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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Upright, with Righteousness, Discerning what is Right

All right?


Most fully realized, happy, and in love with life, self, all, god, others, and reality.  In an ideal state, fulfilled, content, and with sustained, permanent, bliss, an example and leader and guide to all others.   Enlightened, perfect, the embodiment of the way, the truth, holiness, joy, the extinguishing of suffering, and in complete union with the universe, with clarity, insight, comprehension, wisdom, equanimity, virtue, gratitude, service, altruism, charity, kindness, respect, goodwill, compassion, acceptance, and profound affinity and affection to each and all.  We are all in the same boat, and we are all one, and we are all in all, family and brothers and one nation, on this spaceship earth, this global community, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.  Or over god, same difference.  Freedom, equality, and human rights, with basic need met for all, in peace and unity.

Righteousness porn? 

President Selection Matrix

 Pros and Cons of Each (imho)

Biden +  : compassionate, cheerful, competent (experienced, serious), leadership, sets an example (not mean, racist, untrustworthy, etc.), respectful toward science/scientists, and environment

Biden -: old, doddery

Trump + : demands and requires critical thinking (virtually anything he says is a lie)

Trump - : fat and unhealthy, corrupt, incompetent, mean/bullying/asshole, dangerous, insane, unserious, lying and untrustworthy, a puppet of Fox and Putin, a racist rapist, etc. etc.

Honestly, I would vote for a shrubbery over Trump.   Biden does pushups, lol.   Bring back some dignity to the President's Council on Physical Fitness (!).   The globe is experiencing warming and extinction, and Biden is greener than this denier of climate science ("95% probability").

And Kamala is fun, while Pence is boring.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Turns of phrase


Slovenly Slovenians

Delicious militias

A votary of the rotary club

Torpedoed troop-transport

Happily picking persimmons

A grim, ghastly, and gruesome halloween

A petty, petulant, and predictable president

Heaven at seven-eleven, where I held a position

Revolting electricians

Fighting a food feud

Humility and modesty (hm) v. Pride, Arrogance, Conceit (pac-man)

Spending time with the important, interesting, and entertaining (not boring or dull), trivia is not necessarily trivial, the devil (and God!) is in the details (reality is detail)

Discus concussion, cussing, discuss

Exits exist

Spinozism posits a “singular self-subsistent substance” (God)

Reality, the universe, god, the unity of all that exists, in a single system, that rearranges itself according to requests and prayer (the secret), and "instantiates" karma.  

   ‘I am God’ is meronymy (unless I really am)

(we’re each individually meronyms of god)

Word play and paronomasia, your fun fact word of the day

12 elves, themselves

soteriology:  saved, preserved, delivered, redeemed

   (like a document, a corpse, a package, or a coupon)

Just dust in a gust, can you dig it?

Live simply, laugh often, love deeply

At this time in our history, we are to take nothing personally, 

      least of all ourselves -Hopi Elders (!)

alimentary canal, from mouth to anus, like worms (amen!)

tubes, moving stuff around, in trouble like bubbles

   (tttt : temporary tubes that transport) money, ideas, things

End the Shit-Show

 And Begin Competence!

Biden is the candidate of dialog, science, experience, wisdom, collaboration, cooperation.   Quality and qualifications, teamwork, community.   Not this lying clown bullshit, from an incompetent, disrespectful, bullying, and only concerned with optics over substance, current administration.   Biden will bring back a commitment to leadership, virtue, truth, honesty, and respect.   A team that doesn't just give lip-service to health and wellness, while thousands die.  Someone who cares, and who can help the whole, unbalanced, economy with development, growth, and prosperity (not just the stock market).  A good global citizen, who is compassionate.  Not this fat fuck asshole.

That's all I wanted to say.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

San Leandro

Sitting for Rover and Squirrel-Bait

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen, walked Rover.   Like March.   Julie, Sam, and Miette are in Santa Barbara (I’ve never been).   Miette just got braces.  Julie and Sam are filling out their ballots.  Sam got new tattoos.

Daily walk or two, daily pastor tacos from los pericos (san leandro), echo music enjoyment, printing my blog (my printer is broken), reading my kindle, napping, sitting in the yard, and of course feeding and watering the animals (no meds, no fish, no hamster, no plant watering).  Keep ‘em separated!  Rover hassles SB.

