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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Friday, September 28, 2018

word play

a few

lavase los monos (wash your monkeys)
    spanish language retruecano (pun)
   (manos is hands)

bitchin bitcoin
mike the monkey makes money for monks
silent seance senses science
korean koran
   kerns and corn
   kirin and karen hiking cairns
wallet, bullet, ballet
mister, master, and mistress
    muster the courage (cour means heart)
fly-weight playwright
ppp's (wikipedia has more)
   purchasing power parity
   prisoner pen pal
   psychology, philosophy, physiology
   public-private partnership
   progress, plans, problems (a reporting methodology)
  student: faculty, sin and forgiveness, spain and france, san francisco, society of friends, ucks
absolute ignorance, academic intellectual, as is, ass eye,
ace individual, art'l intelligence, amnesty int'l, Isai.  (eesah-e)
ha: Chuy. Jesus. Jess, Jesse. More juice than Zeus.
     Odwalla for allah. More mod than God.
     the rhesus jesus, monkey god, hanuman: monk key
wayne and gloria, wisdom and guidance, walgreens
voices and visions, eye teeth
satan vampire, savage vindictive, sadistic vicious
el salvador (.sv), silicon valley, swedish (svenska)
sailing vessel, swami vivekananda;
  suv- sport utility vehicle,
  svu- special victims unit
discover and go, deputy attorney general
grace, gratitude
prayer, spirituality (prey, spear it, chew)
spirituality, morality, reality
more ality!  re- ality, again and again!
religion, remorse, reality, reveal, revenge, etc.
future father, fighter
submit, serve
humbly and obediently submit 2 the will of God
hiss bliss, too blessed to be stressed, snake snack
     (h.o.s.t.) (poly-wog)
content with content, civic critic (sick, sick, sick!)
corporation, corpse ration
copulation cooperation
cop at the co-op
carnation, central african republic, madagascar
car care, moving metal boxes, rolling rooms
k-ar- kucinich/ayn rand (?)
clear blue sky
  public relations ingles (spanish for english)
  the crap we eat-
  (processed, made from a slurry:
  crap: corn rice and potatoes, and wheat)
  not much potatoes, actually.  not legally a potato chip.
justice, malice, icing (on the cake), office
ICE: immigration and customs enforcement
ice breaker (ship, conversation, gum)
Neuromancer term

pdf file
father, fat her
pop, pa, papa, padre (spanish), pere (french)
dad, daddy
il papa, daddy long legs

monks, musicians, and metallurgists collaborated in Russia
to make church bells (ring a bell?) (bell labs!)
eminem, mars and mars, michael macdonald, marshall mathers

icons, icahn
i'm told the making of an icon is a spiritual exercise
carl icahn, on the other hand: money, 'my one' (anagram),
'god is one'
corporate raider, camp royaneh, consensus reality, colorado rockies
    rc: royal crown, roman catholic, river cats, remote control

libraries: libra plus aries
(9/23-10/22) plus (3/21-4/19)
libras are "kind, gentle, lovers of beauty, harmony, peace."
aries (first sign of the zodiac) are "on top of things"

aries is a part of militaries, too..
cheries berries, ferrys, caries, larrys, marys, burys
what's a quarry? -query
a queue of questions, healthy curiosity
  (who played Q on star trek? John DeLancey)
wombat combat!

on my kaleb walk this week, i saw: sphinx, lions, gargoyles, and griffins.

anal banal? no, banal like canal
painful jalapeno? no, jalapeno like ball-peen hammer
anal pain, bad

prelude, ludwig

pot and pan: marijuana and bread!
what tastes better than it smells? your tongue!
raising spirits: raise the glass, feel happier (soul to heaven)
all right: all-write (pantograph),  pan-all, graph-write
     wright (like a 'playwright'), to craft or create
     or, the devil, forgiving himself (in light of oblivion)
          (or, if everything is all-wrong)
          (usually refers to a personal state of mind,
                not the state of the entire universe (!)
paint: seems like a christian word (pain + cross),
   but I researched it.  Wasn't invented until 1866!

one can conceive of reality in 3 ways:
1. there is some matter that is alive, and some dead
2. everything is alive (happy little sub-atomic particles!)
3. everything is dead (life is zombie-ish, undead,
          or animated, like cartoons)
         (dna objects animated by god?)

my blog was called
alliterative, associative, imaginative,
good for what it is, "rap, basically"

some lizards have gizzards
mage rage, wizard hazard

good life: live love laugh and leave

Bright Side

I plan on taking the most popular class in Yale history, which is available -free!- online (Yale is expensive!), called (variously):
the psychology of well-being
the science of happiness
living the "good-life"

it's on coursera, not OYC (open yale courseware)
i've taken a few yale classes (on oyc), already.

