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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Gentle Jesus

 Dear Friends,

  Today we are continuing our Series on the fruits of the Spirit. There are 9 of them, enumerated in Galatians 5. Can you name them?  Let’s see….

Love  joy. Peace

Patience. Kindness. Goodness

Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control 

So what is Gentleness?  Suggestions?

Tied into Meekness, and as we know the meek are not weak!

Moses was the meekest man alive, said God. Teachable, open to reasoning, open to others, accessible. And because of this he was able to lead Israel through 40 tough years in the wilderness. 

  So how can we define gentleness?  The greek word implies “a mild and gentle friendliness, especially referring to the behavior of certain women deities”. Aristotle who defined virtue as the balance between extremes considered it the mid point between a bad tempered indifference and a cloying, pathetic self-abnegation, a false humility, almost a fake meekness.

  I’ll in turn give you my definition. It is a mode of being, a way of relating to the world and others. Gentleness is kindness enacted, manifested, personified. Which leads us to ask, “who is the model or exemplar of such behavior for the Christian?”  Why it is, of course, the Great shepherd, the good shepherd who gives his life for the sheep, The Lord of Glory who came “to serve and not be served”. 

  We read in the Isaiah passage that God is the shepherd of Israel. A shepherd who gathers his lambs in his arms and carries them in his bosom, gently leading the very young to green pastures and slow moving waters for them to drink. Sheep tend to be very skittish around strangers and so to a hireling they will not give their trust. Jesus is a shepherd who calls us by name, he knows us well and his is a voice we can trust and follow his commands.

  When most people think about God they thinks about God’s power, God’s majesty, God’s greatness. But humility and lowliness and gentleness don’t usually top their list. The ancient world was the same. God’s were conquering heroes for the greeks, divine monarchs like the pagan kings of the ancient near east. Molech a war god who demanded child sacrifice to obtain his favor in the battle. But Jahweh, that strange god of the Jews presented Godself as a shepherd, not a god only of power but of divine service, a suffering servant of the people.

-written by my roommate, Michael Helbush

Gentle gentile Jess sez:

    Meek and mild, not harsh, like how you would treat a baby, or an injured puppy.   With care and concern, not trying to “toughen someone up” or punish, insult, anger, or hurt someone, physically or in feelings.  A gentleman is not brute.  A genuinely Gentle Jennifer is not a hard and harsh Marsha (ha).   Getting mental about gentle (Yentl?).  Meek means submissive, but Jesus did not submit to the devil.

    Anyway, gentility does not offend, and often soothes.    Except when folks “like it rough”, like playing football or some rough and tumble in the sack or what have you.  Love is a battlefield and war is hell and and combat is a televised bloodsport, but we all need gentility, too.  A caress, a friendly touch, a kind word, refraining from pointing out faults, driving defensively, putting things diplomatically, not constantly raging against the machine, taking the blue pill, replacing malice with understanding, forgiveness, charitable interpretations, positivity, cheer, joy, love.  

    Most of all, Gentility and gentleness are about making people feel good and not feel bad or worse.  It’s about not stepping on boundaries, or breaking bad news to people gently.  Go gently into the night.   Don’t fight it.   We all die.   OR… Do not go gentle into that good night - Dylan Thomas.   In other words, life is precious and should be fought for at every turn.  Death should be faced with dignity and ferocity, not resignation.  Both concepts are valid (simultaneously, in my view).  Be gentle with yourself.   Don’t condemn yourself to unwarranted guilt or prison or hell or suffering or sadness.  We’re all in the same boat, and everybody goes through the same things.   Nobody’s perfect.  Life gets rough.  Gentleness is a profound virtue.

From A to Z

 Gentle annie, gentle b, gentle criminal, gentle dental, gentle ease, gentle ferber method, gentle giant, gentle hands moving company, gentle induction (prostaglandin, oxytocin, artificially breaking the waters, and a balloon catheter),  gentleman jim, gentle kiss, gentle leader harness, gentle monster (glasses), gentle nudge, gentle on my mind, gentle push/persuasion, gentle rain sounds, gentle souls/shampoo, gentle touch, gently used, gentle voice (not loud, harsh, or threatening), gentle whisper or word, Gentle (X-men character), gentle yoga, gentle zumba.

