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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Meat and madness

an interesting etymological connection

from wikipedia:
The word meat comes from the Old English word mete, which referred to food in general. The term is related to mad in Danish, mat in Swedish and Norwegian, and matur in Icelandic and Faroese, which also mean 'food'. The word mete also exists in Old Frisian (and to a lesser extent, modern West Frisian) to denote important food, differentiating it from swiets (sweets) and dierfied (animal feed).

Food is 'Mad' in danish.  huh.

I'd be mad, too, if I were treated like meat.

'Jesse' means the whole office of the eucharist, which is the cannibalistic eating of Jesus-
(literally, in catholicism, or symbolically, in other christian denominations)

mad is both a. angry and b. bonkers
anger and insanity go together, I guess.

what's eating you?
Jesse also can be Jesus or Chuy (pronounced Chewy), in spanish
also, Isai.  I say, good chap, is ai any good?
Isa is Jesus in arabic.

I am not Jesus.  I am Jesse.  And I am not my name.  I am my body.
my body is what I eat, less what I excrete
I get most of my food from TJ's (my initials), i.e. Trader Joe's

it's a weird thing to chew on (ponder)
puts the Mass in masticate, I guess
eat can be rearranged as ate (which sums to 8 -125) (like god -764)

Trader backwards is 'red art'
J is the 10th letter.  therefore, Tennessee is kinda Jesse-ish, cryptically.
Satan is 11216 (of the english alphabet) which is, say, 10.
(who decided the alphabet's -random?- order, anyway?
esse in latin means 'being' and also 'eating'.
so my name, i guess, has something to do with eating satan.
and they say you are what you eat, of course.
food is 6664, if you want to chew on that.
my dad is Larry T.  clarity = see Larry T?

Sunday, July 27, 2014

family numbers

some weirdness

my dad was born in '43, and I turn 43 this year.
I was born in '71, and my dad turned 71 yesterday.

other fun facts
Benjamin Netanyahu and Pope Benedict and, now the next one
baby Bibi?
(oh boy.  oh brother!)

dad and uncle, Mr. T and Uncle Tom
me, Uncle Jesse/Big Brother
born on the same day as the country of Quatar
sharing a birthday with a Saab (9/3) and the Z71.
mom: PG&E (Peggy), and PT cruiser
T mobile...Verizon LG (Liz & Greg, or Larry & Greg).

bye bye
-JLT (jolts: jilted, as it happens; and also jailtime)
maybe I should drink some Hennessy
(jolt cola is gone, I think)

Friday, July 25, 2014

world economy

some stats

population: 7.25B people
(how many animals?)

world gdp (gross domestic product, 2012):
84.97T dollars ppp (purchasing power parity)
71.83T dollars (nominal)
per capita? ppp gwp (gross world product): $12,400

world debt: 58.864T dollars

animals, continued:
1.37 million species (and counting, IUCN 2012)

research labs- 100M
livestock -24B
land birds -400B
land mammals -1 T
land reptiles -10T
land amphibians- 10T
fish- 10T
dust mites- 10 Quadrillion
insects- 10 Quintillion
zooplankton- 1 Sextillion
nematodes- 10 Sextillion

total: 11,010,010,031,431,100,000,000
(more or less, lol)
that's 11sextillion, 10quintillion, 10quadrillion, 31trillion, 431billion,100million!

that's just on Earth.  the galaxy is a big place.
and the Universe is even bigger!

Extra! Extra!

Read all about it! Some of the days news-

1)In today's New York Times (F 7-25-14), on p. A10:
The 85 richest people in the world have as much money as the bottom 3.5 Billion!
12% of humanity (842 Million) suffer from chronic hunger

1.while 30% of humanity -almost a third- are overweight.
2.and, in america, almost 40% ($165 Billion/year) of food goes uneaten/to waste. the world, about a quarter -24%- of the annual 4 billion tons of food (6 quadrillion calories) produced goes wasted or lost.

This is mind-blowing, in my opinion.

2)In the Berkeley Tri-City Post (weekly edition, July 16-22, 2014):
Capitol Punishment was ruled unconstitutional by California's state supreme court in 1976, but was reinstated by the legislature the following year.  Since then, 13 inmates have been executed here, most recently Clarence Ray Allen in 2006.  An analysis by the Los Angeles Times found that

California spent $308 Million on each execution.

The article, taken from the Huffington Post, is about the good news, in my view, that a Federal Judge has ruled California's death penalty unconstitutional.  He struck it down because the system is arbitrary and in violation of the Constitution's 8th Amendment.

aside (from wikipedia)
According to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, in 2011, world military expenditure for the world amounted to 1.735 trillion US$.[1]

news summary:
world news-
85, 3.5B,
California news-

Monday, July 21, 2014

Two State Solution

Palrael and Israstine!

