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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Hawaii and Great Britain

Postal fun

AK and AR, MO for MD, MA, PA, and ME


FL, awful

   University of Maine (U of ME), :-)

Hi and GB (goodbye)

Monday, February 27, 2023

Food, Nina, and Rain

     I’m listening to Nina Simone.   To me, it sounds like she’s always about to cry.  Whittling down my email backlog.   Got 93 page views of my blog today.  Started reading Bertrand Russell’s History of Western Philosophy.   Finished The Science of Enlightenment.  Went to Trader Joe’s.   Spent $75.  My nephews got my Star Wars toys.  Mom tested negative for Covid.  Shared some of my detergent strips.   Loaned Mike $20.  Bought a carnitas burrito ($12.50) from the nearby taco truck.  Did 120 push-ups.  Listened to HOS last night.  I finished Mike’s pork chops - I have sauce.   So I got up late today.  Drank my carrot juice, ate all the seaweed snacks, had a handful of almonds, ate both chocolate croissants, some mushrooms, my barebells protein bar, and the tabbouli.  Had my mushroom coffee, and morning vitamins.   Is this interesting?  Maybe I should write about…horror, like Stephen King, or…make up words and be poetic? Or… write a dating profile… or just read the library in my room, plus wikipedia, that’s always there, waiting.   Or sit and meditate in silence.   Or just keep typing to Nina.  

   I could stretch.   Do room exercises, and get sweaty.  I’ve got some mail to open.  Do I want to be a famous guru, godman, holy man, buddha?  Is my future as a public deity?  Maybe I’m just funny.  Good for a laugh.  Or something.  The blog is free.  Is google, who owns blogger,  profiting from all this?  If so, how?  My ads don’t seem all that targeted.   All I buy is food, anyway.  I’ve got most of the trivia.   It awaits.   An investment in the future.   I can stay inside for ages - I’m ready for the next pandemic (or two).  The rain just burst, in buckets!  Love the rain.  As long as I’m warm and cozy, and well-fed.  Okay, I’ll shut up.   I know when I have nothing to say.

Now? no, now! lol

Goliath Or David

     Okay, the premise of this blog is I am God.   And you can, too.  Or we all already are.  Or nobody is, or ever was, or ever will be.   God is a pretty large range of concepts.   I think I’ve covered most of them.  But God is love.  Love exists.  God created the universe?  Who the fuck knows, right? God knows.  God knows everything, everyone.   Knows, biblically.   We’re all fuct.  God the father.  God the sun.  God the wholly (Britney) Spears-it.  I’m getting off track.  God is the source of all goodness.  Your source is your parents.  Love as eros.  But God is love as philia, agape, etc.  Affinities of all flavors.  God is just a word?  God is Reality, itself?  There’s quite a range of interpretation.  And names.  God wants us to be happy.  He can do anything, including answer prayers and defeating the devil.  He hears what’s in your head.  All? ah!

    God is schizophrenic.  He’s a telepath, who hears your thoughts.  Your voice is in his head.  Morpheus is the god of dreams.  And Iktomi and Loki like to play tricks on us.  Zeus shoots his thunderbolts.  Zap!  Anyone of good will is an extension of God.  Or maybe an avatar.  God is corporate, too.  We are Allah.  There is no God but God.  Everything is dead.  We’re all holograms.  God doesn’t exist.  Reality is an illusion. You are the god of your own you-niverse.  Suffering is the result of attachments, aversions, ignorance.  Taking refuge in the buddha, dharma, and sangha can bring enlightenment, bliss, freedom.  Maybe you’re a Buddha already.  Simply meditate, and cultivate clarity, concentration, equanimity, gentle acceptance.  God is good.  Virtue is loving-kindness, compassion and caring, and accepting things as they arise, with sympathy and empathy, gentle (and rough!) understanding.  One with the universe.  It’s all good.   Everything is rooted in love.  Compassion is sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings and misfortunes of others.  You dig?  Groovy.  I’m tired.  Goodnite.   To be continued.  God didn’t create the universe.   The universe is uncreated, eternal, infinite, always already everywhere. Right?  Isn’t that obvious? There’s no end of time.  Don’t believe any physicist who tells you there was no before the big bang!  Nonsense, rubbish, balderdash!  Then again, I’m no Einstein.  What did he know, anyway?  My intuitive understanding is space and time are infinite, always were, always will be, and -of course- it’s always now.  

Friday, February 24, 2023

SciENce of ENlightENmENt

Grinning immigrants

Bibi Netanyahu on (internet) and yahoo

Comical cosmos, central control

sex cults, and six sects

Shen yun and shunyata

Aries visionaries

Ramifications of being a Ram (Aries)

   Rama rama, and listening to Rameau with Big Rami

god, glorification or deification

Banality of analysis

Freud and Jung, as young frauds

In the realm of elms

Trivial travel

Curse the discursive! 

