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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Books like Dr. Boox

Howdy, folks.   

Dudes and dudettes.   Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls.  Men and women, non-binaries, and neither or both!   How’s life treating you?  Life is good, beautiful, strange, a highway.  Life is a cereal, a magazine, and a sentence.  Death is the grim reaper and a type of metal music and an anagram of HATED, because it is.  Am I right? Thyme is an herb, and the blood is the life, and space is the final frontier.   Love is a drug, and hate is a strong word, and sex should last longer than secs, lol.  Beauty is subjective, and in the eye of the bee-holder.   Sting is 71 years old, and We are we are the youth of the nation, sings POD, which stands for prince of darkness, or payable on death, or pod-people, bike pods, or iPods, or that brand of shipping containers or whatever.   The band is supposedly christian, but they all have tattoos, which I remember the Bible prohibits, actually.   Not that I care.  I may be God, but I’m not the Bible.   Only God is good, says the good book..  Only the book is good?  That’s one interpretation.  I like all books.  Everybody should be a book worm, in my view.  And all books are written by God.   Yes, even this one.   And all the censored ones.   What’s the most evil book ever written?  Marquis de Sade’s, maybe?   Or, how to build bombs, how to print yourself a throwaway gun.  If you’re an anarchist, then all the law books, I guess, right?  I really liked Spite, Malice, and Revenge - by Chunder and Hayduke, myself.  Nihilist philosophy could be considered dangerous, as could lots of science, or religious works supposedly dictated by angels, like the Quran or the Book of Mormon, no?  I mean, if schizophrenia is an illness, right? A book so long it makes you go blind, or so twisted, it drives you insane!! 

Well, anyway.

What’s the best writing?  Humorous, interesting, engaging, well-written, fun.  Whatever you’re into!   Everybody's into everything! 


Bake sales, bird beaks, e-bikes, Bokonon, and (the fantastic feats of) dr. Boox!  Baby got back, Beck, Bic lighter, chicken goes bok, and giving books a look.  Book 'em!  Prisoners get sentenced to periods of time.   Weird words. 

Texas and India are fangs.  Louisiana and Italy are boots.  Huitzilopochtli killed his sister.  CR, in addition to Camp Royaneh and Colorado Rockies, is a cruel, crappy, crazy, crooked, creepy criminal.   vv, a vampire victim, like voice and violin.  Harmonica and harm Monica.  Sauna in Yemen?  Yeah, man!  Sana'a!!   what are you?   way!  Is an alligator less moral than a vegetarian?  Just be yourself.  Conditioned response to consensus reality.  Hors, Gun Ana, and Amaterasu?  sun gods!  let their blight.   B less.   Amor.   seedy!   Does worship float your boat?  Sink the censorship!  Wavy Gravy in the Navy!  He's got a notion about the motion of the ocean.   Smurf bored.  Ryze and Fawlty Towers.  Crest toothpaste and the pig trough.   Sit-in on top of the world, when I dip you dip we dip.  Go with the flow, Gough with the Flo.  Playing Risk with an actuary.   Would you eat a burger made of fetus-meat?  double oh, a license to kill?

HQZ:  888

Huitzilopochtli (Aztec, 5), 

Q (Star Trek, 8), 

Zurvan (Zoroastrian, 3)

sun gods, star gods, moon gods, gods of dreams, visions

the way the truth the light, the avatar of conscious light

vision quest, the Holy See, the all-seeing eye

a little levity, ahhh (laughter, levity, life)

Sugar is bliss

Sweetie, come give me a kiss.

Yes, honey!

Sugar smacks

Brown sugar, how come you taste so good?

Azúcar, and using a cane at the zoo

Syrup in the stirrups

Candy strung up on the candelabra

Sweet thang, like sugar on my tongue

Gummy bears and gum drops

And gamelan music

okay, anyway

No-sugar is also bliss

No weight gain, no diabetes, no cavities 

Sweet solitude, with boundless books

Computer and cards and smart-speaker

me, myself, and I;   and a blog 

To share, to Cher, To Sherri, Teshara

yippie, huzzah, hurrah

Woop woop, woof woof

Yada yada yada

yada is the hebrew word for knowledge!

