I just finished the Yale open-courseware class (which I have a link to on the right) on the Old Testament, taught by Christine Hayes.
I'm current, also, with the Psychology 107 (Buddhist psych) at Berkeley being taught this very semester by Eleanor H. Rosch (which you can link to through the 'cal' link on the right).
PLUS, I'm reading Middlemarch, by George Elliot, hailed by one reviewer on the cover as possibly the best book in the english language.
some info from the Buddhism lectures:
-there's a Buddhist bookstore in Berkeley on Channing and Fulton
-the hyper-sensitive (in terms of empathy) frequently withdraw, according to research by Nancy Eisenberg
-caregivers experience burnout, and
-psychologically, there's what is known as 'compassion fatigue'
There's the biblical maxim 'faith without works is dead'
(so maybe I'm not setting the best example)
It seems I, and many others, need the right kind of motivation to start, and continue, making the world a better place.
A book I read fairly recently was What is the What? about Sudan.
horrifying, edifying, and well-written.
There's a temptation for God to become an assassin of evil men, for surely
reality requires the stick as well as the carrot
to encourage moral behavior.
The rewards of compassion and kindness are the only legal way, of course.
22 hours ago
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