)

if offended, then sorry
   (if input ngr then output fu)
   ("shorty to crib"/"goddess to residence"/"bbw to hood")
     exit, leave, depart, egress, retire from (elder)
if entertained, leave comment
     explore further posts

shut up, shut down
pro gr am ming (1368-1664, ming dynasty,
    the last imperial dynasty in China ruled by the ethnic Han Chinese)
pro g ramming (lol)

Thursday, August 2, 2018


gr-ace, prayer, spiritual warfare, and vengeance

pray is a homonym with prey (is prayer predatory?)
spirit sounds like spear it (with a fork? chew all)
vim, says the lord (life or death)
(vengeance is mine)

gird one's loins
grrrr: anger, growl, ngr

good riddance
good reason
god reality
(my godfather's name was richard)
 Grand Rapids (MI)
golden retriever
governor's race
general relativity

gr-attitude (gratitude for no T/cross (!)
gr-eat (carnivore)(crunchy)(cannibalism)
   gruel, groceries
   grain, granola, greens, graham crackers, graze
   grill, gristle, gravy, grog
gr-ace (acing the god role)

3 graces
thankyou god for our food and our blessings, amen (teshara grace)
for food, for raiment, for life, for opportunity, for friendship and fellowship, we thank thee oh lord (philmont grace)
good food, good meat, good gawd, let's eat! (children's grace)

gr-ass, gr-ape, gr-owl, gr-ant
grass: god role (love) ass (a single soul)
tiger: tie? grrr.  (angrrr)
grrrl, groom
grub, grouper, grebe, grosbeak, griffon, grizzly

groovy grateful group grammy, gregorian
grumble, gripe, grudge, grope, grab, grasp, grapple, gurgle
ground, gravel, grime, grit, granite
greg, grieg, grohl, greer, groat, gronk
grade, GRE, graduate
grieve at a grave in a grove/grotto
gruesome grenade grunt groan
gross and grotesque graffiti in guerneville
rupert grint, hermione granger
greed, gratification, holy grail
grim reaper, grinch
gertrude the gerbil
it's all gravy, grok?
gurdjieff in a gurkin
oscar the grouch, super grover!!

greek, grin, gregarious, greetings, graph, grid, gridiron, gratuity, grow(th), grommet, gravity, gravidity, grody (to the max!). grammar, granular, gringo, gratis, gremlin, gradual, grandiose, grandiloquent, grecian, groupthink, grievous, gracile, groin, grist

gratulation, gradiometer, grangerism, graywackes, grimalkin, gravitino, gramercy, grisette, gromwell, graduand, greisens, gribble, gremial, gravulak, graupel, grazier, greegree, grigri, grugru, greaves, gryphon, gravure, grackle, grunion, grampus, grapnel, grummet, griskin, grogram, gradine, grappas, grapier, graben, greige, groat, granum, gradin, grivet, grison, groyne, groszy, grosze, griffe, gride, griot, grith, grutch, grume...


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The "Greatest Conceivable Existent"

a funny definition of God

it could mean:
1. God is anything you can think of
2. Anything possible, in reality

(and maybe there's no difference between the two, if we someday live in a Construct/Matrix)

for now, there's movies and virtual reality and dreams and books/comics, where we indulge our fantasies for perfection and super-powers, whereas stubborn reality persists (kind of nice, in the bay area, today, actually!).

God can time-travel, remains forever-young/doesn't age, can morph into anything/anyone, is omniscient (or has access to omniscience), is omnipotent (can kill anyone)(can make anything), is good (by definition, which can get a bit tricky), can fly (like superman), can make himself invisible (like the invisible man, or maybe a ninja), can teleport, has super-strength, perfect memory, can win any fight, can win any olympic event, can regenerate (say, a lost limb), can multiply (like agent smith), can heal any disease (in himself or others), is immortal, never bored, always in love, can telepathically hear thoughts/prayers, has super-speed, can freeze time, can multiply loaves and fishes, can walk on water (especially in the winter), can see/create the future, feels no pain (can turn it off or dial it down), wins Mr. Universe (or Miss America), speaks all languages, aces all tests, understands physics / reality (has a theory of everything), is an expert in all fields, a genius, an inventor, a musician, a mathematician, a psychologist, an ecologist, a carpenter, a poet, an artist, anything you need her to be (say, a dragon?).   Feel free to add to this list in the comments!