(sexual intercourse, in  the bible)

And so on and so forth

Etc.   (esme tupelo clegg!)

SJ, jesuits (and Summer James)

Walking on eggshells, crunch crunch

So what?  Who cares? bfd

Woe, whoa, and woh

What is woh?  I don’t know!

He he ha ha ho ho


WOH is work outside the home

now you know, inquiring minds want to know

yes or no, see or know?

a dry wit:  you and your homies might be lying in Chaac!

the yahweh, the ruth, the life (my bad)

the truth without ruth is ruthless

cruel crew, brutal brew, savage miscavige

sick mick, ill bill, diseased bees, a patient geisha

like my whiskey, aged and mellow

like my coffee, strong and black

Martin gore, dave blood, slash, johnny rotten, sid vicious, kurt vile

S and P 500:  stars and planets, serendipity and predetermination

  pork and styrofoam, pig sty, boar'd to tears

Astraeus and Hera, star-crossed lovers

a felon named dylan, ellen be illin', cherie's berries, helen's melons

fruit loops and vejta-bulls, omnivore reading omni magazine

a cruel fool in a cool pool, listening to tool

a duel with a ghoul named zuul

drooling for jewels, a yule rule

menu, me n you, us, urine stool; USA you say?

ellen french, josie fries, kate hamberger, oj simpson

zeal for a real meal, neil and prey

e and j, brandi, hennessy, spirited spirits

fathers coffee and te, catholic cats

what's eating you, kurds and wey

drunk n spunky, inebriated e.b.

rambo and rimbaud

monet manet money and mayonnaise

sudan and sunda

Mali and Molly, Malé (Maldives) and male and mail

implored to deplore the PLO (pillow talk)

LL cool J, and louis lane, lex author, lady liberty

jokes: a small medium at large (escaped midget soothsayer convict)

   the addition caused division to multiply (extra math homework)

   (wit) with him, in him, and through him

    just me, myself, and I (the tree of us)

      meat, mai's cellphone, and eye; 

      main element, my elf, and ay!

      mimi, my sylph, and kai

      emmy, my pelf, and AI

catholic mass (not pussy and ass)

the pope is a white man (in more ways than one)

  there have been 3 black popes, maybe, though

coming of the savior, cum with a sex goddess

go fourth, this mess has ended

lettuce prey, lored, life or death, L or D

horse lord, ant christ, monkey monk, insects in sects

praise the lard, raise laird (hamilton)

spiritual fork, spear it, chew

spoon your wife, don't knife your wife

Eve in the evening, forever and ever

deliver us from evil, delivering babies, de-livering (ouch)

indigent indigenous, you dig?  didgeridoo, did you?

humility, hume millions itty, humble before god (and after!)

  humble, hum bull, laughing cow

God having humility, Himself (merely god)

apostle posse, heel your sole, heal your soul

sol beer, out in the sunshine

sipping on souls in purgatory

tanks b2 (bomber) god (man of war)

