Bush should not be Commander in Chief
I'm not a soldier, so I can say this:
He's Imbecile in Chief.
Which makes me wonder, shouldn't soldiers, who fight and die for the right of Americans to enjoy their right to free speech, enjoy that right themselves?
Anyway, I quote this from Jeremy Taylor's January Iraq war blog entry, entitled "Body Count":
Body count
How many Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US invasion in 2003? The cautious Iraq Body Count website puts the figure at almost 88,000. Fifteen months ago, the Lancet medical journal estimated 655,000. Yesterday the World Health Organisation calculated about 151,000, but maybe as much as 223,000.So, give or take half a million dead people. Who knows? No one is in a position to count, since the country has been sunk so deep in chaos and violence since its "liberation". On the "Allied" side, military deaths are now well over 3,000, substantially more than the number of people who died in the Twin Towers on 9/11. In avenging the tragedy of 9/11, the US has actually more than doubled it in terms of dead Americans, and that's without taking into account any of the maimed, the injured or the traumatised. In addition to the dead, over 4 million Iraqis have become refugees as a result of this war. According to the Refugees International website, 2.3 million Iraqis are internal refugees driven out of their homes by the violence; 1.5 million more Iraqis are in Syria, and another million in other Middle Eastern countries. When you consider that Iraq actually had nothing to do with 9/11, the horror inflicted on Iraq and its people by this lunatic war is almost beyond imagining, and certainly out of all proportion to anything that happened on 9/11. What's more, the 9/11 attackers were Saudis, not Iraqis. Logically it would have been better to attack Saudi Arabia, therefore. Or Germany, where some of the planning was done. Or perhaps America should attack itself, since it was right there in the USA that the attackers cheerfully bought pilot training for themselves. But for some reason—yet to be fully explained—the neo-cons in Washington have a vendetta against Iraq, and seem determined to pursue it to the end, no matter how many innocent Iraqis are killed or driven out of their homes.On the basis of the WHO study released yesterday, you have to conclude that one American is worth 50 Iraqis plus 500 refugees, more or less. Each American death merits 50 Iraqi deaths and 500 exiles. And the Americans still think of themselves as the victims.
Okay, so I'll add some research/numbers, and commentary of my own.
ibc.org (iraq body count.org) said, as of 2004, (so 4 more bloody years have passed), that: 408 American civilians outside of Iraq/Afghanistan have died since the wars/war began (in 18 attacks), which, added to the 2976 September 11th body count, is 3375 dead Americans. I don't know how many were injured in 9-11. But 1596 Americans were injured in the 18 subsequent attacks. Anyway, they ask:
One might ask how it is possible to claim that the deaths of some 4,500 civilians at the hands of paramilitaries demonstrates “utter contempt for innocent life” when the blood of some 14,000 innocents staining our own hands is considered noble and necessary.
Well, I'll answer the question. Both sides show contempt for human life, and each side, from it's own perspective, thinks their actions are noble and necessary. It's a mad world. I seriously don't know how military cemetaries can be filled with crosses. I seriously doubt Jesus would approve.
Okay, so I don't know if it's 14k or 88k or 250k or even 655k.
How can you say 250k dead civilian foreigners is a balanced response to 5k dead Americans?
(I suspect the higher figures are true). Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Even ONE DEATH is too many. I am completely, utterly sickened. Fuck you, George W. Bush.
Sorry kiddies. Welcome to our stupid world. Welcome to a neverending cycle of violence and culture of death and massive funding for the military-industrial complex. Welcome to hell.
He has made this country less safe, robbed our money, and cost us insane opportunity costs, because some people like to be all macho and shit about killing "ragheads". I love this country, but I hate a lot of the evil, warloving bastards in it. I suppose it's just an all too pervasive false consciousness, and lack of morals cloaked in a supposed morality that says military "values" like honor, integrity, service justify blindly obeying orders to kill strangers. Not that it's okay to kill people you know. Geezus.
Iraq IS like Vietnam
During the conflict, approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese on both sides were killed, in addition to another 1.5 to 2 million Lao and Cambodians who were drawn into the war.
-capitalist: Total dead: ~314,000Total wounded: ~1,490,000
(South Vietnam, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, United States)
-communist: Total dead: ~1,101,000Total wounded: ~604,000+
(North Vietnam, NLF, China)
-Vietnamese civilian dead: 2,000,000 (*=approximation)
-Cambodian civilian dead: ~700,000*
-Laotian civilian dead: ~50,000*
-U.S., specifically: US dead: 58,209; 2,000 missing; wounded: 305,000
What I'm saying is the U.S. lost 58,209 people in the Vietnam war.
Iraq, a sovereign country no better or worse than the United States, simply made up of people like us, despite stereotypes to the contrary, is said to have suffered a loss of over 600,000 lives, as of 2006.
"The new mortality survey of Iraq that estimates 600,000 deaths by violence is startling and should alter the way America thinks about this war. The John Hopkins University researchers were meticulous about the methods used to randomly choose the survey sites and analyze the data. It is state-of-the-art work, and its accuracy is not an issue. The survey is the only scientific account of the war dead. There is no other, and those who publicly dismiss the findings must offer an alternative. There is none. Every other account is deeply flawed in method, and this one is not. It is standard in epidemiology and disaster response. The survey is available here (mit center for international studies)."
I'm not a soldier, so I can say this:
He's Imbecile in Chief.