Gramma won a grammy

Revelers who read revelation and listen to Ravel

Is faith a phase? Or fate?

god dog, devil lived, wolf flow, a demon on no meds

yoga? oh god

revenant revenues, nuance and old-ance

you can't spell deity without Yeti 

A taoist terrorist on the terrace

cold-blooded, icy heart, chilling deeds

   like with, say, a flamethrower

Warmth and humor

Doing ‘deity yoga’

Structure: components, elements, parts

With precision, specificity, discrimination

Big picture, fine detail

   macro and micro, context and setting/space/time

Breadth and depth

Death and breath

G-D, George Duke

GOD, green octopus-dragon

Realm of real men

Gina and vajrayana and vagina

deacon struck chin -ism

condone or condemn

probity probe

Sophism of Sophie the Sufi

saxophones, sex, six socks, sucks, 

for goodness sakes, sikhs, wanda sikes, soak, souk 

psych ology, iatry, osis, isis, osiris 

psychic psychopath sidekick

   a snake's snack, snookie sneaks a snickers

my subconscious is more like a dom-conscious

Real reels make rials 

The word wreal isn’t real (but Riel is!)

The serpent is sly and subtle

death, impermanence, no self, gone

Things arise, well up, and subside, disappear, vanish, pass 

God is dead;  death, thou shalt die

nada, nothingness, nullibiety

coagulation, viscosity, friction, and resistance

pain and suffering, liberty and freedom, frivolity and merriment

Hissing sibilance about Sing-Sing and Soledad

Placesss for sorry-ass sickos, sadists, psychopaths, sinners, scumbags, slimeballs, snakes, shitheads, and stupid satanic sociopaths (snakes get a bad rap, I like snakes)

rap sheet is short for 'record of arrests and prosecutions'

attention, bliss, clarity, discrimination, equanimity, freedom

Concentration, attention, focus

Cool, calm, collected, composed

gays that swim in the bay, hey! pay on layaway before slay-day

viscous vajrayana stream-enterer

joking, jocular, jocund, jovial

Happy, cheer, joy, bliss, jolly, merry, glee, felicity, glad, delight

    elation, ecstasy, exultation, euphoria, gaiety, rapture


gentle abiding, acceptance of whatever arises, any situation

composure, especially under stress

all things like water off a duck's back

Increase quality and quantity of:  health, wealth, happiness, contentment, comfort, virtue, honesty, service, peace, love, kindness, compassion, knowledge, wisdom, laughter, fun, play, pleasure, trust, friendship, courtesy, thrift, courage, cleanliness, curiosity, learning, engagement, flow, sanity, intelligence, beauty, safety and security, helpfulness, progress, charity, authenticity, integrity, positivity, gratitude, thrive, fulfillment, hope

the face of faith?  

Faith Hill and Faye Dunaway and Paul Revere and Obed

personally, I'm not as into submission, faith, piety, reverence, or obedience (but I do like pie!)

military chaplain on a sub mission, and mind control at McDonald's



vs. say, suffering of suffering

Sun day, Moon day, Two’s day, Wet day, Thor’s day, Fry day, Satyr day, Thor frying a satyr, washing it down with Sun and Moon’s blood, What a weak!  Strong is never wrong.  Mite makes right.  In sex.   Might and my height, Sex and seconds, Wrong and Ron Wong.   Tuesday and 2s and tooze and Tiw (god of single combat).   

4N:  foreign.  where foes reign.  4 in.  Foreigns with florins.  Warren and Orrin Hatch, goin' whorin'.  Lorin in the roarin' pourin' rain.  Boring Gore.  more war in store.  lore of the poor of yore.   soaring carnivores.  Ore or oar?  rowing down the road.  

dot com, daughter comedy, ought to be communist, dotty but calm

citizens that sit Zen;  roast duck, poor Donald; Connie the commie

ire (of, towards) a violent aggressive madman psychopath

lawyers that go to war and like to fight

abortions and steaks as moral equivalents 

  makes abortions trivial, or steaks horrific

    ...and they ARE (both horrific, and both trivial, actually)

big beautiful buddha's blissful brain and body

b.s. about bad bible book blasphemy

Chuy likes mochi, turkish delights, and baklava

taking the pathological path, choosing chewy, wok ing your dog

catholic means universal: catholic cats, catechumens, and dog-catchers

catatonic on vacation, catharsis

Katrina the katholic

evil weevil, Knievel;  the devil drives his Cadillac de Ville in Seville

dragons, what a drag, as he takes a drag on his cigarette

he's such a pill

there's something to be said for Authenticity (off meds)

    and med-compliance, both

Sac, Sacto, Sacramento, sack-toe, sacrament, ramen, amen, ah men, amon; Wooden Woden, Frida Kahlo, Frigg’n Friday, germanic/norse goddess of marriage, motherhood, prophecy, and clairvoyance.   don't goad Odin!   Wotan listens to Wu-Tang clan.

