Okay, so who is the Axis of Good? Or is it the Allies of Good?
Are there Allies of Evil?
the economist quote:
IT WAS one of George Bush’s catchier turns of phrase—the “axis of evil” consisting of North Korea, Iran and Iraq. How evil, or even menacing, they really were is debatable. And it was not much of an axis: Iran and Iraq hated each other. North Korea exported nuclear know-how, but probably no more than other countries such as Pakistan, a supposed American ally.
In any case, good and evil is subjective, and by anyone's definition, probably, resides in all of us in varying proportions. There's the phrase, "it's all good", and there's even brain chemistry that explains altruism and cruelty. Bible interpretation says everything is toward the furtherance of God's plan. There's the law of unintended consequences, and Jesus said 'they know not what they do," which parallels with the quote, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions."
Maybe things aren't so cut and dry, black and white.
Maybe George W. Bush needs to listen to some lullabies.
Here's a collection of lullabies from the Axis of Evil.
Was Satan ever a baby? Ha.
22 hours ago
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