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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Perfect Ion

Nobody's Perfect

I live.  I am alive.  I am what I am.  I’ve done some questionable things.  I’m good.  I’m happy now.  Music, full belly, a computer in front of me.  My better self is in charge.  I’ve listened to my better angels.  I don’t believe in sin.  Everybody is their own god, has their own values, their own definition of sin.  It’s subjective, variable.  So sorry if I’ve transgressed.  I’m perfect now.  Ha.  Nobody’s perfect?  Well I must be nobody.  There’s room for improvement?  Well, of course, the universe is infinite.  Infinitely big.  There are Planck lengths that set the limit of smallness.   Are there jests that set the limit of the large?  I’ve defined a jest as a googolplex googolplexes.   Maybe that number is unreal.   Infinity doesn’t exist, and there’s nothing that large.  I actually think infinity DOES exist.   Couldn’t ever prove it, though.  A bottle in front of me, a frontal lobotomy.  Ho hum.

I’m fat and ugly.  I’ve got a protruding belly.  I feel unattractive.  One of the walls in my room is covered by mirror tiles.  It’s okay.  I’m not a vampire.  But it does suck to not like what I’m looking at.  My appearance.  I like myself, though.  Even though I don’t have a self.   I like the residue of what used to be myself.  I like reading my own blog.  I’m interesting, logical, intelligent.  And I’m unusual, weird, different.   No I’m not queer.  I just have my own unique philosophy.   Or maybe it’s widespread.   I don’t even know.  Maybe I’m making society in my own image.   I’m just really convincing and persuasive.

So I’ll bop to some music, and stretch, and do pushups, and lift my vacuum a bunch of times, and do planks and tricep extensions with my dumbbell and bodyweight exercises, in my room, by myself, happy alone.  I’ll read the days news.  Not the daze noose paper.  Las noticias.  I have lots to do, like trivia and books and buy new shoes and recycle my old ink cartridges.  I think I want to do something new, every day, too - so there’s that.  Go someplace new, basically.  Not be a robot, rolling only in my old grooves.  Keep things interesting, exciting, challenging.   

Listening to Nick Warren on YouTube.  123-4, 123-4…. Ttyl. 

Jess Out.

How can God exist if none of us take on the role?  I mean, God is good, so God is the better part of all of us, but not all of any of us?  Why not step up?  Why should the devil be real but God remain a fiction?  Anyone who does will be crucified?  I don't believe that.   Then again, claiming divinity does seem pompous, conceited, pretentious, arrogant, condescending, egotistical, self-important, snobbish, superior...  Is pride a bad thing?  Do I come off as a know-it-all, better-than-thou, goody 2 shoes?  I do think highly of myself.  Does the world revolve around me? Am I always right?  Do I know everything?  No, I don't.   So ignore me, if you like.  I still think Jesus is dead.  And that simply not being bad makes you God Herself!  If you believe nobody's perfect, then you of course must be an atheist (although 'Greatest Existent' or 'Higher Power' still leave room for improvement).

Spiritual and supernatural:  spear it, snatch

afterlife: heaven, hell, limbo, purgatory, reincarnation, ghosts, angels, memory, art, children, vampires, Jesus in space, energy, nutrients, consciousness, in a computer, cryonics, or....oblivion 

Thursday, March 30, 2023


On the Other Hand...

Poplar trees are popular with my pop (Larry)

Assist or resist

Merlin in Berlin

Slavic saliva

Purple purpose

Feathered serpent God (Quetzalcoatl): a snake eats an angel?

Macaronesia ain’t Micronesia

Mack’s macaroons in Cameroon with Cameron

Deity: ID yet?

Pause and peruse

Reed college and Reading, PA

Amory MS, Lovelock TX, and Roma Italy

BMW: the beauty, mystery, and wonder

    Of bats, mist, and wolves

Impatient in-patients

Deity Identity (deity int) (and dentition!)

