H is for health. Mental and physical health. Healthy and
helpful. Helpful and hopeful. Happy, healthy, helpful, hopeful.
Honda, hospital, hannibal, harvard, heaven, and hell. His Holiness.
Hatred and red hats.H8.Hm. Allah. High school. High and low. Hi
and hello. Happy hall. Kids in the hall. Kith and kin. Everything,
all the time. Infinite space-time. Stems- Space time energy matter.
Science technology engineering math. Integrated studies. St.
Ignatius, sports illustrated, smart intelligent, stupid ignorant,
systeme internationale (metric system), si (yes, in spanish), sick
ill (diseased). Sid vicious. Vice, victim, vicki, victorious, crown
victoria, vishnu, V. movie, vampire, vigo, vittle, visibility,
vibes. Dis-ease, discernment, ill at ease, discomfort, disability,
dukkha, dissatisfaction, D. devil, david, 4. ford. At ease,
soldier. Time, the 4th dimension. Dim men shun. Ti,
rapper. That is, me. Who can say where the road goes, only time
-enya. Rhode scholar. Randy Rhoads. Row rho roe your boat. Life
is but a dream. Morpheus. Infinity. 8 sideways. Infiniti (car
brand). Life is dream a butt. Cigarette, buggery. Keep a lid on it.
I.T. Information technology, stephen king book, institute of
technology (e.g. Caltech, MIT), it! 92. Teshara, Larry. Bond, James
Bond. Shaken, not stirred. Stream of consciousness. S-o-c.
Sociology. Spit a flow. Spit teeth, blood. Urinate, you're in 8.
yellow, yell ow. Bubbles, blossom, buttercup. Powerpuff girls.
Animation. 2018 oscar nominated shorts. Anime. Animals. Humans (are
animals, too). She wears short shorts. Martin short. Pauly Shore.
sh. Sacred heart. Shit. Brown, brr-own, own the cold, cold-hearted,
dead. Number 1, number 2. piss and poo. Pee and pooh. Winnie.
Winnemucca. Urine and defecation. Yellow and brown. School colors?
Lol. Excretion. Push! Birthing, elimination. Push and pull. Push-
notifications. Pushy. Cushy jobs. Cushions. Cushion for the
pushin'. Big ass, wide load, junk in the trunk, overweight/obese,
fat bottom girls they make the rockin' world go round, when she sits
around the house she sits AROUND the house! You're mom/gf is so
fat... jokes, jocks, jocko. Devo.
22 hours ago
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