some stats
population: 7.25B people
(how many animals?)
world gdp (gross domestic product, 2012):
84.97T dollars ppp (purchasing power parity)
71.83T dollars (nominal)
per capita? ppp gwp (gross world product): $12,400
world debt: 58.864T dollars
animals, continued:
1.37 million species (and counting, IUCN 2012)
research labs- 100M
livestock -24B
land birds -400B
land mammals -1 T
land reptiles -10T
land amphibians- 10T
fish- 10T
dust mites- 10 Quadrillion
insects- 10 Quintillion
zooplankton- 1 Sextillion
nematodes- 10 Sextillion
total: 11,010,010,031,431,100,000,000
(more or less, lol)
that's 11sextillion, 10quintillion, 10quadrillion, 31trillion, 431billion,100million!
that's just on Earth. the galaxy is a big place.
and the Universe is even bigger!
22 hours ago
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