The back and forth, with ChatGPT:


a. I’m an atheist.  But I enjoy making god real by playing the role.

b. I play the role of God.  I believe in myself.

c. Is it grandiosity if I really am grand?  Is it unrealistic if I really am good?  Only God is good.  So therefore I’m god, merely by being not-bad.  No?

d. There’s deity yoga.  And no-self.   It’s just a role.  To play. 

e. So is no one god, in your estimation?  Who are atheists submitting to?

f. If Jesus was divine, why can’t I be divine as well?

g. Should I respect the beliefs of others, even if I know them to be false?

h. Aren’t judges judgmental?  Should it be illegal?  Should judges be prosecuted?

i. Judging without bias is not possible.

j. A good judge is fair and impartial, rendering informed and reasoned judgements based on law and evidence, not bias.  I’m not claiming to be omniscient, omnipotent, or eternal.   But I am claiming to be good.  The bible says only God is good. This is not irrational, arrogant, or deluded.  

It: (sort of, I rearranged and added some)

People have different philosophies and belief-systems, on (the nature of) God and the divine, and find  value, joy and fulfillment, comfort and purpose, in religions and spirituality, in all their variety of beliefs, practices, and traditions.   Being God is a delusion of grandeur, not grounded in evidence or rational thinking, arrogant, and in fact disrespectful and offensive.  God is a higher power that created and governs the universe, usually credited with attributes like omnipotence, omniscience, and eternal existence (not usually associated with humans).   We should all be willing to listen and learn, with humility and respect, seeking self-improvement and spiritual growth, because no one is perfect, and there is always room for improvement.  Different people have different ideas of what is “good” and there may be valid differences of opinion on these matters.  Religion is often about submission and surrender of one’s will to a higher authority or higher purpose.  


Well, maybe I'm not an atheist.   I believe in telepathy, like dreams, that can hear and answer prayers.   Then there's corporate higher powers, in which people get by with a little help from their friends (whether powers and thrones and dominions and principalities and guardian angels) (or invisible friends) (or family and friends) (or people in your church, like priests and sangha, or whatever) (or lawyers and doctors).  Only the best!  A team of superheroes: Godco!

Maybe I'm on someone's God-team.   You are one.   God is One.  You can't completely outsource; sometimes the devil makes an appearance.  Everyone must rely on their own individual conscience as a filter.  And dogs are pretty godly, too!  Dog exists!  Finally, God is a process: virtue and perfection take time.  Everyone has a learning curve.  Maybe it really is all good (in the fullness of time).   But the existence of evil, multiple religions, and the lack of empirical evidence are 3 very good reasons to maintain unbelief.   Then again, maybe God wants multiple religions, as different facets of an infinite personality.  All-1.   A joke: something stinks, God only nose.   All religions are true religions.  Even the false ones.  Hail Satan!  Heil Hitler!  JK Rowling says, just kidding.  Hail Santa!  It's good to believe your True Nature is virtuous.  Not that your outer self is a shell hiding an evil core.   The inner reptilian, or whatever.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


What you need to hear and know about life

You were made by sex, for sex.  You are a created creator.  Life is for more life, for marriage, for family, for love, for children.  The more, the merrier.  Evolution is about reproductive success.  It’s why we all exist.  Survival of the fittest is about genetics.  Courting is about genes and resources.  We are biological machines, programmed by our DNA, for survival and reproduction.  That is God.  That is the Creator.  Not some priest who calls himself a Father.  Or Jesus’ dad, whoever that was.  But maybe some hypnosis is in order, and doesn't hurt.  Mother Earth is Heaven.  We’re evolved to live here.  Everywhere else is a hellscape.  Space is inhospitable and unwelcoming.  Exoplanets are not humanity’s hope.  It’s here or nowhere.  Our planet is our home.  We live and die here.  We shouldn’t be forced to look for survival elsewhere, in the Vast.  And we’re just animals, who are part of the ecosystem, and should therefore respect all life, in the interest of our own survival.  I could be wrong.  Maybe I’m just a crazy idiot.  But I don’t think so. 