eat drink and be merry, like Ed and Mary

G-D, global domination

joy, justice, and jesus 

wwjd? what would jesse do

alter ego, and altar ego

heretics and deer ticks, here and there, dear hare

go forth, go for it

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

journal entry

 The crow caws thrice.   The car breaks squeak, as the engine idles, then accelerates away.  I sit in my room, with the window open, the sound of traffic washing through, like waves at the beach.  My light is on, the music is off, as I type into my computer, thinking about thought.  My desk is covered in trivia cards.   I have no idea what the total number of questions might be.   Many thousands.  It will keep me busy for a very long time.  The internet has more, too.   And I can go down rabbit holes ’til kingdom come, on wikipedia, chat gpt, google.   LIfe is good.  I don’t ask for much.  I have a gym membership and a subscription to the Economist.   The branch library is a 10 minute bike ride away.   I have an Echo to give me news, answer questions, play music, tell jokes, wake me up.  I have a fan for when it gets hot, a space heater for cold.  I print my blog.  I check the page view statistics every day, noting it on my calendar.  Today I got an afghan burrito.  I will do push-ups, later, before bed.  I take my meds at night.   8 hours later, I’ll get up and do my thing again.   Read, watch, listen.  I’m working on a Dave Eggers book.  I listen to college radio.  I watch YouTube things like cirque du Soleil, magic, parkour.  I have a pile of books in my room.   Piles, actually, split into subjects.  I will be a happy camper for a very long time.  I’m 52 years old.  Life is good.   I don’t need much.  I have internet, a library, music, books, food, clothes, my room.   All good.  Have a nice life.  

I went to the liquor store on the corner.   I got an it’s it, a bag of chips, and a kerns.   Junk food.    I really shouldn’t, but it’s a vice, like porn, or sleeping too long.  There are worse things.  I’m supposed to lose weight, like 20 or 30 pounds.   I’m pre diabetic, and that’s what the doctor ordered.   I’m supposed to aim for a pound a week, but I’ve gained 5.   Shit.  I thought it would be easier.   I only have like one beer a month, if that.  So that’s not the problem.  My meds cause weight gain.  A pound a week is doable.  I can do this.  A siren passes.  Some music, too.  I’ll immerse in my book til I go to bed in maybe 3 hours.   Goodnite.

I watched Cruel Summer by Bananarama on YouTube.   I somehow missed that from the ‘80s.   And I watched a new Madonna video, a song I’ve never heard - American Life, director’s cut.   And I did 410 pushups today.  1106 page views today.  8 days in a row over a thousand.  Just getting started.  I don’t want to talk about it, but the insanity persists.  That’s why I take meds.  That’s why I’m overweight.  That’s why I hate the POSD.   STFU.   The less, the better.   Let there be silence.  Silent night, holy night.  Vanity and sanity, hannity and manatees, and Anna T.

I don't know an Anna T.   I know an Anna P, though.  Like quiet Wyatt.

solo, duo, trio, quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet.   

and zero.  nil, null, nought, nothing.  Like Cage's 4'33.

The Sound of Silence, Simon and Garfunkel, in fact, isn't.

the sound of death, the sound of a ninja, a sound mind, sound thinking

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Geezus effing criced, folks

 What in holy hell is going on here!?  Jesus Christ, people!  Can’t you understand reality for yourselves?   You don’t need some freaking guru to tell you about Death!

So you live, you die, maybe you have kids in between, life goes on, until it doesn’t, and that’s that.  What else do you need to know??

Read the news, vote, be a good citizen, and a productive member of society, doing something valuable that pays the bills, and that you enjoy, as well, right?   You are the author of your own story, and you can start a new chapter, anytime.  It doesn’t even have to make sense!

So you want to be All-Powerful.   That’s a virtual reality that lots of crazy people inhabit.  Or you want to submit to God Almighty, like the Pope or something.  That could be equally insane.  Don’t worry, be happy, do what you want, and accept consequences, and take responsibility for your own actions, and decisions, and love life, on your terms:  You only get one.

Although I did see a bumper sticker once that said ELF (everyone lives forever).  I’m pretty sure that’s batshit nuts, but to each his own.  You don’t have to be, think, say, do, or feel anything.  You are American, and have freedom, to pursue life, liberty, and happiness as you see fit.  Or maybe not fit.   Obese, like the majority of Americans, am I wrong?  All good!

Well, there’s a lot of bad, no denying it.   Poverty, disease, obesity, addiction, depression, mental illness, depravity, corruption, cruelty, pollution, habitat destruction, extinctions, way too much fucking plastic, abortions, capital punishment, war, violence, crime, hurricanes, tornadoes, drought, floods, famine, you name it.   It’s a fucking nightmare out there.  A world of human wreckage.  Heatwaves and wildfires and smoke and smog.   Bullying and ignorance and hatred and delusion and malice and and greed and suffering and fear, anxiety, stress, worry, incompetence.   The list goes on.   Apathy, sloth, incuriosity.  Earthquakes, tsunamis.  Be good, don’t be evil, and do your best.   That’s all you can do.  Set an example.