DONT (dictionary of the New Testament)

powers and principalities, thrones and dominions, 

God and gods and lord and angels and saints and heavenly host

The higest form of God in Heaven (and the lowest deity on earth)

Earth IS Heaven (or SHOULD be), for humans, anyway (evolutionary adaptation)

power and position and authority ("boss")

reptilians, sky-falling space marines, galactic warriors, war angels, 

   and murderous adulterous witch-whores

super-powers and highly attuned senses and heightened perception

enlightened, clear, honorable, with virtue and integrity, 

  love kindness compassion mercy forgiveness grace joy

devotion and delight, health wealth and happiness, pleasure/treasure

equanimity, goodwill, positivity, humor, cheer, fun, play, laughter, bliss

a PhD in pleasure happiness delight

positive psychology, sexology, relationships, and food, vacation, thrills

sights, sounds, smells, tastes, touch (and the "ineffable")

going mental, the sixth sense, and six cents and sick scents

machines that clean the oceans

self-impregnating (Mother of Gawd!)

ghost-state through witchcraft (w/c)

ppa of papa

Father-God in Heaven, in the spirit-realm

king, deliverer, anointed, leader of hope/cause

pure, blessed, sacred, holy, sanctified, consecrated

Depeche Mode song (if you're looking for a reason...), 'Happiness' (movie), Joy dish soap and Cheer detergent and Harmony snacks

delight-   what is light, de-light:  in the dark, darkness, the dark side

pure hell devil. (satanic delight in San Diego, some days)

maoist mice in Los Gatos

Czechs making a mint from sand dollars

Betty the sweaty yeti down by the jetty

Jesse Lawrence Teshara, JLT, jilted, jolted, jailtime

Elon Musk in Iran at dusk

drones, clones, crones, and groans

Joan on the phone honing the tone of her moans

Donner party dinner, and launching lunch

articulate, open, clear, focused

Clarity at Valero about Larry's lair

hamburger in a hammock with Hamas

at pools with pals after the pollls

semolina with salmonella

jail or Sheol?  said Gail or Dale

contentedly contentious

the antitrust antichrist

barnstorming and brainstorming

eclectically electric

trafficking and exploitation and slavery

buy Tony's Chocolonely: to fight

   "1.56 million cases of child labor on cocoa farms in West Africa"

Kamala is always so goddamn giddy

Trump is always shitting on the American people

    lies, nonsense, and meanness

miffed or chuffed

war on Warren?  come on, command...

suicidal ideation, plan, means, intent

homicidal ideation in HI

follow up?  FU!


I just signed up for an app on my phone (cashwalk) that pays me to walk.   Granted, it's maxed at $5 every 50 days (100 steps is 1 coin, and 5 thousand coins is $5, and 10,000 steps a day is the limit).   So, if I walk enough, I'll earn like $35 in a year, lol.  It's funded by the health department, to save healthcare costs (and get people motivated to get off their asses).

I signed up for a focus group product testing with user interviews (Project Pismo, with Meta) and earned $125.    I had to travel to Burlingame, though.   Which was okay, because I used to work at the Hyatt Regency SFO 30 years ago, and wanted to see how it changed (a lot).  Plus, I finished early, so it was only an hour of my time.

wurd to your müther

wordplay and world pay, world peace and whirled peas

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy

respect my existence or expect my resistance

erotic rockets and sexy exes and horny jazz players

the cannibal can nibble on chewy Chuy (taste E? tasty!) (yummy me)

muy yummy, scrumptious rump, delightfully delicious delicatessen

satisfying flying, rewarding psych ward, and pleasant lesbians 

problems with collecting evidence against criminals, yourself:

1. not collected by peace/police officer/deputy/agent of law/people

2. hair/fiber evidence like "hearsay" (not matched to dna? source fabric, etc.)

