An (almost) Comprehensive List!
suffering, discontent
- Buddhism (mindfulness meditation; result: equanimity)*
-yoga (a hare krishna i met called it the "path to god")
-humor, laughter (making yourself and others happy)
crime, sin - law and order, justice; repentance, forgiveness
(e.g. 7 deadly sins: pride, avarice, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, sloth)
unhealth, mental/physical illness
-diet, exercise, hospital, meds, time/healing
-balanced diet, food groups; variety
-vegetarian, fruits and vegetables, of different colors
(quality, quantity: not too much, not too little, healthy)
-stay hydrated, 7 glasses of water/day
(self-medicated, and/or doctor prescribed)
-fish oil (omega 3), vitamin c
-well as we'll: togetherness, community, being social
(example, the pope)
-mental health: group/cbt (cognitive behavioral therapy)
-shower, swim, walk, talk, shop, eat, nap/sleep
-enough sleep
-cleanliness, hygiene (brush, floss, rinse)
-look good, feel good
-spiritual life: friends, family, love, nature, comfort, security
-fitness: walk, exercise, fresh air, movement, dance,
sports participation, gym, swim, lift, bike
supply meeting demand -logistics
poverty -employment, money
basic needs- charity, gvt/taxation
insecurity- self-defense/martial arts, military/police, home-security
war- diplomacy (or victory)
ignorance- curiosity, education, discipline, reading,
research, teaching, writing
-computers/tablets/smartphones: internet
(e.g. google, wikipedia, open yale courses, etc.)
(books, magazines, newspapers, audio cd's, video dvd's)
-enlightenment (mindfulness, reflection, discernment)
-"knowing" (in the biblical sense)
boredom- art/creativity, blog, exercise, sports, family, books, magazines, newspapers, internet, music, movies, travel, games, tv
tired-nap, sleep; hungry-eat! thirsty- drink.
horny -! (sex? masturbate? extinguish desire?)
behavior, morality, ethics- incentives, inducements,
carrots and sticks, rewards and punishments
Bjorn Lomborg (his Ted talk on his book, Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems)
solution: read my book report, on this blog! SWBP (link on sidebar, on right, under "SAVE THE WORLD") (again, that's Solutions to the World's Biggest Problems, which I bought, read, have, and wrote about)
Love is the main solution
followed closely by Nature, Money, and Humor
(I listen to a lot more Music than comedy, though, myself)
*about Buddhism:
(extinguish the buddhist "poisons": greed, hatred, delusion)
(what is different about a buddhist vacuum cleaner? no attachments)
(attachments, negative and positive: craving and aversion*)
23 hours ago
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