Wearing my mask outside (and on Bart), using hand sanitizer, taking a shower, brushing my teeth, taking my meds, and doing pushups.  Sam has exercise equipment, too.  

I ate some of their food, but bought some replacement (kind bars for fig newtons, and dried mango slices).  I ate some of their cream cheese, taco bell, boiled eggs, and almond milk.  I bought Rover some dog-treats, because I forgot to bring them.   Went to CVS.  Used apple pay.

I’m listening to wmbr, kzsu, kcpr, and whrb.  College radio is the best.  I played some Weird Al, on a whim, earlier, too.  I charged my phone, kindle, and computer.   

I got a text from Sister Barbara.  She’s been praying for me, because of dead dad.  Anyway, she needs me for the annual persimmon harvest, whenever I can make it to MSJ (Mission San Jose, in Fremont).    I told her I’m sitting Rover, will sit Duke at the end of November, walk Junie on Tuesdays and Thursdays,  Thursday afternoon I’m having lunch in SF with mom (Barting there, :-(,   walk Snoopy on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and Kaleb on Saturdays.   WIth my economist and NYT, I’m pretty busy.   Not to mention a library book and J!.  busy, busy.

Blog only got 15 page views, yesterday.  Today, 3a, is already more (79).   Sunday.   Maybe priests read me, who knows.  I’ll probably buy tacos, again.  I love those things.  Sorry, piggies.   Sam has a Hugo award-winner that looks interesting (Stand on Zanzibar), but I’ve been diving into Wikipedia.  That’s the haps!



Thursday, October 22, 2020

Dinner Thyme

Breaking your fist, launching lunch

time, tim-may, the ibex moon (song), emit backwards

my newt minute, in it for a minute, ow for an hour, second that motion, watching time fly, dazed days, knighted nights, weak weeks, Gunther's month, year zero.

Janet's January, Julie's July, Augustus' August, Deckie's decade

febrile February, a march match, apes and apiaries in April, Mayo Clinic may, jejune June, septic September, awkward October, supernova November, decent December.

years of Kirin, King Lear, Bob Weir, Britney Spears...  ears, beers, cheer, dear, fear, gears, here, hear, jeer,  leer, mere, near, peer, pier, queer, rear, arrears, seer, steer, tears, veering. 

future, features ensure, dentures; nature, leisure, pleasure, treasure, lecture, out to pasture

ellen's men, ben's henchmen, a yen for zen, when penning a perfect ten;  o'clock and claw k (green and red)

time is money: Goldman Sachs and god-man sex, paying penalties for penile tease, and anal analysis of analog analogies.   Money, for 'my one' and only.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

What a mess

 clean up your room, and your mind

garbage, refuse, trash, litter, waste;  poison, germs, sick, ill, diseased, bacteria, virus, pathogen; shit, crap, dung, feces, excrement, poo;  stink, stench, fetor, mephitis; anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury, spite, malice, revenge, ire;  spite and smite; smitten and swapping spit;  cruelty, brutality, torture;   wicked, evil, sin, turpitude, depravity;  illegal, criminal, unlawful;  ruthless, brutal, cruel, savage, merciless, unforgiving; hell, death, oblivion; karma, justice, revenge;  war, chess, hell, battle, combat, strategic, tactical, fighting; mad crazy insane, psycho schizo mental nuts; sick, twisted, cold-hearted; misery anguish despair, pain agony suffering torment;  dull, boring, stupid, vapid; zero, nobody; mad, sad, bad, depressed, suicidal, apathetic, lonely; annoying, irritating, ugly, dumb, mean, ignorant, uneducated, incurious.  discontent, unsatisfactoriness.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Good Times