     ALL LIFE might be wrong.  Maybe I mean MOST LIFE.  I don’t even know that, actually.   I mean, bacteria and viruses are kind of like life, too - and there are terrorists, of course, from other cultures - and god could chuck a rock at us and destroy us all - or Mother Earth could vomit:  a supervolcano could be a civilization-killer - among many other dangers, besides disease and pandemic and plague, like war or famine or …or zombies or space-aliens, lol…   So life could be hopeless, no matter how respectful we are.  But we’re programmed to live, so we’ll do what we gotta do.   Life finds a way.  You can be gay, but have hundreds of children through sperm-donations, say.  Or other similar madness, like adoption or slavery or harems or great wealth and power.  Or go colonize the stars, lol.  To each his own.   I like adoption.  I was adopted.  It's not necessarily bad.  In fact, it's almost always good, I think.  Genghis Khan had 1000-2000+ kids (!).   Be fruitful and multiply.  He must have eaten a lot of apples.


Queer Gay Homosexual Faggotry, Buggering, and Perversion

Whatever does it for you, floats your boat, turns you on

Lubricant and amyl nitrite poppers and condoms and a viagra

A bed and some privacy and some thumping music and porn

And a body or two, maybe some personality you like, 

   Or even love, a little

'I’m a perv' is anagram  of ‘vampire’.   Blood fetish.  Or the color red.

BDSM and whipping and bondage and, of course, sucking

Drinking a bloody Mary/Gary, or a V8, or a cocky Coke

Gatorade bottles are a bit phallic, like sausages

   Butt whatever;  smoking fags; flaming (lips, butthole surfers)

Holy holes and sacred sacrum and rectal rectitude

Unnatural snatch, one-way street, santorum


Rhyme Time

Plus "reality"

What is real?  These words?  You, the reader?  Me, the writer?  None of the above? Is anything real?  The earth?  The sea?  The sky?  Are bodies real?  Mind?  Soul? Blah blah blah.   Solid, liquid, gas?  Breath, blood, bone?  Does anything matter?  Are we even alive?  Is heaven real?  What are dreams?  Does telepathy happen?  So many questions.  So few answers.  I think a thought about that.  Thy thigh.  My mind.  God’s goodness.  Devil’s evil.  Love’s leaving.  Hate’s heat.  The cold, dark, empty, inhospitable vastness of the universe.   Dark matter, dark energy, dark money, and the dark side of the force.  Light and levity.  Laughter and slaughter.  Fun and funerals.  Hated death.  Loved Louvre.  Sex and murder, and Samsara.  Jinn, Eblis, Satan, Shiva, and Jess.  The numbers of deceased have decreased, as the numbers of links with the east have increased!  Words, like birds, flying over my head.  Global Underground thumping vibrations, below.  Growing flowing, and declining mining.  Wet sweat and dry pie.  Flower power and weak geeks.  Strong but wrong.  Monsters from Muenster.  Demon semen.  Hell’s bells.  Satanic panic.  Criminal subliminal.  Holy moly.  Blessed and confessed.  Thought bot.  Rhyme time.  Stupid cupid.  Brilliant Killian.  Beer here.  Mudbloods.  Ugh, bugs.  Dirty Gertie. Buddha is my buddy.  Jesus, he's us.  The lord's hoard, Jesus the Croesus.  Healthy and wealthy.  Fit and shit.  Love above, and foes below.  The real deal.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Alphabet Soap

Lather and Blather

Am I God? I AM.  God is everything.  All in all is all we are.  God is One.  I named my cock Jesus Christ.  You can call him 7-up.   I’m a zero.  I am at the center of the positive and negative.  I am neutral.  I’m between heaven and hell, pleasure and pain, love-bliss and torture, joy and misery.  

Zero and One are binary, and the one is phallic, the zero holy.   All digital reality is therefore sexual.  Not just porn, or fingering, or bisexual binary.   Computers begin with cum.