3. could be "planted"

        e.g. false evidence (by criminal), or even by collector

short exercise list:

plank, run, burpies, lunge, squat, jumprope, 

shakes (like "shake-weight" but without weight), pushups, pike pushups, 

   yoga, stretches (touch toes, legs apart, hurdler, groin, thigh-opener, shoulder)

depression meds can make a world of difference

   biochemical or situational/contextual?

PeACE quote:

"There is no easy or quick or infallible approach to a secure peace.  It is only by a patient, persistent, undismayed effort, by trial and error, that peace can be won." -Ralph Bunche

Monday, July 22, 2024


 If I Were President

I would speak logically and clearly and truthfully.

I would be serious about my job, and it’s potential to alleviate suffering, create happiness, and cause national and global growth and development.  

The priorities, of course, would be lifting the world’s poor out of misery, and peace and security for America (and all, really).

I believe healthcare should be a human right, like housing, and education.

I believe in a rising tide lifting all boats, and creating American wealth by creating a world of global prosperity, as producers for American consumers and markets for American producers.

I believe hunger should be eradicated, and the food supply should not be centered around the profit motive (in other words, incentivized to be designed by food chemists and tweaked for maximized profit at the expense of health and nutrition).  

Obesity and poor nutrition and exercise, as well as hunger and malnutrition, need to be addressed in a caring environment of safety and sanity.    Security and mental health are essential to physical well-being.   Less meat and ethical treatment of animals are crucial, if we are to think of ourselves as virtuous, a people of God, with morals and values.

Clean water is a human right.

Love is the universal aspiration for all, and begins with respect, compassion, kindness, joy.

Love is devotion and delight.    Nobody should be alienated, isolated, alone.

Our culture of guns and violence and combat is sick and twisted and must end, and be replaced with one of  respect, understanding, sympathy, empathy, camaraderie, friendship, and peace (not misery and resentment and vengeance and hate).

Our military must be strong and ready, but not on a perpetual war footing.   The main purpose of the Department of Defense, like the State Department, is to prevent war and maintain peace.   Nuclear weapons are an abomination, and must be eradicated, worldwide, as unthinkable.    The balance of terror is untenable, and they never should have come into existence.  The whole world would breathe a sigh of relief if the threat of their use was lifted.   The possibility of nuclear winter and the end of human existence means the time for them to go has come.   The potential for a single unhinged leader with a “finger on the button” to kill millions means we live in a sick world that needs fixing, urgently.

Personally, I think there shouldn’t be any borders, and the whole world should live in a community of “United States”, with everyone free to go anywhere.  We are all just humans, and jingoism has no place.  We are all just animals, actually, and we should respect life and Nature.   We are all different, and we should all respect both individual and cultural variations.  We are all made by Love, and God should inform everything we do.   Atheism is a path to God.

a ditty about the duty of a deity

G-D, Gravely disabled, good dude, governing democrat, go deep

SB, Supreme Being (somebody?  Simone Biles?) 

   at Sports Basement and Starbuck's in San Bruno

Kamala is clear, logical, intelligent, rational.   Basically, someone I'd rather listen to for four+ years.    (But I wish she'd come alive and sound normal though.    She sounds annoying and comes off as talking down to everyone all the time).    I take that back.  That was a first impression.  She's WAY more impressive.   I watched her give a speech on YouTube.   She has humility.  She's real.   AND..At least she doesn't have 34 felonies, and liable to 57 more, possibly!    As Ben Carson, the housing secretary under Mr. Trump said, reminding the crowd that DJT came from the "dog eat dog world" of Manhattan real estate, "But it's okay, because, you know, David was a pretty slimy guy, too, in the Bible - I mean, murder, and adultery, and deceit.   And yet, God said he's a man after my own heart." 

apparently, the election is all about money.   The voters are sheeple who can be manipulated by social media and ads, not substance like ideology or experience or skill or inspiring rhetoric...  I'm tired of getting hit up for money, and being told the entire election depends on my money!!

iffy at jiffy lube, but certainly hurtin'

cartoons about neither cars nor tunes

bumpers sticker I saw today (the ultimate 'I don't give a fuck' statement'):

    I neither deny nor justify my actions

use your dick to music, Azusa-Pacific

which doctor is a witch-doctor?  said the wretch on watch

deluded and diluted

different and deferred rent

feeling happy or feeling crappy?

