G.R.T. L.U.C.K., that is
God, Reality, Truth (the same thing, says Adi Da Samraj)
Love, Understanding, Compassion, Kindness
Loving-Kindness (Buddism)
Love-Bliss (Adi Da; I'm reading his book, Knee of Listening)
Happiness, Joy (happy, happy, joy, joy -Ren and Stimpy)
God is love, love is God (the bible, a movie title)
Kindness is my religion (-Dali Lama)
Love plus Peace =Happiness
(graffiti, using the symbols for each word, in the sidewalk in Berkeley)
(i.e. heart plus "footprint of the american chicken" equals smiley face)
I'm actually starting to get into a happier frame of mind/reference, of late
(sorry about saying you have to love depravity, etc.-
but hatin' is bad, they say- so just don't hate them negatives)
Some do, still, really think it's All Good, though.
It's like, says the Secret, don't be anti-war- Be Pro-Peace.
War against war only makes more war, you see.
Awake, Aware
conscious light?
the way of the heart (from the right side?)
light-hearted, humor, The Bright (smart, too)
22 hours ago
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