It takes two to tango.  Threesomes and one and one make three.   On all fours.  Five is the sexiest number, like Elle, and sex is of course evocative of six.  7 looks like an erect penis, pecker, phallus.  P is the 16th letter, so 7.  8 is food and infinity, but nothing lasts forever.   9? Nein!!  Well, whatever.  Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve.  AJS BKT CLU DMV ENW FOX GPY HQZ IR.  Everything sums 1-9.  Jesse? 4.  Al? David?

You know, dose, Trey Parker, squats and rows, 

sink, say ace, see yet? Oh (Margaret) Cho!, new wave, eh?

Tenacious D, tentatively in a tent, feeling tenebrious, like tentacles in a tenement.  Intentions and mountains and Satan and retention of tension, tending your garden…

Computers can do this, I think.   My brain is not a computer.   

So be good.  That’s what God says.   People say, ‘it’s all good’, and ‘all right’, but they don’t mean that literally.   Evil still exists.   Bad shit happens.  Otherwise, we wouldn’t need God, in the first place, to tell us to be good.   Actually God is unnecessary for good, just like the devil isn’t responsible for all evil.  Both fictions.  I know, I’m God.  I think, therefore I AM.   

Yawn.  Jan.   Yonder.   Boring boars in Bora Bora.   B or A?  Ford?  Cord?  Dora the explorer.

Who let the dogs out?  Hoot Hoot goes the owl.  The owl swings low, sweet chariot.  Music is good for when you’re bored.  Boars are pigs.  Pigs are police.  Play the Police.  Please don’t stand so..  PDSSCTM.   Every breath you take.  EBYT.  Play Y and T.  

     hm, police taking breath.   Like kneeling on a neck.  Huh.   Dangerous ain’t contagious.

countries, contagion, and control.   Like obituaries.  Or diction.  

dangerous Dan and erinaceus Erin, jessant Jess, and empty MT and gregarious Greg and hilarious Larry and row row row your boat (Rose) and victorious Vicki and Lou the loser.

Yanni, Enya, and Kanye in NY

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Talking to Myself

God is a joke machine

C’mon, one cigarette won’t kill you!

Where are my glasses? (on your head)

I can’t hear you, there’s a banana in my ear!

Listening to the beet

List ten songs from the 10,001 list (!!) (i don’t know what I’ve been told)

ISAI, I AM (artificial intelligence) art of fishing, shul (shell)

   Artifice, crafted (an art in itself, the art of programming, computer science)

Hehehahahoho, they’re coming to take me away

  Cumming to take me (little death, haha)

Uh weigh

Loosing my cunt troll

Is nothing funny? 0 haha

Are you God?  That’s the premise of my blog, yes.

Are you God!? I like to think so

Yes or No?  Well, define what you mean by God

  (um, the Greatest Existent?) (The Creator of the Universe?) (The Ruler of the Universe?) (The Almighty, the all-powerful, the Supreme Being, the omnipotent, the lord of all) (Yahweh, YHWH, I AM, Jealous, Jehovah) (One) (Love) (Reality, reality itself) (a deity?) (a higher power) (a divine being) (an avatar) (the source) (the source of all goodness) (the source of all moral authority) 

  well, no.   But I still believe I am - We all are.  I have my own definition of God.

What is it?  I AM (lol).  Why didn’t you just say so?  Right off the bat?  At first? a divine being, at the very least.  

Are you Quetzalcoatl? Zeus? Ra? Avalokiteshvara? Ahura Mazda? Allah? The FSM?  Flying Spaghetti Monster (pastafarian deity)

Guilty as charged, your honor! I AM...   Allah them, and nun, too

Eminem sang I am whatever you say I am, if I wasn’t then why would I say I AM?   Everything's my fault.  I'll take all the blame.  I'll proceed from shame -Nirvana (all apologies).   all in all is all we are.  every cop is a criminal, and all the sinners saints -Rolling Stones.   The devil is just God when he's drunk -Tom Waits.  Prince of Darkness, Prince, P.O.D. (payable on death), and pods of whales, podcasts, podiatry

Are you a criminal? A pedophile? A loser? The devil? Hahaha.