reading the noose paper

breaking your fist before breakfast

adversarial, bilious, contentious, fractious, 

  antagonistic, hostile, rancorous, combative, truculent

gr, growing resentment

mad about murder, adultery, deceit

rich Richard from Richmond, and the poor eating porridge and pork

BLVD:  beloved bull-vd boulevard

happy in Napa, irked in Berkeley

Urkel taking a nap

phi beta nappa from Berzerkeley

legos in Lagos

a freak from Afrique 

feet, flatulence, and feculence (666)

caught cotton-candy colored crustacean

cheeses, Jesus, and diseases

Jesse Jackson, James, Owens, Helms, Ventura

   Disney Jessie and Christina Applegate Jesse

jester, jesus, hey zeus, isaí, chuy, jess, jessemiah, jesse tree

grl, giving and receiving love

I love your gloves, I hate your fate

death from meth and sick from ticks and sad from bad lads

blissful kisses and joyful boys and girls with pearls

love from above, dough from below

money for you honey, for rings and things

our intent is to be content 

our nightmare is to bite a pair of spiteful bears

unleashing rage from a cage

sage mages earn wages from pages

I saw a bumper sticker today that read, "born again crustacean"

   which I thought was funny.  like pornography and prawn-ograpny.

humans are animals: Homo sapiens sapiens

wise, wise homos (lol) (we're so full of ourselves)

 (homo homeowners) and ho moaners (moaning whores)

kingdom Animalia.  Jesus was an animal, too.

monkey monks and ant christ (ha), aunty christ, and anarchist

naked apes and bipedal primates and uber-social, like bonobos

let's be scientific and modern, not backward, folks

Jesus is dead.   He may have survived the cross, but not old age!

vampire, immortal, vengeful angry mean pissed ire

irate in Ireland, dire in the fire, not higher in a choir

We all have 5 souls: 2 on our feet, a beer, a fish, and a sun.  ha ha.


can you identify a dangerously insane mentally-ill killer?

   (versus an angry person who just needs to cool off?)

academic-  ack! a dimik  (dim mak?)

    A danger to self or others (or both), doesn't give a fuck, suppressed rage;  suicidally homicidal, freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.    lethal, by experience or training or madness/ surprise/ cunning/ poison.  under a spell, like music, a movie, or book, perhaps...  such as, say, hannibal lecter, or anton chigurh, or kaiser soze, or sauron, or Slayer.   maybe self-identifies as a vampire, devil, demon, monster, mob-boss, etc.   maybe people are objects/things, like blade runner, or mere programs, like in the matrix.   hearing voices, aggravated, suffering, tormented, possessed, avolition, not in control.    seeking justice, vengeance, payback, retribution, karma - bloodthirsty, angry.   a dish best served cold.  mad at the world, everybody, god, reality, the universe, life, everything.   sexually frustrated, alienated, no love.  a wily predator with a need, that seizes any and all opportunities to kidnap, rape, torture, kill.  addicted, can't stop.  the most dangerous game.  resentment, channeled into cold murder, mixed with sadistic pleasure.  playing a delusional role (a twisted, evil, deity??). life is boring and depressing, and crime is spicy.  that's my take on it.   maybe a very scary fairy.

are we all just meat?  shit?  dna-replication devices?  we say shit, do shit, think shit, and a lot of us are pieces of shit.    Some think we all are.  We all turn to shit, eventually (decay).  Eaten by worms, and chopped up by time into little pieces, particles, dust to dust.  Shee-it.  The world chews us up and shits us out.  We're planted, become soil, feed the plants, recycle.  Butt just because we ARE shit, doesn't mean we should treat each other like shit.   I mean, I flush shit, and I pick up dog shit (respectfully, tying off the bags), and I certainly don't think my shit don't stink.  Feet and farts stink, too.  Am I merely an object, like a rock?  A heinous object, maybe, even worse than a rock?  As the Grateful Dead sang, "please don't murder me."

this is water

don't drown.  (but we all have a terminal diagnosis)

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Love Letter

To K

I love you for so many reasons, all the reasons:

I’ll do my best to give them all

I love you.   I love you for being you.   I love you for the sake of love.  I love you for any and all and no reason whatsoever.

