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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Some Influences

 Joe Frank, Subgenius, Flying Spaghetti Monster, Scientology, 

Jesus, Koran, Buddha, The Jewish Study Bible, Adidam, Absurdism

The Quran is online.  YouTube has a daily catholic mass.  Wikipedia on all manner of religion and. philosophy.  Joe Frank has an online subscription service.   I want to get The Aletheon, by Adi Da.  It's $250, but maybe half price books can get me one for $125.   I read some of it at the GTU (Graduate Theological Union).  I' used to go to Christian Science and Unitarian services.  I read most of Camus in high school.  I don't know much about Hinduism, Sikhism, Shintoism, and so much more.   Aside from yoga.  There's always plenty more, even if only Wikipedia, to get lost in.   I'd like to think I'm more of a BrainwashER than Brainwashee.  But a clean head sounds like a good thing to me, to be honest.

I'm into Porcupine Tree, recently.  I can set my Echo to wake me up to music.  I especially like "Trains."

Shared mind, collective unconscious, wordless transmission, telepathy, madness, dave

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Heel my Sole

 Type, Just my type, Taipei, Type A

Intercede, like a farmer

Rest your wrist

Ceased and deceased

Loving the languages, legends, and landscape of Liberia

We are SI.   Sol Invictus?  Hahahaha

Jesus, geezus, G’s us

us- united states, not them, united slaves, u smile, happy satan

Born of a virgin.  Inseminated in her sleep.  By somebody.

Somebody with the power to send dreams (of nonexistent entities, called Angels)(people with wings), (this was in the day before television, movies, special effects)

Call him Morpheus, I guess.  God of dreams. 

angels, dragons, vampires, and gods

wisdom, wiz-dumb, silent wizard

Yellow flow, ow ow (yell, awful)

King of angels, king of nothing

Angels, angles, leg na, glean, nagel, age LN

thrones, dominions, powers, principalities (lol)

ellen was an Aggie, e.g. a knight in

Reflect and genuflect

Pizza, puzzle, and pizzle

Cerberus, Servetus, Severus

zombies have piece of mind

exorcism and exercise

rotten and raw 10

evil, vile, Elvis, veil, and live

music and misc. scum

r and b, rhythm and blues, rage and brutality

found sound, in your surroundings

tie- take it easy

hirsute and in a suit

businessman, busy, bus, sub

submit on a submarine

Bach, baroque, barque

who's afraid of Virginia (woof!)

summarizing a summary trial

ick: mickey's, pickles, and chicken

  and other wicked liquids

heal the heel of my sole sol soul

truthful, if not factually true

snoring in Sonora

playing kazoo in kalamazoo, MI

the god of dreams is the only one true god

speculation about spectacles

respond and recover (from the pandemic)

Ron Burkle, in Berkeley

5 terms (from Kaiser): hygge, gokatta, fika paus, friluftsliv, and lagom

bowel movements and the labor movement

life is butt a dream; xmas cums butt once a year

banal anality, heinous anus gayness

"faces" and "heels," only a single fish underfoot

god of death, dreams, dinner

incidental and ancillary

BLM, Black Lives Matter, black like me

candle scandal, "scandal of the cross"

burning with passion

recession and repression

Y and T, (yesterday and today, Jesus and cross) 

   Cowboy Junkies - Good Friday "enough of this shit, I'm going"

   Porcupine Tree - Trains, "I'm drowning in love, it's okay"

Sol es una cerveza, también 

Statue of Liberty, statute of limitations, 

    silence of lambs, spirit of the lord

souls and sols:

soldier, solitude, solemnity, solecism, solarium, 

    solipsism, solvent, solo, solution, solace, sol-fa

    solander box, Soledad, solatium, solenodon

   solfege, solid, solicitor, solitudinarian, soliloquey

   solenoid, solstice

sex negatives

lust as a sin, attachment, trafficking, slaves, rape, abortion, childbirth pain

Thursday, December 24, 2020


Paradise, Heaven, Utopian immortality, the Kingdom

Heroin, love, endorphins, delicious food, good reads, fun movies, getting out into nature, winning a game of chess, playing sports, pumped up at the weight room, winning a court case, going to a concert, relaxing on a beach, standup comedy, acing a test, finishing a bucket list, winning an award, winning the lottery, sex, having a vivid dream, a good therapy session, finding god, good conversation with friends, a good night’s sleep, being born again, relaxing at a baseball game with a beer in the sun, satori, making a difference, getting a compliment, earning a tip, a good swim, a hot shower, sauna, hot tub, surfing, skiing, the birth of your child, miracles, forgiveness, catharsis, boating, going fishing, writing an excellent journal entry, finding your passion, being creative, getting paid bank, political victory, feeling clear, walking happy dogs, freedom, waking up from a nightmare, community and camaraderie and brotherhood and belonging, hope.


Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Eat, Drink, and be Mary

haunted Han, bottom in Autumn

LWT: Listen watch teach, learn write train

Lawrence William Teshara, love will cross

“we’re all just walking each other home”

Mighty Acts, Praise + Thanks

family, friends, community, country

Partner, lover, companion, spouse, significant other

Cleanse, purify, wash

Merry married Mary

Clement C. Moore and camp cc moore

How is slapping a stick funny?

Kola nutz- cola from the Kola peninsula

Parents from near the Barents

That’s a handsome hansom cab

Joining the fisherman’s network

Savior, save your, save yore

Redeem, re-deem (same, better, worse?)

BS about only Begotten Son

Dragoons with dragons

Cavalry with calves

Infantry with infants

Sob, shortness of breath

A partisan of parmesan 

O.  om.  omg.  ommfg.

Nuns in the cia? Re-nun-cia-tion

Haunted autumn

sin, suffering impermanence no-self

Deific edifice

tears, tiers:  crying and weeping, or levels and stages?

Nike Athena Minerva in ‘Nam

Gollum, and the goodness of the lord

Unstable and unsustainable

The mistral blew over the mistrial

Epistemology and Ellen’s piss

bibulous bloviating bastard

yada yada:

Winter is here.   Old man or Jonathan?  Neither!

The Wintun are here, this winter.  But the Maidu will do, in may.

Mary Christmas, have some Swiss miss!

Happy new year, have a beer!

Happy Hanukkah, have some tonic? uh…

Monica plays harmonica, with Erica in America

Jolly good, let’s go to Hollywood

Bottoms up, it’s Autumn!

If your nose is kinda runny, you may think it’s funny, but….it’s snot

stupid cupid, dumb bums, rotten cotten, foolish school, lard-ass tards

Fat santa drinks too much fanta

On comet on cupid on donner and blitzen, on dasher and dancer and whoever the fuck you are

Fucking rain, dear

Reindeer?  Who lives and reigns yada yada

wells farrago

suffering folk in Suffolk

a methodist to his madness

many germs in Germany

sneezing at church: mass achoo setts

amity, comity, enmity, and the almighty (in Almaty)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Some Rules for Living

Do what your body tells you to do, Don’t believe everything you think

Brush, rinse, floss. piss, shit, flush.   

eat, drink, and be merry.  drugs, sex, and rock and roll.

Read, watch, listen (input).  Learn, teach.  practice, train.

Lifelong learning.  Keep an open mind.  A genius knows his ignorance.

teach, instruct, be a role model, lead by example

Exercise.  Do daily maintenance.  be strong, fit, healthy, well, sane.

eat, exercise, and sleep.  Go to bed tired, awake refreshed.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.

Sing and dance.  Do nothing, meditate, nap, just breathe, be.

Don’t procrastinate.  Do whatever the hell you want. 

Live and learn.   Love and laugh.  Leave and go to the Louvre.

think, write, pray, talk, lecture, communicate, learn other languages

Be all that you can be.  Just do it.  Git r’ done.  Get on with it.

May the force be with you.  Namaste.  Adios.  To God.

Don't believe everything you're told, either, :-)

Monday, December 21, 2020

Possibly -rona'd

I might have ‘Rona.   

I had diarrhea for 4 days, and chills when I was at the dentist (5 days ago), and have been really sleepy.   I’ve had muscle aches and chest pains forever, though, long preceding covid-19 (but 5 symptoms is NOT GOOD).   It’s Monday.  I’ll be tested in 3 days, and have the results Friday (which happens to be Christmas).  Ho Ho Ho.

I had a veg super burrito from one of the nearby taco trucks (el manantial), and surfed wikipedia, and will check my blog at 4p for the daily page views stats.  Sent my mom an email.  I have 66 unread emails, awaiting.  I’m listening to opera on whrb (harvard radio).  Mom thinks I ate something “off”, which is possible.  I got chills with the door open, diarrhea after drinking a pot of coffee, and sleep long after working hard all day.   So maybe, just maybe, I’m negative.  We’ll see.  If I’m positive, I’ll tell my 3 dog owners, my roommates, uber, and of course family.  And Sara.  I feel fine, at the moment.  Diarrhea is over.  That shit was nasty.

