Hello, everybody
I’m housesitting (3 cats, 1 dog), while the owners are in the Bahamas, again. My housemate, from down the block, wants to watch Game of Thrones, here. I don’t. I have 5 books I want to read, in the 3 week period. I got a jury summons for shortly after, in Hayward. My parents are in Boston. It’s Pride month, and I (think I) saw my ex-roommate, while walking the dog, Junie. Anyway, I’m reading Yuval Noah Harari’s 21 lessons, from the library, at the moment. I ate another Ben and Jerry’s ice cream yesterday. I should go to the gym. I walk Junie for a half hour every day, but that’s hardly exercise. At least not the way I see it. You should sweat or get sore, not just move around. Ben n Jerry, Mike and Ike, Yuval and David - pride in getting eaten, being sweet, ha. Sweethearts, sweetmeats, sweepea, honey, you get the idea. Better than being bitter, I guess. Bit her? Ha, I guess I did, in a manner of speaking.
Interesting names from my past
I know a Webb and Annette, and I know a Koran, a Mohammed; an Athena, a Zeus (cat), a Thor, a Jesus, a Christine, two JC’s (male and female), and a TJ. I’ve met a Four, and Siva, and… a slob like one of us, (and Bruce almighty).
Chessy Jesse
A Castle, a Pon, a King, a Bishop, an Ellen (i.e. elle, or L), (Sam, Jeff, Michael, Tim)
an Archer, a Ward, a Riddle, a Bill (Jessica, Caleb, Annette)
A French and an India and an Israel and a Holland, and of course Erica.
An LN and KT and DJ. And ET and ETC and MT’s (margaret teshara, mark thiess)
(esme tupelo clegg) (ellen trainor) (patrick hennessy drugs (phd!)
A Sun and a Starr, and a Starfire, and a Solinsky (Jeff, Kat, Cassidy, Sonya)
An Ant and Tick and Nat and Kat and Morgan and Duv. (plus Robin Williams and Flea).
Bushes and Plants and Trees (Theresa and the comedian and Trina)
A Fido and Rover (poor old blue!) Nate and snoop and dog the bounty hunter.
A Red and a Brown and a Green
My name, Jesse Teshara, of course, is
Chuy (like bread), Jesus; see s.j., rearranged. (society of jesus, the jesuits)
(I Isa is Isai rearranged)(Jesus is Jess, u) (Teshara is the Sara, as earth/heart/hater)
Jesus, The holy See, Hey Zeus and to share Ra (egyptian sun god) (!).
My middle name is Lawrence. So I’ve got law in there, too. A law, Allah.
Share Ra? Robert Anderson is an RA. I had a resident advisor at Davis, too.
Avalokiteshvara has Loki and Teshara and vv in it!
My folks live at Darien and Manor (gulf of Darien and lord of the manor)(g.o.d.)
s.f. (sci fi, saint francis, suck fuck, san francisco, society of friends)
I know Marlen (a combination of Marx and Lenin!), and a dog named Poutine (not Putin).
I’ve known priests named Te and Coffee. Roommate, Stu. Taco and Banh Mi (hotdogs?).
My Godfather was a Dick. David Eldridge (dag ridded evil). Edgar (gd ear).
I know Patrick and 2 Patricia’s. PatH and PatB and PatZ.
Devan Cross and Stan A. Cross and a Pat Devlin
Nat (as nat), santa, cfl and lcf (light bulbs and Lucifer).
Milk! (harvey, doug biggert), Y and T (yoshi tanaka), Brian the brain
James Marquis (gym), Robert Thorley (regional transit), DAE (woo who)
Adam and Michael and David and Mary and other biblical folks. Falletti’s Finer Foods.
I have a globe (glowb) that’s a lamp (light of the world! 25 watt bulb :-) low, owl
Jesse, (Steve, Jonathan see).(Joe Ehrman, Steve Erle) (Jim, Erin)
Sarah Salazar, Ellen…Sonya Solinsky, Erin.
J i m, J esse. (am, being), Tennessee (J is the tenth letter), tennis
Chewbacca, chewy, t.w.o. “the whole office” of the eucharist
Police Officers, justice, notice, eucharist - ice us hart? rath. Chui tears.