I fell in love with you when I met you for being strong, beautiful, smart, fun, funny, and just what I needed, in every way.  

I loved who I was, myself, being with you.   I still do.   I love listening to you, being around you, talking to you, doing things with you, spending time with you, going places with you, living with you, looking at you, touching you, holding you, kissing you, sex, making love to you.   I love writing to you.   I love loving you.  

I love your mind, your genius, your intensity, your playfulness, your worldview, your perception.  You ARE a goddess, and the kind girl at the Grocery Outlet checkstand is actually Love Herself, as far as I’m concerned.  You’re my whole world, and I don’t ever want to lose you.

Love is a chemical, a feeling, a decision, a commitment, a deity, a person, an attitude…

It doesnt’ have to be heroin.   It can be a paperclip.

…We watch Jeopardy together, old time latenight shows, listen to music, read to each other, dance, cook, go to restaurants, share wine and beers, sit together at a park, have plans, play therapist to each other, care for each other, share our pasts, are Alive! together.   We’re fun.   We fight spiritual warfare against witchcraft, crime, dark forces of sin, evil, wickedness.  We’re true to each other, and good for each other.  I’m encouraged to connect to my Jewish heritage, and K reads my blog. 

Birds and the bees, the trees. 


I like Biden, but I think he made the right decision.  Dems will still vote dem.  He was a liability.  That said, I think Kamala is a phony.   Not really black, I mean.  I don’t like how she plays the race card.   She’s technically marginally black, but not culturally.   Anyway, I’ll vote for her.  Or any non-Trump, basically.  But I’m eager to see who the new nominee will be!  (okay, I've been racist.   I saw the picture of her as a girl.   And her dad.   She's black.  She illustrates my belief that race doesn't or shouldn't matter, anyway, and that it's a construct, though.   So what if she doesn't listen to Tupac!).

Dampened pampers have hampered (not ramped up) the amps of our camp’s champ vamps with tramp stamps.   Don’t tamper with the lamp, champ.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Day Well Spent


I updated K and my pre-application to Marea Alta ("high tide") in SL.  I went to Trader Joe’s and got flowers and food (yogurt, carrot juice, burritos, salami, protein bar).  I went to Sacramento Market and got carrot cake, bananas, milk, OJ, a steak, and beer.  I bought a sex toy from Good Vibrations.  I bought a smoking cessation device online from FÜM.  I bought jelly bellies and index cards.  I went to the library and checked out 2 books on Hebrew (Hebrew for dummies, and modern dictionary).   I researched craft centers in Berkeley and the Berkeley Art Studio and the Disney Family Museum and the Lawrence Hall of Science.   I attempted to invest in a cryptocurrency (my bank is not cooperating).  I bought a bottle of astragalus (to lengthen my telomeres :-).  And I drank a cup of black coffee in my new white Washington mug.  

The Potter’s Studio, 10-5 M-Su, 510-528-3286, 1221 Eigth St. Bkly 94710

Cass Ceramics, 10-5 M-Su, 510-424-1440, Albany, 533 San Pablo 94706 , 510-528-1360, 745 Page St. Bkly 94710 (pottery avg. price, $25)

Berkeley Art Studio, 510-642-6161,

Disney Museum, $25, R 10a-5:30p,  3-4hours+, 104 Montgomery 94129

   To Montgomery Bart, then 38R to Geary and Presidio, transfer to 43 Fort Mason

      Off at Presidio Transit Center

LHOS, Larry Hall of Science, 1 centennial drive, Bkly 94720, 10-5 T-M, 510-642-5132

Silence does not equal science (sos, the study of sound, acoustics)

Desiree desires dessert in the desert

Alice and Alex

frogs, pollywogs, and the ribbit exhibit

G-D in the garbage disposal

Things undone

jewelery,,  disneyland plan, Berkeley employment, claremont hotel/club, KP glasses schedule, MASD (martial arts/self defense) and JOKE books, learn the rules of tennis, gel my hair, pushups, and picking up my Amazon order.