So, if I want to paint a rosy picture of myself, denying the darker bits, like Kavanaugh,

Jesse Lawrence Teshara:
eagle scout, best salesman (cub scouts) trophy, cal alumni scholarship, boston college book award, high school (SI, St. Ignatius) journalism award (I was the yearbook editor, and an AP english student), 4.0 (weighted) gpa (high school), 1260 sat, B.A. in I.R. from UCD. (baird!), freshman honors program (integrated studies), lots of page views on my blog, wagwalker (they're selective, i'm highly ranked), hubbie/friend/uncle (i'm in a better place now, with family, roommates; no longer in a relationship, but still appreciated), and my room is called the "salon" for being a welcome spot to enjoy music (on headphones, or alexa) and chat, or nap, or read, or eat and drink.  I provide books, trivia cards, magazines, exercise tips, and allow use of my computer (e.g. youtube, email, the onion, ted, etc.)

the idea behind my International Relations major was to become instrumental toward Development (I chose the Third World Studies emphasis), as well as work toward denuclearization, and peace/diplomacy.

i'm happy, of late.  content, happy, joyful, even blissful sometimes.
And I haven't even taken the course yet.

My darker past, however, includes time in jail (10 months), a degree of responsibility for the death of my sister, animal cruelty ("the infliction by omission or commission, by humans, of suffering or harm, upon any non-human", which is MEAT -ugh, the banality of evil-; plus, the china study says meat is less healthy, if not harmful), being homeless (in Davis), and being a demon, in my mind, filled with hate and resentment (ongoing, if I'm being honest with myself), with some criminality that I won't go into.  That's between me and my priest.

aside: Not living up to your own expectations or standards is kind of a sin, in itself.
But you can forgive yourself!

I heard a homeless person scream, yesterday, "who the fuck do you think you are??" as I rode by on my bicycle.  He wasn't looking at me..  Well, God, lol.   Seriously.  I enjoy it.  But I'm not perfect.  I have a past.  And I'm claiming to be "better than God" actually,  which might strike you as ridiculous or insane, but which I adhere to, because God/God+ doesn't exist, otherwise.  It's a form of happiness hypnosis.  It's a role.  Be good.  That's all there is to it, really.  And, I think I have others in my head.   So I might "be" someone else.  Like channeling, as psychics say.  Or possessed, if you take the darker view.  Like maybe David can see through my eyes, hear my thoughts, control my behavior, or send me dreams.  Waking life can be like a dream, too: thoughts, images, even these very words themselves, possibly.

My roommate thinks technology is bad, and the military can perceive our "every breath."   I like technology, the instant answers to questions, my blog, email, etc.  But I think he's right about the military, the loss of privacy.  Although I suspect psychic intrusion goes WAY back.  Religion calls it the holy spirit, and the bible says 1thessalonians5:19 don't quench the spirit...but voices are schizophrenia, and being sane demands that we silence the voice(s), no?  It's all good? Maybe.

Some thoughts on Being God:
a psychiatric evaluation might call it Grandiosity Order/Dis (lol)
o o o, out of order!
no shit?  out of ordure, lol (!)
a rapper's dis-ability (dissing me? dis-respect? dis-missed?)

Generalized Order Disorder
1.generally specific
a (military) general's order.  there's also a "prioress general" of the dominicans.
god is a man of war.  the art of war is deception.
2.order could mean: sequence, religious order, command, ordure, etc.)
3.disordre could mean: chaos, scatterbrained, entropy.
chaos theory is a (highly regarded) mathematical model for complex systems.

well, i know i'm crazy.  but maybe there's a method to the madness;
resulting in sanity.  (dialectic, thesis, antithesis, sin the sis)

depraved, diabolic, demon
deific, divine, deity
happy, healthy, human.

maybe I'm being God as a reaction to the horror of the death and darkness...
so maybe the synthesis is coming to rest, finally, after having been to both extremes, the poles of Godly Perfection and Demonic depravity, as, well, just another boring human...

but healthy, well, and sane.
Here's hoping.

the human heart beats 3.5 billion times in an average lifetime :-)

Larry T words

23 words that make me think of my dad

His name is Lawrence Teshara.  He goes by Mr. T, or Larry T.
There are lots of -larity words!

(I also think of Tesla)

popularity (he IS my pop!)
polarity, bipolarity
regularity, irregularity

close, are: peculiarity, flaherty

there's an AI/telephony company, in Singapore, called Knowlarity.