A thief? A rapist? A liar? A bastard? A hater? A woman? A little girl?

Are you Brahma? Brahman? (shit, both? neither? I always get them confused) (Brahma is the creator, Brahman is the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena) no, not a "man bra" (lol)

Are you Shiva? Vishnu? Ganesha? Hanuman? Krishna? Rama?

Saraswati, Parvati… Loki? Iktomi?… Ahriman, Azazil, Antichrist?

Satan, Mephistopheles, Lucifer, Beelzebub?  Jinn? Eblis? 

The Father? The Son? The Holy Spirit?  The holy Trinity? 

God is dog backwards.  YHWH is H why, backwards.   Are you H?  We are SI.    St. Ignatius.  We are a saint.  Me, myself, and I.   Corporate. Creator? Destroyer? Preserver?  All 3!  Yes.  Yes I am.  IM.  Insane?  Are you? No I am not. I don’t exist. Sorry. There is no self. Just roles.  Morpheus, the god of dreams.   Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream.  Buddha (and Rage against the machine) say, "WAKE UP!!" (like we're all in comas).  I am Jesse, yes.  Jess, ya.  God..Gawd, dawg.  The body that is Jesse Lawrence Teshara, 499, like Buddha (V?).   Cold and numb, like numb brrrs in Berkeley (brr, chilly), forever changing, and "not any more" (Is that I AM or I AIN'T?).  Oh My God.  One.  Ate (and Aten).   0,1,8.   Jesus, too.  Five alive and the pentagon.  Big 5 sporting goods.  My cock? Jesus Christ!  have a 7-up.   Lucid Dreaming and Dream Yoga.   Awake! is a JW magazine (Jehovah's Witnesses), and a wake is a vigil beside the body (corpse) of the deceased, or a trail of a boat, or a group of vultures!  Clear scientogists in invisibility cloaks and lucid Lucifer, virtuous virgins and sinful synagogues, criminal crimini mushrooms, evil evenings with Eve, and holy holes, blessed Sid vicious, loving the Louvre with Lev. 

lil outline

 “Oh shit!” As the car veers off the road, rolls over 3 times, and settles -upside down- in the pit

Wake up in heaven.

Interview with God.   Concepts of heaven.

Seeing earth, going down (unseen ghost, freeze time, reborn, heaven’s matrix, testing agency and alternative timelines/histories/futures) Playing God (chess, on the radio), adversary and identity, role, status, different concepts of god.

Dead people inhabiting babies (like karmapa or whatever)

Heaven on earth, utopia, love-bliss, and reward

Punishment, and various hells (not eternal)

Oblivion option (suicide in heaven!??)

Waking up from dream

Reality, Enlightenment

Death, eventually (nullibiety)

   Bones to dust, headstone fading, wearing down

Eventually, earth swallowed up by sun, no trace of humanity (!)

(outline of a story)

Virtuosity and Virtue-Signalling

Holiness, Sanctity, Purity, Love-bliss, and Joy of Service

Embodying Truth, Reality, God, Existence, Infinite Goodness

Be not-bad, good, better, best, perfect, ideal
Make of your life an exemplary example, model

Synthesis of all that is good, to the best of your ability

Virtue, Charity, a giving of self, mercy, forgiveness, peace

Comfort, wealth, safety, security, contentment, happiness

Strong, fit, healthy, well, sane; No suffering, discontent

Equanimity, compassion, kindness, generosity, selflessness

Friendship, warmth, acceptance, celebration, fun, play

Laughter, Smiles, genuine gratitude, positivity, hope

Don’t worry, be happy.  Attitude of gratitude.  2 blessed 2b stressed.