My recent hospital stay cost $39,200.   The ambulance cost $5,716.56.  $44,916 for 2 weeks??   That's $134 an hour for 24 hours a day for 2 weeks straight.   TOTALLY fucking insane, IMO. They call ME insane??   Greedy bastards.   I'm still not sure I needed anything more than maybe just a bottle of atavan.   But I AM doing much better.   Thankyou, Jesus.

Plus, a quick reminder:

The Universe has 1 Billion+ galaxies.   The average galaxy has between 100B and 300B stars. Ours, the Milky Way galaxy, has at least 100B stars, according to many astronomers.  Intergalactic warfare is basically impossible, imo.    The distances are too VAST.  The average distance between stars is 29 trillion miles, or 5 light years.  Light travels at 186,282 miles per second.  For five years?   Between 200+? billion billion stars?  The average location in space is completely black.    This is just the KNOWN universe.

wordplay, world pay

currants and currents, frights and fruits, boats and bait and bites, reaching for a peach, pulling apples, Barry's berries, Lorin's oranges, Anna's bananas, daughter Helen's watermelons, slobbery strawberries, Newbery-award winning blueberries, amazin' raisins, aching for steak, Flaco's tacos, grape flavored vape, peaches on beaches, tech breakfast, munching on lunch, dinner for winners (breakfast of champions).  This speck is a wreck.    Fuck, I'm stuck.   Shit, I'm bit.  Damn, I'm ham and yams and jam.   Dude, I'm food.   Crap, I'm zapped.  Jesus, he's us.  Jesse Teshara evokes Jesus and rhymes with flesh... Shara story with Cher.   Madonna and fauna.   Laura and flora.  Rocco and rock stars and rocks and the third rock from the sun.  

nuts about butts, ape rape, and monkey spunk.   Drunk on rum and numb and dumb, with a thumb up my bum.  Poor whores and Johns that want spawn.    Butt-sluts and prostitution in the constitution.  Sex with Rex and cumming with bums and getting paid to get laid.

blood of christ

be lewd, annointed with (massage) oil.  suckers who believe.  Jesus, the vampire's vampire.   Prey for me.  G-D, getting drunk.  thirst for blood, for vengeance.  cross on the cross.   passion, getting nailed.  fingernails and toenails.   TOE, theory of everything.  FIN grr.  Hole spear.  Father, fat her.  Son of man, sun of man, my burden is light, photons, stars.  Shine your heavenly bodies.  Beauty, be a smile cross why.  Geezus.  Bless, amor.  I'm in your orbit.  

Monday, July 15, 2024

POST-Election Website

For When You Want the RESULTS

There should be a website, like Ballotpedia (a nonprofit), or a .gov, that you simply enter your address and get ALL the results of your ballot, as soon as they become available.   Ballotpedia focuses on educating voters on all the issues BEFORE the elections.   But AFTER matters, too.

Now, you have to google each result, individually, or comb through a newspaper for SOME of the results. 

There should be ONE site, nationally, for everybody to access their election results, imo.   I'm incredulous something like this doesn't already exist.  




BOOKS (but also music, movies, videos, photographs, landscapes, experiences)

I have a book of “10,001 songs you must hear”.    That should link to the actual music.


Like a public library.   Could be free.   Could have a free section.  Could be subscription to access, for all the books.   Or could charge for each book.    Maybe kids books, for example, could be $5/month, or something.   Or, you could subscribe to a genre.  Or subscribe to the Bestsellers.  Maybe an author would like to sell access to his or her full oeuvre.  I have a list of the TOP 100 kids books.   I have a booklet of OPL (Oakland Public Library) Teen Reading List (50 books, in fiction/horror/mystery/urban fiction/non-fiction).   I have Bill Gates’ recommended reading list.  I have 501 “Must-Read Books".   I have a title index and author index to “1,001 Books you must read before you die.”  I have the List of Newbery Medal award winners.  I have almost all the trivia (no joke).   These could all be easily accessible on a VL.

The LIBRARY I envision would allow you to navigate “shelves” and “pull” books off of them.