Okay, kiddoes.   May the force be with you, may the wind be always at your back, and good luck!  Vaya con Dios, and drive safe.   Peace out.

The Bright


Adi Da (Samraj), Adidam, Adidas, and Already Did It!!

I could read all of Adi, from the libraries.   I could even buy his Aletheon.   Read his Wikipedia.  I watched his movie.  Maybe I could go to his Mountain of Attention, on a retreat.   Or even Fiji.  What kind of programs do his followers run?  What remains of his religion, without the man himself?  I imagine writing questions.   A kind of chess by mail, to clarify his philosophy.   His heart-way.   Oh well.   Everybody dies.   But I could certainly learn from him, even now. 

His is a mix and melange of spiritual insights.   His Bright recalls Star Wars and the light and dark sides of the force.  Undifferentiated light as Reality itself - how could that not be Enlightenment, lol.  Matter as energy, it seems to be an insight of physics.  Conscious light, a different linguistic take, on the same reality:  Morpheus or the Catholic light of human reason.  Visions, dreams, ideas, insight, movies, photographs.  Not a religion for the blind, I would have to say.   He liked to be smart, intellectual.  Another shade of meaning of The Bright.   Levity is lightness, so a sense of humor too.

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life!

Let there be light!

In other words, 

  1. positivity/humor/laughter/smiles/levity/happiness/joy/fun/play - not taking yourself too seriously.   Not taking yourself!  Not taking.   Not-t.   Light-hearted.
  2. Enlightenment and knowledge, wisdom, understanding;  grokking God, Reality, Truth, Love.

      The prior condition.   That which is always already the case.  Stillness and change.           Creation, preservation, destruction.  Impermanence, oblivion, death, nihility, absence, oneness with the universe, thingness, decay, and ultimately, being forgotten.   Absurdity and pointlessness.  Seize the day.  You make your own meaning.  Big up yourself, you tiny, infinitesimal speck!  (In a vast, indifferent, neutral universe).

  1. Consciousness, being alive, is pervaded by light, visions, ideas, insights, dreams, imagination.   What you sense and perceive, think and feel.  
  2. The universe, matter is Energy (a form of which is light).   Our bodies are things.  Photons and rays and sunlight and sunshine.   It’s all light.   Your eyeballs, even!  (and our chemicals were forged in stars).   Our psycho-physical body-mind is something to be transcended.   We are One, in a state of unity.  It is all God.  Being and nothingness. 0&1.
  3. Warmth (friendship, community, support); indeed, Love-bliss.  Heart as well as mind.
  4. Visual media:  movies, photographs, videos.  Observing Adi (darshan), and his art.
  5. Intelligence, a bright mind, brain, degree of realization.  Mastery, superior comprehension.  Alive, awake, aware.   Fully present, in the moment.
  6. The Bright.   All the smarts.  Outshining.  Radiating outward, not self-contraction.  Shine your heavenly body, tonight, sings Madonna.  Genius and Brilliance!  Afterglow.
A glowing smile, for the globe
Allah and the All, all in all is all we are
allah, buddha, christ, da, etc. ... yahweh, zurvan
getting old, dying.  good orgasm, death. 
  petit mort, getting hard, rigor mortis, hard and difficult cult
corporate mentality, part of something bigger than yourself
The beauty of a big, bright, brilliant brain, in bliss!
Unity and Love-bliss is God, Universe, Reality, Truth
Awake!  Merrily, life is but a dream?
Deities, de-it tease, teas and t's;  e's and ease
psy optics

Death, the final word (over and under!)
Nitty-gritty of an eternity, infinity, of nullibiety, nihility
Bits and pieces, dust, scattered matter, xx
from self to selflessness: utter annihilation and extinction!
    of self, identity, separateness, personality, individuality, ego
You are not alone.  The universal fate - of everyone and everything.
You simultaneously inhabit the spacious expanse of your head
     but also, your skin, you speck, in a boundless universe
Big up yourself, big down, it makes no difference, nun at all :-)
from alive awake aware to dead asleep oblivious
no state at all, really (gone, over, dead)
gone to god, gone home, planted
what do flowers wear under their petals?  underplants!