I have plenty to do.   So much, really.  Maybe too much.  Trivia, wikipedia, martial arts (books, video), spanish, ny times, economist, email….  Exercise (pushups, stretches, arnold presses..). And dictionary and atlas, learning life, tony robbins, kp handbook, conservative handbook, assorted other books (best American nonrequired reading, essays), etc.

Mom wants me to look at government assisted housing, like section 8 or whatever.   I guess I’m getting another usg check ($600, this time).  I have around 5k.  Balance is slowly growing.   All I buy is food, mostly.  I just spent 250 on bicycle maintenance.   Haven’t walked with Wag! In awhile.   It can wait.  And, of course, I still haven’t talked to SSA or MHA about what info I need to prepare for a move to Portland.  I’m happy here.  Wikipedia is an endless rabbit hole.  As is news.  And music.  And martial arts.  Busy busy.

Shakespeare orgy on whrb.  The Amazon Echo has been shit, lately.  I have to repeat everything, and the jokes aren’t funny, and it won’t do what I want, like answer my questions.  I want to listen to Spanish.  I have 5 spanish talk radio stations on an index card taped to my dresser.  So that should work.  

I have piles of stuff to process.  Mostly to do lists.  But a box of madness from 20 years ago is lurking there, too, for me to maybe integrate into my blog.   I have a book with 10,000 songs for me to request.  J! Archive will take months.  And the discipline to bodybuild and eat well is always awaiting attainment.  No worries.  Glad I’m alive.  Happy alone.  Thriving in my iittle cocoon.  All good.  Plenty to eat, enough cash, shelter overhead, and my blog hobby keeping me engaged.  Life is good.  Fuck ‘rona!  Paid to exercise, with appreciative dogs!  Good deal.  

Merry Christmas!  I ate 3 of the 6 chocolate bars I bought for presents, lol.  How many blog views, today?  Only 47.  Oh well.  

Update:  Tested 12/24.   Results back 12/26: Covid-negative! ho ho ho!

Sunday, December 20, 2020

stuff n things

 Canned chili from chile, served chilly

most holy, hallowed, blessed, beatific, deific, divine, sacred, sanctified blog of Most Exalted and Excellent, pure and perfect, prose of good and great Godliness.  :-). 

Lord almighty, from the house of lords

Ancestors of Anne, afflicted by the wicked, from all ages and all Ages

Daddy, and Adi.  Adi Da, Adi-Buddha, and the discipline alleviating dukkha and distress, yes?

Almighty Father is derived from infancy, looking up to actual dad, no?

Analytic Philosphy and anal Phil.   Heraclitus and her clit.

Hermeneutics and Herman and Newt.

The theory and methodology of interpretation, at MIT

Philologists, and the gist

Teshara, Avalokiteshvara, and Ishvara

David Andrew Eldridge and determinism and eternalism

Ontology and aunts, ants, and Ontario

Existence, being, becoming, and reality

eggs, bees, cum and ality, all over again

earth, wind, fire, and water

Cdfgh- fate, guilt, death, condemnation, H (heaven or hell, or infinity)

M and M, mind and matter

Does infinity preclude monism?

Tv and trance, visions, rapture

The rapture of raptors

Apophatic and cataphatic, apoplexy and cats

The place and time of pat

Feminist henotheism

3 goddesses: Juno, Minerva, Venus

G-d, guardian deities

The ultimate in unity, love, and truth

   unitas, veritas, caritas

Ground of being, as earth

Diva vs. deva vs. devo

To realize self-knowledge is to know the supreme

Profound insight, perception, understanding

a, b, both, or. neither

   e.g. male, female, hermaphrodite, genderless

Pantheistic pantheon

levels, tiers, and stages

Atheist theologians

Divine: related to, devoted to, or proceeding from, a deity

rules, routines, and rituals

bud, good, food (the 3 Buddhist pronunciations)

Chemotons and philosophical zombies

Stupid stupas and moronic Moroni

anicca, dukkha, anatta, sunyata, and samsara

dictionary, atlas, encyclopedia

   english, spanish, thesaurus, scrabble, slang dictionaries

   wikipedia, brittanica, worldbook

The aliens that existed before the big bang, who programmed our current reality.  The physical parameters of our universe, inhabited by universes (psyches).  This iteration.   Supreme Being, deistic.   First mover.  Obliterated, nothing remains.  Oblivion.   Forgotten.

Plural singularity (e.g. I and I, I am who am, my better half, corporate, me myself and I, there’s someone in my head but it’s not me), standing on the backs of giants.  

