immortality, with some conditions attached
undying, plus:
could freeze time, time-travel, groundhog day (movie): day/week/month/year/life
not age, set age, ability to turn off pain
also: teleport self/objects, turn invisible, fly
morph (bigger/smaller, people, animals, things)
not need food/sleep/air/water (but enjoy them)
regenerate/heal: not die, or be reborn: set date/age/form
access to omniscience, one fact at a time, perfect recall
money, sex, drugs
freedom, love, happiness
all the comic book superpowers: x-ray vision, superstrength/speed/combat-mastery
dematerialize, rematerialize (turn into a ghost)
I would read all books, live all human history/prehistory/earth's history
go everywhere (on earth), try all crime, do all drugs, pursue all science, explore all possibilities, LIVE!
raise many families, eat/drink/be merry
listen to all music, try all activities, watch all tv/movies
serve, make heaven, perfect my mind and body, travel universe, terraform
make all mistakes
share powers with another/some/all
do all jobs, careers, professions, hobbies, games
try all cuisine, restaurants
surf entire internet
love everyone, sample being all lifeforms
faith, hope, love? (believe all things?)
This (entire package) is impossible, cannot and will not (ever) happen.
No? OH WELL. Sorry.
Unless I'm wrong. Are all things possible? I hope so.
soul rotation/migration/reincarnation...
I don't believe in ghosts and souls. Should I?
It's a fun exercise, but sad, also.
There's always movies, dreams, books, videogames, virtual reality!!
22 hours ago
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