You can change the print size, highlight words in books for dictionary definition, and maybe even switch between audiobook and reading, if you like.   You could even switch languages.

You could place different languages of the same work side by side, for instructional use.  You could wear your goggles in an actual library, to select virtual versions for your headset.  You can highlight text, to paste and save, or for translation, or for specific words to link to a definition or Wikipedia article, say.  

You could search a subject.  An author.  A genre.  A year.  An award.   A list (like Gates’).   Reference, which you could easily compare/contrast with Wikipedia, say.   Trivia.   You can intersperse your reading with audio queries of Siri or typed/audio Google queries.    A scientist or researcher might have a different set-up than a newbie.   You could select levels of complexity and specificity.

You could arrange your own virtual library in any way you like.

Could you even search something like FICTION for themes?  Like Love?

One could certainly search for keywords, across as big a database as the tech or budget will allow.  

Artificial Intelligences should link up to the source reading material from which they draw.   For example, if there is a LAW AI that I query, for example, on “what should I know about a dog getting in a fight at a dog park?”  I should be able to read the laws themselves, or any precedent, etc.  in addition to the general knowledge answer,  rules-of-thumb, lawyer response.  

These are my thoughts.

I would love to work for Apple.    Maybe from home.   I am not an engineer.

But “I have a dream”.    Free library of all the world’s books, available to everywhere (internet), in a truly easy, accessible format,  that allows for both entertainment and learning.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

In the Top 7%

 Richard says, I'm Rich!

I get SSA, SSI, Medicare, Medi-cal, free Dental, my brother pays my phone service, I have an ideal rent-controlled apartment in Berkeley CA, and there are things like free libraries, wifi, and food pantries...

(791+412) x 12 = 14,436/year.    The health insurance (and medications) are worth x.   An income of say, $18,500 happens to be the average farm-worker salary, in the Bay Area.  That's $50.70/d.    Only 7% of the world earns $50+/d.  

85% of the world (6.5B) earns less than $30/d.  71% earns less then $10/d.  50% earns less than $5.50/d.

Half the world earns $6.85/d ($2500/yr or less).   9.2% of the world lives on $1.90/d ($700/yr)

SSA?  Social Security Administration.  Or, Sub-Saharan Africa.  60% of the global poor live in the SSA.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Lying Pig Dog


   I am accused of cheating, regularly.   Almost every day, in fact.  I’m tired of it.   It’s getting old.   I feel like either I will never be trusted, or I can never successfully convey the truth.  Or maybe even that is theoretically impossible to convince someone that you love them.   It’s depressing.  I get it.   Her ex cheated on her.  She’s been scarred.  Does she enjoy making me squirm?  Is it a dominance thing?   Does she enjoy hearing my protests of innocence and fidelity and commitment, while at the same time maybe making me feel sexy with the apparent conviction that I could have any woman I want, and women must be throwing themselves at me? She says she doesn’t care if I masturbate, but she cares who I think about if I do.  I suspect “cheating” somehow means simply thinking of other women.   That’s the only way it makes sense.   I mean, she talks to angels, the heavens, aliens, etc.   So who knows what they're telling her, or why.  I think the spirits are mischievous and like to make trouble!  I’ve stopped watching porn, and masturbating as much, and being my usual sexy flirtatious self.  Not that I’ve had all that much sex in my life.   Ugh.   Sometimes I wish I was a big cheater.   I even wonder if she’s TELLING me to cheat.   Like, be an adult and Go Live a Little, or something.  Love is devotion and delight, commitment and wanting the other person to be happy.  I have not cheated on Kelli, and I will not.  I love her, and she loves me, and I wouldn’t risk throwing that away for anything.   I have never cheated in my life.   I am not a cheater.  And I’m not about to start.  I haven’t cheated on K, and I never will.  I don’t want to.  We love each other.   Maybe she's understood this all along, lol.   She's really good at what she does.