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

What do you want?

(All possible pleasures are available)

Wittgenstein’s wit

   Comes out of “solid nothing”

   Omniscience is “intellectual elephantiasis”

   Drai wit: divinely revealed and inspired

       Everything! No such thing as trivia

Seize candies

Andes Candies

   Andy n’ Candi, feeling randy

   Candles and candy

Thin mints

Mysticism and witticisms

Trade the cash for beef for the body for the hate

  -Beck (‘Loser’)

There’s no vanilla in Nilla wafers

Playing God and Enlightened (PG&E)

There is nothing but here and now, everywhere and everywhen

ew, ew

Electronic warfare, elizabeth warren

We, like the universe, are going round in circles

It’s a dance, not a march (to get somewhere)

The past is a wake of a ship

The future is what you make of it

Om mani padme hum

Nam myoho renge kyo

Hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare, 

    hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare

(rams and rabbits?)

Only say the word and I shall be healed

Joy Love Tranquility

theonyms (Jess, the trinity of me myself and I, and 

   Ted, the entire dictionary, of course (all aha)

Hinduism and do-ism (action, not words)

    Works not words

Vaishnavism (vishnu), shaivism (shiva), shaktism (female energy), smartism

   Smartism and stupidism

5 Smart deities: ganesha, shiva, shakti, vishnu, surya

Surya’s ain’t suras (chapters of Quran)

Anarchy, mayhem, chaos, randomness, and chance

Scientific order, via chaos theory

A theory about Thor

Religious orders, giving orders, (and ordure)

Bore into boredom

   If you’re bored you’re boring

   Boring boars, pigs pork and police, popo

Boredumb and boring dominatrix

The truth will set you free

self-knowledge imparts free-will

Heaven is a monarchy, with the divine right of King God

     “democratizing heaven”

The cosmic ego (insubordination and usurping divine authority)

Of course! (in reaction to Everlasting Damnation)

Intimate with Reality, fucking God

hypnosis, psychosis, kenosis

Big Bang and big whimper

Adulatory of undulatory (waves)

   The peaks and troughs of Pat

The new priests are psychiatrists and economists

     be sane, be rich;  know thyself, to be rich is glorious

Religion: always saying “be good” (ad nauseam)

Psalm 82, I have said ye are gods, and children of the most high

King of kings, judge of judges, servant of servants, etc.

   God of gods

Mystic union with (God, reality, universe, All)

The soul and spirit of the s.s.

b.s. about blasphemy and subversion

Gurus and kangaroos and uruguay

   Playing with reality, toying with god, the creative illusion

Shortcomings, (ejaculation of a little penis?)

It’s all an act, a show (sometimes a little too real?)

  Religion makes things “really real” through rituals and repetition

All the world’s a stage, and We but merely players 

     -Shakespeare, As You Like It

The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life, Erving Goffman

Gospel, god’s spell (bewitched?)

cc, cosmic consciousness, far out man

Hell of a Book -Jason Mott;  Fahrenheit 451 -Ray Bradbury

slurping the usurper

NE1, NE thyme

DOJ, day of judgment, department of justice

AOL, angel of the lord, america online

Saturday, February 18, 2023

N Light N

n lie tin mint 


N Light N

Losing weight, becoming lighter

Turning on a lamp, lighting a cigarette

Nature, Nirvana, ’n newness, neo

10 mints, mental, meant

Meaning and being mean

I and I, zeitgeist (and no-self)

Stimulus and response, Sars and Sara and Samsara

synthesis, searching, simplicity, science, spirit, space

present, practical, personal, precise, provocative, positive, plunging, powerful

Set of principles, subconscious processing

Shinzen means ‘goodwill’ in japanese (tell that to the thrift store clerk!)

Shinto, shen yun, Shenzhen …

   "liberating wisdom" (shin) plus "compassionate service" (zen)

Brilng concentration, clarity, and equanimity to every task

    CCE to everything you do!

Light vs. dark, yin and yang,

 jedi (2 sides of The Force), 

Jesus (i am the light)

God, (let there be light)

Illuminati (illumine naughty!)