Al pastor. As port. A sport. Pig, pork, boar (’71). portland, portugal, porch.
Dos, sod. Teshara, as earth. Coffee, coffin, ground. Grounded. Dirt, buddha art.
Dust, smile - us too. Oblivion. Obi won. Obstetrics. I live on.
Death, smile eat god. Smile, heat. Hated. Ha, ted (technology, entertainment, design)
KK (kanelopolous, kaczynski), theodore (door to god), H ate D (god ate devil).
Had et. Ha, etd (estimated time of departure).
DEA drug enforcement agency TH, cross forever. Carnitas. Car, as in it.
H honda, hospital, forever, hate, harvard, hotel, his holiness, happy hall, st. Ignatius (high)…
heather, helen, holly….
well, it makes sense to me.
I revisited the memory of my 10 months in jail and this is what I came up with,
in response to my jury summons-
I plea bargained no-contest to a felony around 2003 -
I think. Not sure that was the plea. Forgot the charges, too.
I don’t believe I ever got any document saying what I was.
Wish I did. I think there should be. Once a felon, always a felon?
Am I a felon? Am I a convicted felon? Are all felons convicts?
Are my rights restored? Can I expunge my record? Am I (still?) on probation?
Can I see my record? Cost? Is there something I need to do?
Am I still a convicted felon if my record is cleared?
Have I been voting illegally? Can I serve on jury duty?
Assault and battery on a police officer. 3 counts… (?)
Ugh. I don’t like thinking about it. I’m kind of in denial.
At the time, I was psychotic. I thought of it as training the police.
I like wrestling. I was never a threat to myself or others.
The cops did have a gun aimed at me, though.
I was just trying to have some fun. I shouldn’t have lied to the police.
I told the dispatcher (that I didn’t call) (she didn’t believe me) that I had killed
Someone at the house, and that they needed to send someone over.
That wasn’t one of the charges, even though it was a lie.
There were like a dozen cops, that showed up.
The police station was around the corner.
My living situation was intolerable. The food. The madness.
Crappy food, insane residents, shitty scary neighborhood
My mom is a bitch (sometimes). I told her so. The next day, everything loco.
It was a room and board facility, with filth, drugs, residents doing the cooking.
I had a roommate who wanted to fight me, which I don’t do.
and he called the cops on me for some reason. Don’t remember.
He was crazy, too, if anything. His pet rabbit made me crazy, somehow..
‘jess you ARE insane”
I hear a voice. I am a telepath. With an attorney.
Legally insane for not remembering? Fuck you.
I came out to another person in the house, even though I’m not gay.
I thought the house had spotted a UFO, but I couldn’t make myself get up and look.
I almost bit another resident on the neck, actually.
My ideation was nuts. I hate that about David. Wish he’d leave me alone.
Maybe he prevented me from getting in worse trouble, though.
I told him I tasted my sister’s blood when attempting cpr, before she died.
I gave him a Count doll, from sesame street. He was a math major at Reed.
He said I proposed to a woman who was outside his house, on the street.
I have no memory of this. I wonder if he made it up. He said he found his cat.
I accidentally let one (both?) of his cats out the front door. Named marsden and some other legal term. I want to ignore, forget, and move on from all of this.
But I got a jury summons, so I need to clear this up, I guess.
Not sure where to begin.
If I’m a felon, and schizophrenic, maybe I can’t or shouldn’t serve on jury duty.
But I kind of want to, because I never have, but I also don’t want to be in a 12 angry men situation, and cause a mistrial, or be hated by a victim or even a criminal. Argh.
I actually think the whole fiasco of going to jail for 10 months may have been enlightening, jolting me to my senses about the whole reality of the dark side, crime, demons, etc.
Plus, when I got out, I moved to Davis, met Sara, lived in nature (Cobb), and have improved remarkably. I walk dogs now, and live in Berkeley, and am an uncle to 3 kids, have a somewhat popular blog, and keep myself busy with music, books, the occasional movie, and of course the daily news. David is no longer a part of my life. Sanity, in fact, may be in my future. Today I feel sane, actually. I might move to Portland, which would be exciting. My life is good. I’m happy where I am. Nothing needs to change. We’ll see.