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Guten Luvin'

 I read Upgrade, by Blake Crouch.   I’m reading Dave Eggers (Heroes of the Frontier).  And The Economist.  I walked Kaleb.   No poop.  I slept in, and arrived later.  So he already pooped.  HOS tonight 10p to midnite.  Blog traffic is fun to monitor, over a thousand daily, for like a week now.  I just had a cherry coke.   I have to lose weight !!  My bike is back.   But my printer doesn’t work.  I want to schedule another trip to Portland.  I did 200 pushups yesterday.   Haven’t stretched in awhile.  Or yoga.  Start my day at 2:20p.   VORG.   Vitamins, oatmeal, ryze, gundry.  Ab zap.  Flash briefing.   Wikipedia.  Email.  The usual.   Went to Trader Joe’s yesterday, so my food supply is good.  Trivia always beckons, and my piles of books.  Maybe I should donate all my books to the library.  The library is like community property.  The whole city’s living room.  Utopian and heavenly.  Librarians are angels.  

If I had Godly powers: Omniscience.  I don’t know what I would do with omniscience.  But that would be first.  Perspective for using my powers.   Immortality and teleportation and drugs, if not love, I would think would be 2-4.  God is love.  Why aren’t I pursuing love?  I must be like the biggest hypocrite, ever.   Then again, the Pope is single.  What does he know that I don’t? 

Okay.   Let’s assume I’m not an idiot.  I would make myself perfect.  And immortal/non-aging and happy.  And rich.  Say I was the only person who could teleport?  I would kill a bunch of people, I think. I really do hate a bunch of folks.  Or maybe I would disappear them, and throw them in my own private prison.  Be a dungeon master.  Make society a zillion times better.  Freeze time and learn everything.   Master martial arts.  Of course, I could always freeze time, which takes all the urgency out of it.  No nukes.  No poverty.  No war.  No diseases.  Heal everybody.  Or maybe with omniscience I would want to kill everybody, and therefore allow time to kill everyone, and in fact end up not changing anything, in an act of sublime mercy.  

God is love.  God is good.  Good lovin’ believes all things: okay, do you believe in heaven?  No, I don’t.  Heaven would be hell.  Because of boredom.   War would break out.  Everyone would read all the books, and eat at all the restaurants, and then decide to have a little fun killing each other.  Maybe people would just pop up again, like a video game, so it wouldn’t matter.  Whatever.   A world without suffering would be without birth, as we know it.  Without risk might take some fun out of the lives of adrenaline junkies.  But if life is worthless, then all things are possible.  Theoretical theology.  Theo the theologian says, heaven is a theory.  If I was in love, I would want it to last forever.  So maybe I would go crazy, and believe that stupid nonsense.  How depressing.   I don’t think anyone will ever live forever.  And that’s a mighty long time.  

Even God is a mortal.  Everyone dies, from the littlest to the biggest.  That’s what I believe.  But I’d love to live a few billion years.   Who knows what’s possible.  

crime-slime rhyme time

Love of vole evolution, Hatred of red hats

Happy hippies and sad sadhus

Sexy Lexi and Disgusting Gus

Present pleasant pheasant and past pastiche of pasta?!?

Ongoing bongoing, dumb drums, and street beats

Stupid cupid and brilliant millions

Minions who eat onions, venomous enemies

Rotten cotton, and slaves in caves

Dave, my fave knave, gave me his savior, Xavier

Catch a wave and go to a rave

Pray the gay away, and fuck a girl, Earl

go fuck a duck named Huck - yuck

Make love to a coven of doves? 

