The Most Important Thing You Will Ever Read, lol
(some principles and virtues)
Love and be loved! Be in love.
Accept one another for who you are, and all is right, well, and good.
Everyone is a child of God (love)
and even the devil has a sweet inner-child
in need of love
and averse to pain
Life is good!
Be Happy for any or no reason at all, and do your best to
be strong, fit, healthy, sane, well, and alive!
to make the world a better place:
Development, progress, improvement, betterment, change
Kindness, growth, charity, mercy, curiosity, virtue
humor, laughter, fun, play, creativity, joy, cheer
compassion, equanimity, resolve, discipline, friendship
thriving vitality, appreciation, gratitude, sincerity,
innocence, trustworthiness, helpfulness, bravery, thrift,
cleanliness, security, comfort, variety, honesty, hope.
(you may have noticed some omissions from the scout law*, you are free to add "to taste")
(also, there's a whole book of virtues by seligman ("character strengths and virtues"), for a more comprehensive view, perhaps -which I still haven't seen)
diversity, community, inclusion, teamwork, competition, wealth
eat, drink, and be merry! To health, wealth, and happiness!
Satisfaction and contentment and well-being and joy
life, love, and laughter - look good, feel good!
Be Good! Just Think/Say/Do it
(learning and wisdom, l.a.w.):
Mindfulness, discrimination, curiosity, research, google/internet, education, questioning, reading, listening, watching, observation, science, writing, teaching, challenge, discipline, motivation, dedication, determination, drive, guts, sharing, testing, theorizing, creativity, engagement, knowing (biblically!).
open-mindedness, changed perspective:
travel, culture-shock, different languages, different religions, new music, reading, writing, role-playing, acting, lying, movies, exercise/fitness, drugs (in moderation), different jobs! willingness to step out of "comfort-zone," "psychological travel," reality-testing, thought-experiments.
Gettin' crazy (mci): madness, craziness, insanity.
Let's get crazy! -Prince, Seal
(but maybe not -legally or clinically- insane, though...)
to read-
Apparently, not everyone thinks charity is a virtue. I'm going to read some Ayn Rand and see what all this Republican libertarian "objectivist" madness is about, for myself (Atlas Shrugged, Fountainhead).
*a scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent (the scout law).
3 other scouting guidelines:
be prepared (motto). do a good turn daily (slogan).
and, of course, the Scout Oath:
On my honor, i will do my best, to do my duty, to god and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
I'm not sure it's possible to help other people "at all times," but it's a worthy goal, nonetheless!
22 hours ago
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