    But apparently, I’m a “lying pig dog” for being horny.  K thinks I’m a really good liar, and lie to myself, and don’t even know who I am, or something.  Or maybe she really thinks I AM a cheater, and have been a whore slut with everything that moves, man woman or beast.  Pigs are considered dirty.  Pigs are a derogatory label for police officers.  Pigs are the source of delicious bacon and pastor tacos.   Pigs are intelligent, sensitive animals.  I am actually a Boar, in Chinese astrology.   Finally, I AM a dog.  I mean, I love dogs.  I walk dogs.  Dogs are people, too.  And people are animals.   All of us.  Dogs are happy and alive and run around and play and love smells and love to be petted and are real, eager to please, not playing games, as it were (although they’ll play fetch, or catch a frisbee, or roll around on the ground with their humans, or chase squirrels).   Being called a dog is a compliment, in my book.  I would rather be sincere and alive, than fake and dead.  Cheating on K might make me feel more alive for a minute, but losing Kelli would definitely make me feel dead.    I don't want to be neutered, but I don't want to chase every bitch in the dog park, either.   I like to flirt, but I only need One.

    She (Keli Jean, seer/vessel, priestess/goddess, abc, moe) calls me the holy triune of God, but also says the heavens are preparing her for another relationship (with The Morningstar, whoever the hell He is).   Jesus fucking Christ.   What the fuck is going on.   I've really had enough of this shit.  She IS fun, though!  I DID say I'd be loyal no matter what.   Are we testing each other?  Is it all spiritual warfare and political agendas and stuff like demonic rats?   

     The religious stuff includes me (Yeshua?) not being who or where I'm supposed to be, and words like meshisheach (mashiach is messiah in Aramaic, with "a she" thrown in).    I believe we're both pro-life.  The RAT thing?  Well, I'm a Teshara ('he's a rat' anagram), a democrat, and had a rat in my room awhile back (the rodent problem has been gone for many months).  I never had a pet rat, like one of those albino things with pink eyes, or the black beady eyes.   I enjoyed the movie Ratatouille, but have never listened to RATT.   Sun God (Ra) on a cross (T)?   Art, rearranged.    The art of being an ardent rodent.

An LPD, btw, is (also) a "Landing Platform Dock", which is an amphibious warfare ship used by the military, to embark transport and land elements of a landing force for expeditionary missions.

abc, anointed bride of christ.   moe, mother of the eternal.   dog, daughter of god.  

Leo, name/sign/lion, law enforcement officer, love each other, (both my parents)

   love ecstasy orgasm, king of the jungle (koj).  KJ

Morningstar is a boys' ranch in Spokane WA.   It can be Jesus, Lucifer, Mary, or JTB (John the Baptist).   Or Darren or Chip.  Or Mercury, Venus, Sirius.  Or a brand of vegetarian food.  Or...the star of a really good morning... (hopefully, me).  Or?

God is Reality?   Reality has no agency.  Not all death is a killing.   Just as not Everything in the Universe is 'Creation'.   All dogs may go to Heaven, but not all dogs are D.O.G.'s, daughters of god.    Well, maybe the bitches are.   So much of religion is SUPERSTITION.    Supernatural snatch and superman and supermom and supermarkets and supermario and supermassive black holes and supercars and superior superstars of superb superfluous supercharged supertramp superimposed on Super Bowl and supercuts superseding supper and other suppositions.   A super bowl of super soup.   Coming to term, and making the firm worm squirm, like an impermanent germ, Herm.   Cheat and chat.   Claim to be calm.   Suspicious Minds.   S and M.  Scrubbing and mopping.  Sex and murder.  Sadism and masochism.

cruelty, filth, whoredom, witchcraft, evil and wickedness, sin upon sin

a womanizing, adulterous, whore-dick


the Olympics host about 2,900 athletes (one website said)

In 2016, they distributed 450,000 condoms (in Rio)

The Olympics last 2 weeks.

So, let's say 3 weeks...155 condoms per athlete

That's sex, on average, about 6-8 times/day!!

I feel SO sexually STUNTED.

Okay, it's actually less now, for Paris 2024, but still...

11,300 athletes in 2020.   Winter?  Less.  2,971 in 2022.

300,000 condoms to 10,500 athletes (11,000+, actually) for 2 weeks =

2 condoms each/day  (and since it's half men, half women, that's 4 instances of sex each per day),  (319 medal events, btw)