from Wolfram Alpha, google, and wikipedia
Yahweh (common vocalization of the 'tetragrammaton',
God's personal name in the Christian tradition.)
other names include:
Allah (Islam)
Brahman, Bhagavan, Ishvara, and Paramatma (Hinduism)
2.'God's number' is 20
(number of turns to solve a rubik's cube from any random starting position)
3.How many Gods and Goddesses are in Hinduism?
all deities are viewed as manifestations/emanations (m.e. !) of the one (genderless) principle, Brahman. (representing the many facets of Ultimate Reality) (u.r. : you are!).
wikipedia list of Hindu deities, link
(Ishvara and Tara are close to Teshara!)
(3 main ones are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva;
creator, sustainer, destroyer, respectively)
(330 million people in India were affected by the 2016 drought)
(The 2017 US population is close (!), estimated to be 324,700,00)
Hinduism is the world's largest religion, with over 1 billion
Hinduism, wikipedia link
Tara means "One who protects"
(or "mother of liberation" in Buddhism)
from wikipedia:
the word 'tara' also means star. As the star is seen as a beautiful but
perpetually self-combusting thing, energizing all of life, so Tara is
perceived at the "mother of all buddhas" - the unified field of energy
from which all form arises.
23 hours ago
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