Adi Da (The Bright)

Humans and vampires, awakening in morning/at night

Blacks and whites, race (giving birth to grays, lol)

Having visions, and having a vision (I have a dream)

Warmth, warm-hearted (and war) (cold, dark depths)

Synonyms, sin and synagogue, synthesis, sinister and sister (left)

Dexterity, righteousness, correct and right, writing, rituals / rites

Nirvana (band), Shining (movie)

Anecdote about Anne’s neck

Sacred and red, heart and hater, the hell in helpful

The v in thrive (lawyers and vampires)

Master’s masterpiece

Mastery, mystery, mister E

Slavery and very Slayer

Trance and transformation

form and F, M (female, male) (father, mother)

Competence and compassion

Insight and inspiration (light and breath)

Temple for contemplation

Present moment and present (gift) and pre-sent, and Ents

Author’s authority, in awe of Thor

warmth, wisdom, who what where when why which, wide-ranging

Mindful and having a full mind

Deep, easy to read, accessible, clear (like scientology)

FHU and fully human

MPs in the PM (ministers of parliament, evening)

     With a meditation practice

Peace and freedom party

K and W, knowledge and wisdom

   wiz off a ledge, understanding and standing under

decrease suffering, increase happiness

:-) (for no particular reason) (particles?)

nirvana, dhyana, satori, samadhi, moksha, bodhi, etc.

taking the mist from mysticism

optimally contributing to the mending of the world

contraction and expansion, nebulosity and viscosity

rich rituals;  fullness of moments/ richness of experience

   like in Blade Runner: Dr. Tyrell on Roy

      the candle that burns twice as brightly lasts half as long

quality and quantity

de-emphasizing longevity, 

  replacing with fullness, intensity, richness

concentration and clarity

fees are feasible, free is freaky

mindfulness: a. open awareness, b. focused attention, c. kind intention

unitive state of no-self (or big self), oneness, all-1

absence of suffering, presence of joy

experiencing physical/emotional pain, terror, grief (without suffering)

"The Source" as God (deepest level of consciousness)

integrated studies: open any book to any page (relevant and interesting!)

India's great gift: how to develop meditative states

   (systematically and reliably)

Enlightenment is real

   (not fiction or a celestial height that mere mortals can never approach)

You may already be enlightened 

    (making "path" an inappropriate term)

"peak experiences" are something else; E is ongoing

    (a plateau for even further development)

elf, enlightened, liberated, free

Zhou EnLai eats thin mints


 I’m back from Portland.  I did my taxes (or, more accurately, the AARP volunteers at the library did my taxes).  I went to Vicki’s birthday party at Izzy’s, in SF.   I’m sitting Kaleb.  And I’m reading The Science of Enlightenment (how meditation works), by Shinzen Young.  Kaleb has been walked 3x today, already.  It’s a lazy Saturday, though.  I just took a nice nap.   This place smells nice.  There are lots of flowers, and a jungle of plants in the living room.  Kaleb has stopped yipping.  I had a Trader Joe’s Cobb Salad.  And it seems as if I have nothing else to say.   Well, not really.   There’s this, actually:

Fall in line, and fall in love.   Interest rate!  

If I don’t care, am not interested, will that lower the IR?

If I don’t use my pump, will that prevent inflation?

Augie has been into dinosaurs, trains, fidget spinners, tall buildings, cars, nerf guns, and Pokemon.   

MS, Microsoft, middle school, messenger service, Maia Sandu, missus

CD, seedy, clinical depression, certificate of deposit, compact disc, communist dictatorship

FBI and federal inflation bonds

In my formerly formal form

Hi to Isaac Herzog, in Hawaii

Alc-ohol isn’t an abnormal lifestyle choice (make the call)

Awkward in Auckland

A conversation about conservation

I remember the forgettable, forget the memorable

Artificial fish, and fish art

Spying in the spring has sprung

At least I signed the lease

VOA, voice of america, ova

   -sammy hagar

MAP, and “wet ass pussy”, pam

   -Cardi B ft. Megan Thee Stallion

(oral, anal, vaginal; mouth, ass, pussy)

holy, holy, holy

Holiest of holies

God: Fake it til you make it

Make or break, take n bake

Heaven is a kind of library

Libra and Aries, in libraries

Input, data, read, watch, listen

meditate, nap, sleep, dream

words, images, sounds

Dictionary, languages, imagination

Enlightenment shines light on darkness

Connected, integegrated studies

People, places, times

For purposes, yet irrational/futile/absurd

Stay out of trouble, knowledge, wisdom, vicarious experience

Memory and comprehension

Mentor, teacher, leader, guide, role model, example

Biography: what is the best?

Do the most good, the least evil

The good life, and defining perfection

growth, improvement, betterment, change

Good grades, grokking, compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy

progress, development

Godly, righteousness - omniscience

falling in love, ascending in hate? 

    neither has any relation to elevation!

I'm in the mood for some cow