Healing, feeling, knowledge, wisdom, understanding

honesty, trustworthiness, truth, enlightenment, learning

Engagement, curiosity, variety, know god / self / others 

Heaven, Paradise, Utopia, Shambala is here and now

Just do it!  Get off your duff.  Sweat.  I belong to the action faction.

Read, Watch, Listen, Eat, Exercise, Sleep, Write, Talk, Create

We are all just animals.  Everything is logistics. Life is good!

Eat, drink, and be merry! Life is short. Once you die, that’s it.

Once you’re gone, over, done - better that you had some fun

Your body is a temple, there’s a universe in your head

Don’t be a victim, or blame others, full of malice and resentment

take responsibility for your own happiness, and move on

We get by with a little help from our friends, join ALL churches

Humanity is one, anyway.  Get outdoors, into Nature

Do what you love, and try new things, and live!!

get on the dance floor, good orderly direction, get on down!

Make love, not war.  Pleasure, a little treasure.  Peace out.

Thursday, March 23, 2023


 Hello world.  My name is Jesse.  Jesse Teshara.   Jesse Lawrence Teshara.  My name in Spanish is Chuy (pronounced chewy), or Isaí (eesaw-e), or Jesús (heyzeus).  You can call me Jess.  I am 51 years of age, a man.  I was born on September 3, 1971, which makes me a Virgo and a Boar.  This is the same date that Qatar became independent (from Britain).   What is the difference between United Kingdom, Britain, and England, you say? That is tangential, getting off track.   We’re talking about me.  I was adopted at the age of 4 by Peggy and Larry Teshara, in San Francisco.  They had my brother Greg when I was 8.  I went to the pink preschool, the brown preschool, Happy Hall, St.Stephen’s (grades 1-8), St. Ignatius College Preparatory, and then UC Davis.  I majored in International Relations.  I was in Cub Scouts (Pack 351) and Boy Scouts (Troop 14), and am an Eagle Scout.   I worked at the BSA Summer Camp, Royaneh, in Cazadero CA for several Summers (Pool, Canoe Base, Scoutcraft, Commissioner, COPE, Rifle Range) for both Scout Camp and  Cub Camp.  I earned around 50 merit badges, and joined the Order of the Arrow, and was awarded Honor Scout of my troop.  I was even SF Mayor for a day.  I went to the National Jamboree with my dad (“Mr. T”) in 1985.   In high school, I ran cross country and track (hurdles), was in the service club, and was the editor-in-chief of the Ignatian, the yearbook.  I won the Journalism award, along with the Boston College book award, and an Alumni Scholarship to Cal.  At UCD, I was in the freshman honors program (Integrated Studies).  I got a 1260 on my SAT, and was in honors/AP English, AP US History, and AP Spanish.  I took Jujitsu and Aikido at Davis, and racquetball and tennis.  I played intramural floor hockey and ultimate frisbee.   I took an Experimental College class in massage, and was on the Karma Patrol for one of the Whole Earth Festivals.  I did recreational basketball and swimming, and joined a gym.  Today, I walk dogs and have a blog, where I write from the perspective of God.   I am schizophrenic, like my birthmother, Annette Riddle, and take olanzapine and risperidone for psychosis.  Although, however, I am hearing much less of my voice, of late, and have hope for complete remission (which sometimes happens).  I have an extensive trivia collection, and have a kindle that contains the daily NY Times and the weekly Economist.  One of my roommates used to be a professor, and he calls my room The Salon when we listen to Hearts of Space on Sunday nights.  I recommended him The Magicians series (3 books) by Lev Grossman, and he recommended me the History of Western Philosophy, by Bertrand Russell.  My blog averages around 50 views per day, and I have an Amazon Echo, with a music subscription, with which I listen to a lot of college radio, a daily news briefing, and things like wikipedia and jokes.  I have a photocopied list of 10,001 recommended songs.  My life is simple, and I’m never bored, and I’m trying to meditate more, and be Buddhist.   Catholic Mass is just ridiculous to me, now.  I don’t believe in souls, heaven, a creator god, or even sin.  I do believe in crime, impermanence, meditation, and nirvana.  I like to play the role of God, and sometimes, maybe, I really am.   I am a pro-life, green, anti-Trump, democrat.  I live in Berkeley, get around on an e-bike, and like being ‘Uncle Jesse’ to my nephews, and to Augie and Hugo, up in Portland (my friends Sara and Pierre’s kids).  I am single, exercise daily, and aspire to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.  I live in a house with a dozen people, and most of us are Mexican.  