A Happy List

Virtue, kindness, compassion, mercy, forgiveness, joy, love, truth, bliss, happiness, delight, ecstasy, exultation, glory, knowledge, wisdom, understanding, enlightenment, omniscience, beauty, nature, nirvana, omnipotence, benevolence, satisfaction, contentment, wellness, health, strong, fit, endurance, stamina, courage, sanity, bravery, endorphins, vitality, victory, thrive, alive, alive!, gratitude, blessed, harmony, relationship, sex, massage, rest, relaxation, compatibility, respect, fun, play, jokes, humor, laughter, warmth, games, cheer, beer, liquor, wine, spirits, mead, daily bread, winning, pleasure, treasure, leisure, wealth, income, riches, money, safety, security, basic needs, food, restaurants, libraries, shelter, house, home, comfort, ease, full, satiated, fulfillment, drugs, food, music, books, movies, travel, kittens, puppies, equanimity, calm, peace, community, friendship, brotherhood, camaraderie, companionship, togetherness, synergy, motivation, meaning, purpose, ambition, progress, utopia, kingdom, heaven, celebration, festivity, meditation, clarity, insight, sympathy, empathy, charity, engagement, service, helping, assistance, giving, jollity, merriment, leadership, example, instruction, learning, open-minded, focus, wit, cleanliness, discipline, dedication, part of something bigger than yourself, belonging, contemplation, altruism, creativity, artistic vision, dreams, flow state, busy, productive, curiosity, freedom, stimulus, entertainment, diversion, escape, present, presents, completion.

Ring to it

meditation and medication

meditation: single pointed concentration; stillness/calm/quiet; insight, clarity, discrimination, and precision; joy; equanimity.  (impermanence, non-self/emptiness, suffering/unsatisfactoriness).   extinguishing all our ideas and concepts

Buenos Aires was named after St. Mary's "good winds" (which makes me think of farts, lol)

Canada Usa Mexico (USMCA); Skin Ears Mouth Eyes Nose (touch, hear, taste, see, smell); jazz

real deal, Persian version, faces and feces, omens and amens (and amendments), have you seen the Sinaloa scene?, trust-busters, chaplains that complain, Maine on the mainland, sane at Sainsbury's, acres that ache and laughing hectares (ha ha!), reporters without borders, ward is a weird word, a monumental moment for a monkey mom, mad as a middle-aged dad, hankering for hunks, mass matters and the god particle (Higgs boson) is important because matter matters;  opposites attract? material girl with spiritual guy?, epically apocalyptic epoch, apok reads the apocrypha, meditation and mediation and media

drugs, pharmaceuticals, biochemicals, meds, medications, medicines, medicaments, remedies

pizza, burger, sandwich, sushi, burrito, and junk (ice cream, candy, chips), (beer, juice, gatorade)

earth has 14 peaks higher than 8 thousand meters (26,247 feet)

global warming, extinctions, green new deal, environment and ecology

sickness, stress, anxiety, alarm, fear;  (covid response) not reasonable, responsible, or right; (trump) inspiring, incentivizing, and inciting (domestic terrorism); contact and combat sports; abstruse and recondite; tyranny of time;  pure and secure,  you got a Bugatti.

misanthropic:  feces species, manure man, and (apologies to ants) ant-hropology.   A shit show, with constant yapping about vapid crap.   turd-tards.   aristo-crap, sophisticated fisting, and sacramental excrement (holy shit!).   covid shit in your lungs? : lung-dung

if your religion makes you hate someone, you need a new religion

Einstein believed in the God of Spinoza

Thursday, October 15, 2020

a light snack

Enlighten- minced mints

Faith: submission and surrender

 or, domination and control (DC!)

Adios and de nada (to and from)

Hypocrisy apocalypse, says Deepak 

4 stars, by my lights:  Morpheus, the god of dreams; 

      jesus, the light;

      Adi da, “conscious light”, 

      And morning star (both Jesus and Lucifer). 

 I had a dream where morpheus was iktomi  (i pissed my bed dreaming I was in a bathroom); (Morning Star is America's largest and most profitable tomato processor).

The perfect day, productive, do it all! :  

   vitamins, oatmeal, coffee, gnc protein; flash briefing and song of the day;  Read: history, email, news;  book lists;  reference (dictionary, spanish, atlas, wikipedia)

   Fun: Music, Joe frank, judge John hodgman, standup comedy, pinterest, instagram, philosophy talk, onion, YouTube, J! archive, arts and letters, scrabble dictionary, thesaurus, masd, kp healthwise handbook.  (facebook, twitter), ted.    Exercise, sweat, walk dogs, pushups, etc.   NEWS: Ny times, economist, wikipedia, yahoo, 1440, Wapo 202, flash briefing, onion, phone notifications, and eventually, plus cs monitor, foreign affairs;   Nature (after long break from hiking, camping, travel, movies); Nap, meditation, shower


Left blank on the left bank

Homogeneous homosexual-genius homeowners (homo-nerds)

The queer choir sang a fag rag

Tired of car tires?  Exhausted by car exhaust? The flying car is here (really)

Hastings haste

I mentioned Goffman to the prof, and he started coughing

turn that Hasselhoff off, you boffin, and quaff some toffy

Dogs investigate sights, sounds, and smells

Testing negative, not having symptoms, and contagiousness are 3 separate things

workin' for MCA (Lynyrd Skynyrd song, not about monoclonal antibodies)

What’s up doc?  What’s goin down?