  Birds are for nerds.   Word.

Him n' slim women on a simmons

Rebels that throw pebbles

You need music?  Use Nick!

is Liz in prison?  is Gayle in jail?

there's a monster in the dumpster

Go CRAYzeeee

Dance to the beet.  Feel the fields.  The rhythm with ‘m.  Autumn got 'em.   In Seine in the membrain.   Loco for cocoa.  Crazy and lazy.   Nuts about my nut.   Helmut in a helmet.  Gonads,  nomads, and monads.  Fall fell.  Bought a hummer this Summer.  Got a splinter this winter.   Spring brings things.   It brought what I bought, and what I ought to have got.  Ozzy Osbourne and Yasujirô Ozu and Wizard of Oz and Ozempic.   My dad's black Model A Ford was called Ozzy, too.   Had a rumble seat.   The awooga horn was fun, too.  He sold it after a wheel came off (while he was driving it).  I remember riding around SF after the 49ers won the Super Bowl.  My friend Holly called her Subaru "Ruby Sue."    The food dude in a good mood. Buddha eats gouda, a dozen eggs for the 12 tribes of Judah... and Luda, you da man.   Ooh, barracuda!  Yore the best.  Pho Q.

Saturday, September 16, 2023


Systematic Theology

Theology is the study of God  

  (who, what, where, when, why, which, how)

The study of God, by God, for God.  

  Through him, with him, and in him.

God, Allah, Yahweh. YHWH, Jehovah, One, Neo, Avatars.

Father, Son, Holy Spirit.   Brahma, Siva, Vishnu.  Me, Myself, and I.

Lord, Christ, Jesus, Jesu, Isa.  Son, sun.  The way, truth, life.

Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.  Good, evil, neutral.  

Paraclete, Holy Ghost, HS, Sprite.   Spirit realm, mind, dream world.

Heaven, The Kingdom, hell, hades, infernum, afterworld, limbo.

The Flying Spaghetti Monster, Zurvan, Zeus, Ra, Avalokitesvara.

Here, there, everywhere.  Past, present, future.  Now and Then.

Blessed, Damned.  Here and Now.  Always and Everywhere.

Love, Virtue, Bliss.  Angels and Saints.  Devil and demons.  

Pleasure, joy, contentment, satisfaction.  Reality itself.  

Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane.  Time and Space.  Spacetime.

Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, enlightenment, omniscience.

Truth. The whole shebang. The whole enchilada. The man upstairs.

The head honcho.  The big cheese.  Lord, king, most high.

Who is God? One.  Love.  Everyone.  Me.  You.  All the names.

What is God?  Reality, The Universe.

Where is God?  Heaven.  Everywhere.

When is God? Before time, during time, after time.  Always, already.

Why is God?  Because we need Him/Her.  

   Well, some of us do.  Quite a few.

Which is God?  Yes.  They all are.

How is God?  Fine, thank you.

Have I said anything interesting?  theology, the study of thee!

If I drink spirits, am I doing something spiritual?

If I drink a Sol (beer), am I consuming a soul?

What if God doesn’t exist?  Souls don’t exist? 

Heaven, etc. is oblivion, and immortality is a pipe dream?

What if the whole damn thing is madness?

It’s all good.  Except for the bad.  It’s all bad?

No sin, only crime?  Or no virtue, only pleasure, approval?

All this is meaningless, until you fall in love?

Winter, Spring, and Summer in love, too!

It’s all chemicals.  Love is a drug.

God, drunk on power.   Or something.

Blood, maybe.  God loves everyone.

Like I love steak.   Life is good.

Godiva, and ambrosia, nectar.

You are what you eat.   And drink.

Unless you eat me.  I’m the only me.

You’re unique, just like everybody else.

Eat, drink, and be merry.   A toast to the host!

God is a virus.  You will be assimilated.

Cleansed, purified, holy, sanctified, forgiven, fresh.