Kind of "my program" :

Daily Options, routines

  1. Brush teeth, VORG*, check blog stats, flash briefing
  2. Pushups, stretch, exercise/sweat, music
  3. Write, meditate, trivia, read, chat GPT, texts; Engage!
  4. E-mail, NYT, Economist; budget
  5. Print blog, walk dogs, process piles
  6. J!, Onion, YouTube, Ted, Wikipedia
  7. Yoga, swim, masd*, religious variety
  8. ETB ETR*, 8 hours, brush teeth, set alarm, meds
  9. Charge watch, phone, kindle, computer, speaker, woojer, headphones, bike

*(vitamins, oatmeal, ryze mushroom coffee, gnc protein)

*(martial arts, self-defense)

*(early to bed, early to rise)

Fun variety

  1. Play with nephews, visit mom
  2. Thrift store, groceries, shopping, new clothes
  3. Pizza, afghan burrito, starbuck’s, sandwich, chile relleno burrito, manantial, sushi, chinese, bongo burger, thai, someplace new
  4. Go to GTU, Cal library, indian rock, SF
  5. Dictionary, Atlas, Encyclopedia
  6. Sweep, vacuum, clean, straighten, organize, de-clutter, get rid of stuff, simplify
  7. Visit Sara, Pierre, Augie, Hugo
  8. Dating, giving out cards, shave, haircut, trim nails
  9. Kaiser, BFC dental*, massage, plant trees, give to charity
  10. Publish blog
  11. Travel
*(berkeley free clinic)

simple pleasures, prayer and service
playing the shofar, and enjoying the show, so far
much ado about down and out daoists
is a harem haram?
elegy, eulogy, or allergy? -ology (all? oh gee)
darshan from Darren
Budai, the "fat buddha"
guan yin and avalokiteshvara
pimple-poppers who sweat and swear and squiggle and squeeze and squirt
Los Gatos and dos coyotes
Dr. Katz (in squiggle vision), and SI Wildcats, SS Cougars
    and BHS Panthers, Sacramento Rivercats
    and Zeus and Pippen
    and Marsden and Shnoodle-dorf
normophilia, godhead (lol)
gratitude for rectitude and pulchritude
but I consider the attitude of lassitude among the multitude, turpitude
Pierre Bou-lesbian, Orche-stravinsky, Bach choy
hobbies: origami, spanish, trivia, news, history, blogging, bodybuilding
goal: eat (and prepare) delicious vegetarian fare, often
suggestive naming of a cockatiel named Squirt
surfing to end suffering
a measure of pleasure, leisure, seizure of treasure, and exposure to azure
listening to an aria in area 51

some theology:
a."Reality is all the God there ever is" -Adi Da Samraj
b. God is Reality? What is "Reality"?:
   Reality is a controlled hallucination, 
   as much or more a projection outward as 
   an environment entering inward.    (-says Anil Seth, on Ted)
c. "Pantheism is just a euphemism for atheism" - Arthur Schopenhauer

Supreme Being or spirit or force, Creator and Ruler of the Universe, Creator - Destroyer - Preserver, Father - Son - Holy Spirit, Principal Object of Faith (poof), Deity, Higher Power, Divine Being, One, Love, the greatest existent, the most benevolent, the source of all goodness

BIG, being in love, being in god, belief in god, buddhism is great...
ambiguity, bigotry, big brother, bigamy, bigelow, biggert, biggie smalls