Which makes me wonder, shouldn't soldiers, who fight and die for the right of Americans to enjoy their right to free speech, enjoy that right themselves?
Anyway, I quote this from Jeremy Taylor's January Iraq war blog entry, entitled "Body Count":
Body count
How many Iraqi civilians have been killed since the US invasion in 2003? The cautious Iraq Body Count website puts the figure at almost 88,000. Fifteen months ago, the Lancet medical journal estimated 655,000. Yesterday the World Health Organisation calculated about 151,000, but maybe as much as 223,000.So, give or take half a million dead people. Who knows? No one is in a position to count, since the country has been sunk so deep in chaos and violence since its "liberation". On the "Allied" side, military deaths are now well over 3,000, substantially more than the number of people who died in the Twin Towers on 9/11. In avenging the tragedy of 9/11, the US has actually more than doubled it in terms of dead Americans, and that's without taking into account any of the maimed, the injured or the traumatised. In addition to the dead, over 4 million Iraqis have become refugees as a result of this war. According to the Refugees International website, 2.3 million Iraqis are internal refugees driven out of their homes by the violence; 1.5 million more Iraqis are in Syria, and another million in other Middle Eastern countries. When you consider that Iraq actually had nothing to do with 9/11, the horror inflicted on Iraq and its people by this lunatic war is almost beyond imagining, and certainly out of all proportion to anything that happened on 9/11. What's more, the 9/11 attackers were Saudis, not Iraqis. Logically it would have been better to attack Saudi Arabia, therefore. Or Germany, where some of the planning was done. Or perhaps America should attack itself, since it was right there in the USA that the attackers cheerfully bought pilot training for themselves. But for some reason—yet to be fully explained—the neo-cons in Washington have a vendetta against Iraq, and seem determined to pursue it to the end, no matter how many innocent Iraqis are killed or driven out of their homes.On the basis of the WHO study released yesterday, you have to conclude that one American is worth 50 Iraqis plus 500 refugees, more or less. Each American death merits 50 Iraqi deaths and 500 exiles. And the Americans still think of themselves as the victims.
Okay, so I'll add some research/numbers, and commentary of my own.
ibc.org (iraq body count.org) said, as of 2004, (so 4 more bloody years have passed), that: 408 American civilians outside of Iraq/Afghanistan have died since the wars/war began (in 18 attacks), which, added to the 2976 September 11th body count, is 3375 dead Americans. I don't know how many were injured in 9-11. But 1596 Americans were injured in the 18 subsequent attacks. Anyway, they ask:
One might ask how it is possible to claim that the deaths of some 4,500 civilians at the hands of paramilitaries demonstrates “utter contempt for innocent life” when the blood of some 14,000 innocents staining our own hands is considered noble and necessary.
Well, I'll answer the question. Both sides show contempt for human life, and each side, from it's own perspective, thinks their actions are noble and necessary. It's a mad world. I seriously don't know how military cemetaries can be filled with crosses. I seriously doubt Jesus would approve.
Okay, so I don't know if it's 14k or 88k or 250k or even 655k.
How can you say 250k dead civilian foreigners is a balanced response to 5k dead Americans?
(I suspect the higher figures are true). Jesus said to turn the other cheek. Even ONE DEATH is too many. I am completely, utterly sickened. Fuck you, George W. Bush.
Sorry kiddies. Welcome to our stupid world. Welcome to a neverending cycle of violence and culture of death and massive funding for the military-industrial complex. Welcome to hell.
He has made this country less safe, robbed our money, and cost us insane opportunity costs, because some people like to be all macho and shit about killing "ragheads". I love this country, but I hate a lot of the evil, warloving bastards in it. I suppose it's just an all too pervasive false consciousness, and lack of morals cloaked in a supposed morality that says military "values" like honor, integrity, service justify blindly obeying orders to kill strangers. Not that it's okay to kill people you know. Geezus.
Iraq IS like Vietnam
During the conflict, approximately 3 to 4 million Vietnamese on both sides were killed, in addition to another 1.5 to 2 million Lao and Cambodians who were drawn into the war.
-capitalist: Total dead: ~314,000Total wounded: ~1,490,000
(South Vietnam, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, United States)
-communist: Total dead: ~1,101,000Total wounded: ~604,000+
(North Vietnam, NLF, China)
-Vietnamese civilian dead: 2,000,000 (*=approximation)
-Cambodian civilian dead: ~700,000*
-Laotian civilian dead: ~50,000*
-U.S., specifically: US dead: 58,209; 2,000 missing; wounded: 305,000
What I'm saying is the U.S. lost 58,209 people in the Vietnam war.
Iraq, a sovereign country no better or worse than the United States, simply made up of people like us, despite stereotypes to the contrary, is said to have suffered a loss of over 600,000 lives, as of 2006.
"The new mortality survey of Iraq that estimates 600,000 deaths by violence is startling and should alter the way America thinks about this war. The John Hopkins University researchers were meticulous about the methods used to randomly choose the survey sites and analyze the data. It is state-of-the-art work, and its accuracy is not an issue. The survey is the only scientific account of the war dead. There is no other, and those who publicly dismiss the findings must offer an alternative. There is none. Every other account is deeply flawed in method, and this one is not. It is standard in epidemiology and disaster response. The survey is available here (mit center for international studies)."
This is some pretty bad karma, if justice exists.
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