God bless.

cats, catholics.   dogs, gods.   rabbits, rabbis.  holy cow.

the beast with two backs, beastly.

Anne is an animal!   minimally manimal.   

beastie boys and zootopia and creature features.

wuddup, dawg?  insects in sects!

Lord Voldemort, like me, is a Riddle

Satan is a part of Jesse Lawrence Teshara

  (e.g. satan researches jewel)

God is love, always and everywhere, including hell

   mad in his own image

   AI, angry / insane

God is evil?  I AM

God made all, knows all, including 

   sin, crime, evil, war, hell, death, misery, depression, torture

   pain and suffering, torment, hatred, malice, anguish

   wickedness, turpitude, iniquity, cruelty, brutality, savagery

   depravity, rage, wrath, fury, agony, spite, resentment

   vicious vice, ruthless violence, aggression, bullying

   rude, corrupt, hypocrisy, all aridity and disenchantment

   all things illicit, dastardly, nefarious, unethical, immoral, illegal 

it's all good

(but even the monsters know some things are better than others)

trials and tribulations, trial and error,  if at first you don't succeed...

tri tri tri (the triple trip), trial by fire

bad, mad, sad

some things are just wrong, not right

some people need to learn the hard way

it's a long, hard road out of hell

It starts with going to church, people talking out loud to God, and using the word “you”.    Prayers on the church bulletin board that can purportedly do anything, and never fail.   So anyone can be omnipotent: The realization of a terrible power.  Songs on the radio, like Phil Collins or Genesis with (In the air tonight) and (I don’t care anymore).  Having a name that translates into Jesús in Spanish (which is pronounced hey Zeus).   Or Isaí (Isa is Jesus, in arabic).  With the name Chuy, like chewy, which means “the whole office of the eucharist,” or God’s gift.   Initials JLT, with the L for Love, or 12 apostles.   T for cross   Having family that live in Paradise.  Being a telepath, having schizophrenia genes.   Having parents jockey for approval.   Getting a 1260 on the SAT, which also turns out to be the Catholic Radio station.  Taking theology, anthropology of religion, in college - getting A’s.   Being adopted, and fighting for the pro-life position; indeed, a universal life ethic.   Being a carnivore, and squashing bugs, and a Cat-holic, addicted to pussy.  Getting head shocks, voices, chest pains, being at the center of mind-control, people saying omg whenever you approach, etc.  Being the body politic.  Allah, a global telepath.  Godparents who were both actual clergy.  Growing up at the intersection of Darien and Manor (gulf of Darien, lord of manor), in the city of Saint Francis.   St. Stephen’s and St. Ignatius and the Newman Center.  God is One, (and 8, and Oh).  So many little things.  Eventually, everything.  Law.  Teshara as Ra, Ara, Hara, Shara, Eshara even (All Gods).  Jesse as the essence of J.  Teshara as earth.  Lawrence and lore, Ents.  499, and Buddha, and Avalokitesvara.   

Jesse Lawrence Teshara.  

10,5,19,19,5.                              58.      4.

12, 1, 23, 18, 5, 14, 3, 5.            81.      9.

20, 5, 19, 8, 1, 18, 1.                  72.      9.         

211.   22.    4.

Book of Numbers, the 4th book of the OT.

22, V

BK like Burger King

UA like United Artists

JLT like Jolt cola, jilted, jail time

   or justice, love, truth;  joy, life, tacos; jollity, liberty, trust

Teshara:  As earth, as heart, as hater

994, I love D, D emoticon for smile

     I love to be happy.  Or D for dour.

     Like J for Jesus, or J for 10 (Satan: say, ten)

     Does God walk dogs or wok them?

        or both, or neither

Some Hindus think atheism is a path to God

thank God I'm an atheist!

submission and dominance, sadhana

   sad? ha, na

   sad donna

   sod anna. 

      dirty sodomy

jester Jess T;  oh me oh mai

things have become dumb, and gotten rotten

andes candies, thin mints, disappointment and resentment