Bello bellowing below

demure demiurge (made manure)

after hot hate, vengeance is a dish best served cold:

leading Leeds, reading at Reed

fig, faith in god; fig-ment of imagination (mm, fig/mint)

family fame, and hi-fat faith

revered or reviled, reverends and revenants

the "precariat" (those with insecure employment)

the chemistry of heaven, hell, and earth 

     - H (hydrogen), S (sulphur), C (carbon based lifeforms)

don't be senselessly dense

internet - 4.1 billion people (global population 7.69 billion)

loyal to the royals

    reinforced or damaged reputation for competence?

squirm, you worm

the best wurst

rags to riches, fags to bitches

a pew poll on pole dancing at church

surely, shorty - abandon abortion


the "we croak" app

In USA, cremation averages $5150, burial $7640

I like the biodegradable urns that go in the forest

Put your head on my shoulder, take my hand, be right back, left behind, keep an eye out, get out of my face, cut it out, knock it off, peace (piece) of mind, feed your head, light-headed, open your eyes, pick up your feet, don't let me down, all right (devilish, if not humorous room for interpretation), I've got my eye on you, with open arms.

Monday, October 12, 2020


Dipper, Pepper, Junie, Kaleb, Rover, Duke, and Snoopy have been keeping me busy, lately.  I got a flu shot (kaiser).  I bought a pizza (papa john’s): Alfredo chicken bacon garlic mushroom.   My blog is averaging about 85 page views a day, this month.  I voted.  I’m looking forward to seeing Snoopy romp with horses.  I bought halloween candy, the usual almond kisses (but it won’t last, I think).  I’ve been giving Snoopy 90 minute walks.   Some days I do pushups in my room.   120, the goal (12 sets of 10).  I’m reading lots of news, mostly economist, only a bit of NYT.  Plus some history.  A guy told me I sounded Irish, today.   Weird.  My YMCA membership is on hold.  I’ve been sleeping in.  Sara is busy with work, Augie, and her new baby, Hugo.   I haven’t read a book in awhile.  I still have a library book from March.  I got a haircut.   In the heat, I’ve been dipping myself in the shower.  Trippy dreams.  Listening to Zappa.  A few weeks back, I got a covid-19 test (negative).  I’m keeping to my room, mostly.  35 million have corona, worldwide, officially.  But the WHO says maybe 760 million (!).  Looking forward to election day. 

Sunday, October 11, 2020


How much you have, less expenses

In usd (united states dollars). How much you have, how much you can spend, projected expenses.   I do it monthly.   Income minus expenses.   SSA/SSI/Savings (bank plus cash, coin)  Social Security, disability.(Wells Fargo checking, savings)+ (wallet, lockbox, trust),  ....less (subtracting) rent, wifi, utilities, food, transportation, music and news subscriptions (amazon music, and amazon kindle -NYT, and economist).   Maybe gym (Ymca), too.   Also,  Bitcoin.  Uncle Sam (2nd $1200 stimulus payment?).  And earnings, from dog walking, sitting, gifts, helping at mission san jose, etc.  Frugality!  Free food, and lending cash to roommate (interest?), and free dental, kaiser medication co-pays, new glasses, and Wag! walks.  

Potential?:  Maybe income from self-defense instruction, fitness partner, or writing?  Publish?

Dogs: Snoopy, Kaleb, Junie, Rover.   + Wag! (on-demand).   Walk, feed, water, medicate.  Pick up poop. 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

I Voted!

Ballot is in the drop box outside of Berkeley city hall, as of this morning!

Biden/Harris, Lee, Skinner, Buffy, Fickes.    Ahmad, Soulmaz, Carol Mara, McDunn, Johnson.   JLB, Mike Chang.   Wayne and Jesse.  Ben Bartlett and Orlando Martinez.  Jovanka Beckles.  Sharon Kidd.   La Force.    

Y: 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25.   And W.   And FF, KK, LL.