I think there shouldn't be any conflict (anywhere on earth, actually)

Like the U.S., the Middle East is a "melting pot"- if there were ONE country of diverse languages and religions, then any conflict would be crime, not war.  It's seems to me they should tear down the walls, permit everybody everywhere, and let the chips fall where they may.  Who would bomb their own country?  Mix it up!  It seems to me crime is preferable to war, with it's missiles and tanks, incredibly expensive hardware that enriches the military-industrial complex and arms dealers, and kills so many more people.   There's enough room for everybody, and no need for the crowded population density in the west bank and gaza, that results in destruction of homes, and innocent non-combatant civilian death, when Israel gets paranoid and invades a vastly poorer and weaker territory that has been made resentful by Israel's own oppressive policies of settlement incursions and economic strangulation.  A richer society helps everyone!  Israel is oppressing itself, its own people, and its own economy.  Pink Floyd and Ronald Reagan were right: tear down the wall!  Us and Them thinking is just stupid, in my opinion.

Speaking truth to power, Israel is the oppressor, and Palestinians -it seems to me- are mostly just trying to get by, having been shafted by Hitler almost as much as the Jews were, by consequence of the Zionism after world war two that rewarded Jews with the "promised land" as recompense for the holocaust, which displaced the Palestinians from their homeland, too.

Honestly, what would happen if there were no borders (anywhere on earth).  I think this is a hypothetical that should be addressed by academic geographers, if not the U.N.   Like I said, isn't crime VASTLY superior to war?

Saturday, July 19, 2014

my ideal

a day in The Life

early to rise, well-rested, breakfast/vitamins/pre-workout powder, whrb jazz
online routine (email, news: yahoo, huffpo, wapo, wikip, cnn, berkeleyside, csmonitor)
go for a 20-30min run,
exercise at Y (french countryside or ridiculousness on lifecycle tv),
(or free weights, or swim), or:
Yoga (1 hour at yoga to the people)
library: a book-a-day! (train to speedread)
(i'm basically omnivorous, with an interest in a mix of the occasional science/physics book, true crime, encyclopedia, 1001 fiction list, short stories, atlases, history, and new languages)
learn some new vocabulary, daily
survey, read the daily NY times
maybe read some Economist, F. Affairs, Mad, People, CSmonitor
more online: check blog, more music, j!archive, onion, facebook
win lottery! travel, house, car, wife, kids, etc.
meet someone new, e.g. pretty women (online, or on the street)
eat well (such as the carnaval at Pedro's Brazilian, or a TJ's salad, or froyo)
use my new electric toothbrush
occasionally: walk dogs, housesit, help someone move, write blogpost, piece of baklava

busy, busy!
(between the book, and exercise, and keeping up with news, and the everpresent music- my days are full).

but ideally I'll have money and a girlfriend.
maybe I should prioritize this.
complacency, happy with the status quo..
i also have mercy for animals leaflets to distribute.

Friday, July 18, 2014

The "Good" Person

a partial list of attributes and qualities

fit, strong, healthy, well, thriving vitality (tv!), sane
endurance, stamina, flexibility, dexterity, coordination
alive, awake, alert, aware, present, grounded, mindful
vibrant, happy, cheerful, joyful, friendly, fun, funny, humorous, laughing, merry, jolly, silly, frivolous
pleasant, pleasing, pleasurable
gentle, genial, generous
sunny, positive, optimistic, festive, jovial,
blissful, tranquil, cool, calm, collected, solid
grateful, helpful, appreciative, appreciated
integrity, honest, trustworthy, true, human, humane, real, realized
loyal, courteous, kind, obedient, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent
respectful, kind, warm, gentle, caring, good, benevolent, honorable, just, merciful, fair, good, lawful, godly, in love, compassionate, sympathizing, empathic, emotional, sad, enraged, self-controlled, equal, equable, equanimity, charitable, giving, moral, virtuous, goodwilled, kind-hearted, tolerant, good-natured, benign, gracious, considerate, altruistic, comforting
intelligent, curious, engaged, thoughtful, smart, brilliant, insightful, educated, informed, instructive, informative, factual, encyclopedic, investigative, explorative, questioning, knowledgeable, wise, understanding, truthful, enlightened.
loving, sexy, attractive, beautiful, athletic
motivated, dedicated, driven, focused, ambitious
be all you can be, aim high, a force for good
role model, example, leader, respected
productive, efficient, competitive, rich, affluent, prosperous, frugal
careful, reflective, active, well-rested, clear, effective, busy, punctual
well-groomed, well-dressed, well-mannered, hygienic, clean
poignant, eloquent, interesting, clever, quick-witted
talented, emulated, sought-after, valuable, capable, prepared, meritorious
harmonious, creative, innovative, disciplined, structured, intense
lifelong learner, always improving/never satisfied
content, relaxed, spiritual, contemplative, meditative
dynamic, transformative, change-agent, revolutionary, independent
safe, secure, powerful, potent, virile, fertile
well-rounded, responsible, appropriate, apt
cool, hip, funky, awesome, amazing, stellar, incredible
superior, ultimate, masterful, supreme, entertaining, perfect

