Anagrams, Things I enjoy, and Feelings
Heart anagrams:
Earth, Hater (which is interesting because the heart symbolizes love),
Herat (a city in Afghanistan)
Art, eh? and The AR (the initials of Annette Riddle, my birthmother)
H rate, H tear
(8) Things I enjoy (H is the 8th letter)
1) books
2) my blog
3) music
4) movies, esp. documentaries, animation, nature shows
5) food, esp. sushi, thai, chinese, mexican, pizza, and sweets
6) dreams
7) my dogs, Oliver and Marcel
8) endorphins
-the "ads": sad, mad, glad*
-the state of being "just there", empty mind, doing nothing, simply existing, passing time
-a peaceful state (the same thing, but happier, such as sitting in the sun, or in a forest glade, etc.)
*madness, in the sense of MCI (mad crazy insane),
i.e. mentally ill or schizophrenic
is different
from being mad in the sense of angry, frustrated, upset, resentful.
should Insane be considered different form Un-sane?
heart related stuff: flow (the "flow state", such as being engrossed in reading/lost in a book, is a happy state). The word flowers has flow in it. Rappers spit a flow. The heart beats, thump-thump, systole-diastole, which is the basis for most music. There's a record store in Sacramento called The Beat. And a band, too, formerly called the English Beat (of mirror in the bathroom fame). Pump up the jam, pump it up, pump it, pump it. The heart pumps blood, blood. The heart symbol (as opposed to the actual organ), is comprised of a V and a 3 (or a less than sign and a 3).
various observations:
-Nature sums to 7, like heart/earth, and has 4 of heart's 5 letters in it.
-Nature is green, or red in tooth and claw.
-Gr (hater) and Gr e'en (earth/nature), and yellow (yell ow : heart without vowels is hrt)
-I was given a tour of Berkeley, when shopping for colleges,
by Gary Hart's press secretary, Kevin Sweeney.
22 hours ago
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