N: 16, 20, 23

? (left blank):  21, V.   And GG, HH, II, JJ, MM

I didn't watch either of the debates.   Trump ignoring the rules of the debate is just more shit on the pile.  Pence calling Kamala a liar is rank, obscene hypocrisy.  And Trump's covid treatment cost $100,000 of taxpayer money.  You don't have to get hit by a bus to learn how to cross a street!  He thinks getting sick was a gift from God?  It shows his incompetence, so getting voted out would be my gift.

Jesse (Arreguin) is Berkeley's mayor.   I'm JT (JLT).   JB is Joe Biden, Jovanka Beckles.  JLB is Jose Luis Bedolla  (and Jorge Luis Borges!).   I like the names that associate to Bruce Lee (martial artist), BF Skinner (psychologist), my friend Brandi (Buffy, hairdresser), Fix, mad, soul, (git r) done.   Holly (Johnson) and Carol (Jurado).   Mike Chang was a tennis player, no?  Wayne (Llano), Benjamin (nephew), Orlando/Martinez are both cities,  Teshara sharin' Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease.., (Jason) Kidd, may the force be with you.  

I did have a few actual reasons for my choices, not just names (!!).  Any functioning adult 2020.  I get emails from Lee and Skinner.  Fickes sent me a (well-written) text.  Sharon sounds better than Lateefah, if you're racist.  And when it comes to Bart, I'll admit I am - Just Kidding.  La Force is a really cool name!  Beckles didn't win, last time.  I'm not gonna vote MM for mental masturbation, or mindfulness meditation.  I'd pick yes or no, (and want to!), but the wording is completely obtuse.  I happen to know what an ADU is, but I'm not clear on how MM affects them.  Oh well.

Voting is an exercise in attachment and aversion, and therefore, suffering.  May the least suffering win.  

also, Romans13, by apostle Paul, says : "Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God."  (then again, Hitler was duly elected (!).  the Bible also endorses slavery, and a few other things, too.

Sunday, October 4, 2020


a little more 

news of idiots, fighting about some bullshit

chicken farmers (yokels folk) under the yoke of yolk 

a big bag of bugs for halloween

obsessed with providing only the best for my guests

raise your voices, sends those rays of praise, pray when there are no words to say, don't raze the village, it takes a village!

mouth month, a month of gunther's, racist rice, and Reeses 

in it for a minute, second of reckoning

weak week, gay day, queer year, butter-butt, openly gay on opening day, it might take a wild

Anna T:  insanity, inanity, profanity, hannity, urbanity, sanity, manatee, vanity... unity

Don't ride your bicycle under icicles.  

elements of elephants, skunks with trunks, skinks that wink

the link of ink to kink

I think I'll wear my pink mink to the ice rink

bacon bongo burger by door dash delivery

a disappointing appointment and a need for ointment

western investors, stern (like Howard)

Suffering, agony, pain - sapping the will to live

Morons, imbeciles, twits at MIT

Harvard yardbirds, and hard words, like retarded kurds

Stanford hamburgers, and sign language (hand words)

   and Stan in a fur jacket, or banned turds

Cal!  creative artistic lover, crime arson larceny.. 

rincewind at Princeton 

hearty and hale at Yale (don't fail)

federal income tax and fitness for office

assurance of insurance

biden and bidet (trump's 5 children: Baron, Ivanka, Donald, Eric, Tiffany)

requirements for a situation repugnant to men of refinement

cia dad: incentives against compromise, destroying American democracy

legal motions, emotions, moving ecstasy, and movies

florida felons, disenfranchised by fears, fines, and fees

punished for pushing, punching;  choke chalk, strangle angle

GLT: grants, loans, and tax-breaks (US $4 trillion pandemic response)

RBG: restaurants, bars, and gyms

  (Gregory Lawrence teshara, Ruth Bader Ginsburg)

disinfect, sanitize, and clean!

bglad, bisexuals gays lesbians at davis, and fag-hag ags

shy guy with bashful Ashley

Aladdin and Mladen

Jeanne Mance of New France

in the presence of peasants, I give presents of pheasants

Byron wearing a biden button

investiture and divestiture, testing a jester

indignation of indigenous nations

obtuse and abstruse abuse

debil Debbie, and debate debris

Sinuiju and sinewy jews

Q-bert, Cuba, queue-ba

emergency, urgency: the sturgeon needs a surgeon (surgery perjury!)

