I actually know very little about it, so this is my understanding
-before I actually learn from 2 books my wife has on the subject,
The Meditation deck (of cards), 50 cards by Compass Labs, and
Meditation for Beginners (a book), by Jack Kornfield
a preliminary post
before conveying all the basic info I'm privy to from these sources.
One form of meditation is saying and repeating a mantra,
like nam myoho renge kyo, or Om.
Another is meditating on a subject, like compassion
or focusing on a single object (like a doorknob?)
Generally, you're sitting (such as in the lotus position, which I cannot do), and in silence.
Maybe there's incense. It's all about clearing your mind, gaining clarity. Or becoming. Or channeling energy to somehow make a better world, in addition to a better you. Invigoration. Purpose. Slowing down, calm, tranquil, relaxed. Feeling good.
It's the fanciest way of doing nothing. It might even be the most efficient way of doing anything.
At least that's what I think it is.
Like what christians call prayer, just from eastern traditions, instead.
22 hours ago
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