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Truth vs. Currency

my take on "the marketplace of ideas"

which ideas have purchase in the m.o.i.?

Part of the schizophrenic experience seems to be voices that contradict, contrast, and challenge your thoughts.

Commentary on your beliefs, such as "i believe everything you think is wrong"
To which a funny reply/response would be, "You're absolutely right"

this process reminds me of the Scientific Method, which holds nothing sacred, and holds all theories to be temporary, until something better comes along.

'Question Authority' and 'Don't Believe Everything You Think'
The contrarian skeptic in my head..

Also, it (ideas vs. their opposite) makes me think of matter vs. antimatter,
popes vs. antipopes, christ vs. antichrist,
me vs. anti-me, (opposites attract?), you vs. anti-you?

Anyway, telepathy seems to be probing beliefs, determining either the truth,
or what is believed to be true, held to be true (if not in fact real)

I definitely believe in an other that can hear my thoughts.
"You are not alone" (prayer is heard, if not answered)
But WHO, is the question, can hear thought?
I suspect that a Godly "source" is actually a hyper-intelligent human that generates the thoughts of others, as opposed to actually hearing them.  But maybe someone can hear an entire restaurant, and make sense of it, for example.   This power is supplemented by an ability to test which of his own ideas "take" or "have currency."   Just a theory.

Friday, July 4, 2014

atheist fun

from our friends at

"It's like this: I created man and woman with original sin.  Then I destroyed most of them for sinning.  Then I impregnated a woman with myself as her child so that I could be born.  Later I will kill myself as a sacrifice to myself to save all of you from the sin I gave you in the first place."

well played.

God is everywhere, and god is good, so there IS no sin...
satan rules this world, so everything is evil
we're all God, and we're all a hodgepodge mix of good and evil, defined differently, changing all the time, in varying proportions, evil being forgiven, good going unrecognized, and believing all things!

You know, that God is Love, and Love believes all things, seems like a heck of loophole!

causing hell is evil
causing heaven is good
does hell cause heaven, and heaven hell?

does syria cause berkeley, say? (that's not what I meant)
(hm, maybe it will! the berkeley of the middle east!)
thesis, antithesis, synthesis- a historical dynamic
law changes according to the cases brought before it...
psychologically, you feel happier when others around you aren't as happy as you
or when you're in a position of being a helper to the helped
superior to the inferior
but not having what others do makes you feel comparatively worse.
comparative wealth is not comparative happiness, but it can be.

Modern Slavery

20 to 30 MILLION slaves

that's the estimate of the current number of slaves in the world, despite it being outlawed in all countries.


What to do?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

ABC'S of Death

Animals, Babies, Criminals and Soldiers

(that's meat, abortion, capital punishment, and war)

don't ever let anybody tell you it's All Good!
Thou Shalt Not Kill
God is love, and love is pro-life!

We live in A SICK SOCIETY, and A SICK WORLD, too.
killing is evil
it's basic

love and respect and mercy and mental health dictate
we respect life with a consistent life ethic

Killing ABCS must end.

Vegetarianism, Adoption, Freedom, and Peace all feel really good!
War and Prison and Slaughterhouses and Killing your own baby are hellish.
Criminals should not live in a hellish prison -we've all been there, we can relate.
Hating is only human, and killing criminals for murder would imply we should also kill soldiers, warmongers, workers at abattoirs, hunters, carnivores, and anybody else responsible for premature death, like malpracticing doctors or abortionists.  God is merciful, God is good!

Jails and Prisons shouldn't be hellholes of institutional terrorism.  A war on terrorism includes prison reform, so everyone's quality of life, including those we are tempted to exact institutional vengeance on, is made better and more meaningful.   We only live once, and hells on earth should be extirpated.  Those who succumb to temptation to do evil, and that includes most of us I would say, deserve mercy.  If freedom isn't possible, then happiness is (with classes, books, music, exercise, friendships, etc.) I think yoga and aikido should be taught.  And rape and fighting should not be tolerated, ever.

peace out,