Trish and Paul are politricians, Patricia and patrician politicians

Satan hates waiting; how? vow or pow! Now!  (wow...)

rating mating, sex hex, best in the west

hawking cock, pick a dick, finest vagina, hunting c-

reading to children: PPPP - pitch, pace, pauses, participation

Facets of Wisdom:

Knowledge, Wisdom, Understanding, Truth, Enlightenment, Omniscience

Experience, Book-larnin, know thyself

Educated, Well-Read, Informed, Disciplined

Curious, Intelligent, Brilliant, Creative, Speed-Reading

Open-minded, Polymath / renaissance (wo)man

Clarity, Discriminating Awareness, Skillful Mindfulness

Photographic, Eidetic memory

Mathematical, Quantitative, Quality, Scientific, dive down into detail

Life long learning, aware of ignorance, limits, unknown

philomath, bibliophile, inquisitive, autodidactic, nous, kia

"knowing", biblically

Saturday, October 3, 2020

What's all the fuss?

a mortality mentality 

You're just dust in a gust!

or a win?  you're just wind

your fin?  in a dustbin

your demise?  maybe wise, in the eyes of spies

mouth of the south, going forth in the north, best in the west, deceased in the east

the end, my friend

breath before death, Seth

armagideon oblivion

back in black

impermanent, like the concept of a firmament

alive, and all that jive

fake awake, Jake - life is but a dream

wussup?  wake up, break up, make up, and take up macrame

what's goin down?  yup, every damn clown, into the ground

temporary, like January

fleeting, like a meeting

permanent sleep, said the weeping creep, over the dead in bed

we're all in trouble, like bubbles

forms that pass like storms

spit some terms, before eaten by worms

goin on that cremation vacation

Friday, October 2, 2020


 How much of Arabia is arable?

Cash to splash

intelligentleman (portmanteau)

    Natalie’s toe (theory of everything), ha

Internal or international

freaks from afrique

Resist subsistence existence

   Seek a peak of wealth and health, pleasure and treasure

There are. Historical reasons for hysterical raisins

lord, lethargy or dynamism?

ecstatic ex-static

charcuterie, she cute

finance and fine aunts

Denigration of litigation

wondering about wandering

mayhem in the month of May

clothed, closed door, and close

strange ranger, monster monsoon, monster mash, masked man

wake up, put on makeup, and make up your mind

Paul, politics, polls, police, politesse, and poles

cool or loco


   Putin poisoning, propping

(Alexei, and Alexander)

    Xi Jin Ping

She plays ping pong drunk on gin

    Furore of Fuhrer

Pure cure of German germs

demure murderer's pure fury

statistical significance, sweat and semen


Psychological sophistication

  And another cat: Catechism for stiff-necked people

Tesharaton hotels, tesharable, tesharabia, tesharamark



Minions eat Funyuns (and filet mignon)

Come on

Compunction, incumbent, recumbent, kumquat, income, incomplete

compatible, community

Dot com

Demands on time, calm

Demagoguery at the synagog 


Save self


Synergy, syntax, synaesthesia

Punishment for syndications

Firestarter, by Prodigy

We didn’t start the fire, by billy Joel

Dead (in my world)

Larry, Penny, Jim, Tom, Pat, Dick, Ken, Barry, Mike

Equanimity, Clarity, Discriminating Awareness, Calm Abiding

Mindfulness Meditation

Stilling the “monkey mind”

       MM has the goal of quietude and stillness.  You focus on your breath.  Thoughts arise, and you note them.  Monkey mind is when your head won’t shut up.  Like music, for example.  Or lists of things you have to do, or whatever.  Monkey chatter, swinging around from branch to branch.  So you return your awareness to your breath.

3 types of evidence

Documentary, testimonial, physical


Abiding, biding his time, buy/bi/bye

Bye Don

Blessing in Disguise

Broke, In Debt





Steady income

Some nature

Bar-tailed godwit

Bear’s witness

Devil in details

Reality IS all detail

War and melee, Anwar and Malaysia

Trump and Melania both have Covid-19

Today’s news

Not surprising, honestly

In God We Trust.  In Trump, never.

medicament predicament: bleach or hydroxychloroquine?

Telegenic with cenegenics

Sexually over and under-whelming

I shouldn’t have to choose between saving the lives of fetuses, 

     and lost lives and misery from repealed obamacare.