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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
L-I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 52) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

updated okcupid profile

of yours truly, jesswimmer

I'm pursuing an 'athletic' body type at the Y. If I'm not having sex, then at least I've got endorphins! I'm looking for a smart and happy woman to enjoy life with. I love to read, listen to music, eat well, and be in nature.

I have two projects I'm working on:
1)read a book-a-day, and 2)writing my blog (a fun hobby).
-the booklist is from '1001 books you must read before you die'
-the blog is at
(the most popular post is called "movies with 'God' in the title")
You are cordially invited to visit, of course.

A quote I like is "I have always thought heaven to be a kind of library." (-Borges). The library of congress has over 32 million books. One book a day for the next 80 years is around 29 thousand (that's only .09125 percent) Too bad I don't believe in heaven, right? A good book is heaven, of course, and so are good relationships. I just learned to speedread, but it would take a book a minute for 16 hours a day, for 80 years (!). The only heaven is what we make of earth. And, of course, ourselves.

Genie fantasy: Wouldn't teleporting, time freeze, and time travel (fwd. or back) be fun? And immortality, too. I'm pretty sure none of that is gonna happen either, though. Nobody escapes oblivion. But a book can be a kind of teleportation device.

ANyway, I got a BA in IR from UCD, minored in espanol. I've been to China, and would love to keep traveling. I spent many childhood summers in the redwoods by the Russian river, and love hiking and camping. Among other things I like are documentaries, animation, nature shows, taiko drums, cirque du soleil. I grew up in San Francisco, and have family there. I love the bay area, and Berkeley's fantastic.
What I'm doing with my life
I'd like to raise a family, but until then, I'm getting in shape, living cheaply, reading, writing my blog, staying informed. I frequently frequent the library. I read the New York Times just about every day. The Economist and Christian Science Monitor are my other two main sources of keeping up to date. Musically, I like college radio alot, which I listen to online. I hardly ever watch tv. Some magazines I like are People, Mad, National Geographic, Foreign Affairs. I occasionally meditate with Berkeley Shambhala. 

I'm really good at
Writing, and being a student (I'm not enrolled anywhere, though). I won a journalism award in high school and a scholarship to Cal. I tested genius once. Staying busy. I'm told (by a psychologist) I'm the kind of personality that keeps on goin', no matter what trials and tribulations life throws at me. I was voted Most Kind, once. 

The first things people usually notice about me
Why my aura and my chakra and my chi, of course.
Or maybe: I have blue eyes. And my left ankle doesn't bend. 

Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
-I'll read anything, but I'll say: Douglas Adams, Isabel Allende, Dostoevsky, Jonathan Franzen, Gabriel Garcia Marques, Anne Rice, Michael Moorcock, Kurt Vonnegut, Mark Twain, Jorge Amado, Jane Austen, Alejo Carpentier, Terry Pratchett, for starters. The Sand County Almanac. The Laws Field Guide to the Sierra Nevada.
-I like learning new words and slang, new languages, short stories, true crime, horror/fantasy, and perusing an atlas.

Movies:I used to go to the yearly Spike and Mike animation festival in Sacramento. Fantastic Planet, Grave of the Fireflies.
I saw, and liked, Cabin In the Woods, Dark Shadows, Samsara, Searching for Sugarman, and Monsters U.
Shows: I youtube, netflix, and ted.

Music: I like it all, basically. I use cordless headphones. I listen to music while I bike around town, while I work out, while I'm online, pretty much all the time. Occasionally while I sleep, even. I still listen to cds and radio (oldschool!). I listen to philosophy talk and joe frank, too, on weekends.

Food: sushi, thai, indian, chinese, mexican, ethiopian, pizza, italian, burgers, barbeque. And sweets (like frozen yogurt). I haven't been to Burmese, yet. 

The six things I could never do without
1)basic needs (food, air, shelter, clothing, clean water, sanitation)
2)others (people, pets, friends, family, dating)
3)cheer (happiness, humor, smiles, laughter, joy, bliss, fun, play :)
4)stimulus (i.e. books, magazines, music, movies, the internet, the library, my blog)
5)love (God? Truth? Reality?),
or liberty. either one. freedom from suffering.
6)money, I suppose.

-of course, the Buddhists say these are cravings or 'attachments', so maybe I should just stick to life and health. L'chaim! 

I spend a lot of time thinking about
-love, god, religion, spirituality.
-international relations, foreign affairs, current events, news
-fitness, health 

On a typical Friday night I am
The same thing as every day, Brain:
Listening to music, lost in a book, surfing, or swimming. 

The most private thing I'm willing to admit
I'm adopted (which is one reason I'm pro-life)

I'm looking for 
  • Girls who like guys
  • Ages 23–45
  • Near me
  • Who are single
  • For new friends, long-term dating, short-term dating, long-distance penpal
You should contact me if:
-you want a new friend, or think I'm sexy.
-You don't smoke
-You are not a tv addict

-If you are a Pisces, Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, or Virgo.
-even more points if you're a Rabbit or Sheep:
chinese astrology -
Rabbits are ('63, '75,'87)
Sheep are ('67, '79, '91),
while other Boars -bad!- are ('71,'83)
-I don't know if I really buy all this astrology hooha, but I thought I'd post it, all the same.

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