Friday, December 18, 2020

recent ideation

 gnc, gullibility, naivety, credulity

Lagom, Swedish principle of living a balanced, moderately paced, low-fuss life

Dreams come true, the American dream

Deity: if you want it done right, do it yourself!

Make me a channel of your peace

Wicked enlightenment: where there is darkness, only light: (detonation?)

Wake up: a funeral wake, up in the sky

Mass, male ass;  Teshara, are shat

   mass is matter is stuff is shit!

Jesse is Chuy is chewy, is the eucharist, is eu a christ

sol, supper of the lamb: either eating lamb, or eating what lambs eat (plants, herbivorous, vegetarian)

The native american in his teepee had a vision: Klingons on Uranus

God is Satan’s satan, the devil’s devil, the demon’s demon, the vampire’s vampire: justice, karma, revenge.

Teshara, to share Ra, (rah! rah!), raw

To write is to indite (not indict)

Be just, good, virtuous, true, and right

warm womb vs. confinement hell

snug vs. guns

guns fire vs. just ice

repetition makes things "really real"

VR, virtual reality, are a V

vampire, violence authority money power - ire

mci, meditation, contemplation, interior prayer

    vs.  mad crazy insane (mental masturbation)

don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy

chrism, christ, charism, and charity

cia- corrupt, incompetent administration

a pope is a kind of fish! (ruffe) (pronounced 'rough')

unregulated anarchy, mayhem, chaos; freedom, license, 

     dispensation, liberty, permission, encouragement, support

the 10 richest human beings on earth have $1.14 trillion between them


You ARE one of the pre-eminent philosophers of our day

It IS a philosophical body of thought

The calcurnia commas (??)

you're insane.  I'm serious.  UR.

that's actually the law of it

ire at the power of the devil.  that's exactly you.

you're real, Jesse

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Making Love

God’s love

If you’re not god, you’re evil

Because only god is good

If you believe the good book

Let god into your heart

Think godly thoughts, never cease praying

Make your body a temple

Love, be loved

Be love

Love thyself, love thy neighbor

Go out to love and serve the lord

Love yourself, one another, your partner, 

all and everyone, god, love itself, the universe, life, everything.

Be in love, coming from love, going toward love, guided by love

Reality is all the god there ever is


Angels, warring.

Lucifer, rebutting, says something like:

Making Hate

The devil says it’s All Right

Annoy, Irritate, Bother, Torment, Aggravate: Even Torture

pain, agony, suffering, misery, anguish, despair

anger, hatred, rage, wrath fury

The vices are virtuous

If it feels good, do it! never cease preying!

spite, malice, revenge - justice

brutality, savagery, cruelty

In kind, in equal measure, retribution


lines of code for the human computer

 Vacant vatican

Google doodles (g-d)

Raging ‘rona

universe, source, (re-) Ality (usa)

   Reality and realty and laity

Get up and stretch my eggs

Universe endowed with consciousness:  what will the universe do?

The one to come (1 and zero, penis and hole, come and cum)

Different kinds of hell: pain, enslavement, confinement, psy war, being ignored, perhaps imminent death, mental illness, loneliness, or discomfort, war, incarceration, rape, hate, threat, apathy, boredom, fury, crime, victimization, disability, breakup, being bottled up, unforgiven, judgment, guilt, depression, sensory or sleep deprivation 

Life or death, a semen story

If god is everywhere, how can I be evil?

Only god is good, I am is his name

Poison and prison and persons and parsons

Kind, killin’ devil

gmta, great minds think alike

gmatp, god makes all things possible

Kayfabe, in wrestling.  politics.  religion.

Hidden hedonism

Nuns buns, sexy socks, loving the Louvre 

teshara: as heart, hater, earth.    Are shat.

Chew over, think it over, ponder, contemplate

Heart symbol made with M and V.   Most valuable.

Do voles love?  Does voldemort?  sure, doll

Life is a journey, not a destination - Ralph Waldo Emerson 

the master drives a protege (lol) to dc 

surrender, submission, humility, obedience, slavery

tear: tolerance, equanimity, acceptance, respect

buns: hair, bread, butt

altered reality, and the altar

justice and peace, righteousness and meaning

genesis, generous, Jesus, Jesse, and justice

diplomacy and fun dip, j lo, and macy gray 

snookie drinks sake, snacks on snickers, with a sneaky snake

UN fun

United Nations, one world, fun world

guns, honey buns, long runs in the sun, kundalini, tons of money, puns, won!!