Please leave a comment if you can think of any others!
caligularity, christina aguilerity!

i've met a Larissa.
TY makes me think of a cross (T) and jesus on that cross (Y),
and, of course, the Oakland rock band Y&T (yesterday and tomorrow)


a 'Lari' is the monetary unit of the Maldives

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


i'm new at this

my first:

interrupting me
flatulent motorcycle
becoming silence


what i do

planned activity list

aikido, audit classes, amazon alexa, audible audiobooks, A+ (smart alec's), augie (play with, talk to), authentic happiness, arts and letters, aletheon, apple iphone, computer; awesomeness, apple class, air filter, annette, award-winners, ABLE accounts (achieving better life experience), audiobook narrator, auburn (pat/ron/theresa/bruce), a.d.d. (a daily dose of happiness), apple store (“hard reset?”, current phone), atlas (on tablet), audio (pbs: pleasant background sound), are you smarter than a 6th grader, alarm to music, animation, ask questions, anything, anything at all.
budget, bfp (food pantry), bfc (free clinic/dental), bam/pfa, blt, birdwatch, books, book club, bubbles, bliss, bodybuilding, donate blood, big brother, blog, bay woof, boating, bartleby, buddhism, burmese, bathroom readers, bill bryson, block party!, berkeley ballet theater, bus, best american series: bams '97-present/bass/bans, (mysteries, short stories, nature/science), bruce lee's fighting method, 100 best business books, dr. bizarro, blue heron,, ballet, botany app, box, blog status, bloom canon, blood type?, brittanica, basketball, bike maintenance, berkeleyside, berkeley shambala center, bitcoin
cal library (FA, Economist, research project), origami club (, student union (hangout, dating, veg flyers, hertz hall), weekly concert 12-1 (, taiko, audit classes, kalx daily campus calendar 1:15/8:15 (e.g. talks, lectures), entertainment calendar 7:30a,p3:30, combat, chomsky, clean clothes, camping, cal sports (basketball, gymnastics, quidditch), comedy, (ear) candling, coursera, (trivia)(business/blog)(wag) cards, crafts, create!, coffee/cream and pastry, camp royaneh, cuddle, cnn, coins, comfort food (e.g. svenhardts), catechism criticism, cheer, christmas shop, candy (dish, full), career, cribbage, cirque, chess, cs reading room, cs monitor, christian science sunday service,, character strengths and virtues -seligman, THE COPS- anonymous tip line, cemetary tour, uc alumni career center,, campus connections, clear e-mail, course in miracles, chinese, 3 person chess, children, cbd (cannabidiol), concerts, car shows, comicon, cb radio/police band, classical music.
dojos (free first sessions), dog-walk, dvd's (library, piedmont video), dental hygiene (replace brush head), dan clegg (see him act), dictionaries (chambers, oed, conceptual, slang/urban, spanish, phrontistery), dog treats, development, discover and go, documentaries, daily fight moves, docent?, dance, daily show, daily writing (set aside time for), dr. demento, donate blood, dad, drugs, drusilla!, mt. Davidson, daily H, Rumi; daily maintenance and improvement, disney-land, -world, demolition derby, davis (whole earth festival, picnic day), dictate email.
echo, enlightenment now, einstein bio, economist, e-mail (poem, trivia, word, delancey, wapo, nyx, onion, family), exercise (stretch, bike, swim, lift, yoga), entheogen, endorphins, ebike, eat (gnc, omio, vitamins, coffee and pastry), ecstasy, elation, entanglement, etb etr (early to bed, rise), eva ghioni, espresso, make yourself easy, encyclopedias (wikipedia, world book, brittanica), edify (money, self-improvement books), electric unicycle, ebay, employment.
facebook, fandango (movie gc's), free food, frisbee, flu shot, family, festivals, first aid/emergency prep, fleet week, fence windmills, fishing, fighter pilot brain, farmer's market, fun knowledge encyc,, FA (foreign affairs), flea markets, family/father, sf 49ers, flamethrowers (pro ultimate frisbee team), (state) fair, friends (make new ones, reconnect with old).
GTU (graduate theological union), google, great courses, groceries, gatesnotes, gimcracks, Great America, good, getting out of debt, god (believes all things), gd (gravely disabled), glide memorial, (marci) gadbery, garage sales, go slow, gym, get drunk, daily GR H (grim reaper history), gamble (i.e bingo, nevada, lottery), geography bee, golden gate fields, gun show/range, gain strength, flexibility, good life, gratitude.
hearts of space, hygiene (brush, floss, rinse; shower, shave, deodorant), haircut, finger/toe-nails, homeless -food resource sheet, hiking, lead hikes, hugs, horses, hot tub, huffpo, health, (kp hw hb, kaiser permanente healthwise handbook; web md), happiness, hearing voices movement, daily H (and herstory), how to learn, harlem globetrotters, hearst castle,, H7: (EB, TiH, GR, Wik, Farlex, Chase, Alexa)., holy hill, hindu, hot air balloon ride, headphones (earbuds, noise-canceling), hip-hop, how?
indian rock, itunes/gc, instagram, instruct, intimacy, 211eden IR (information and referral), imax.
joe frank, jujitsu, juggling, jeannine, job, jumprope, J! (jeopardy archive), jokes, jokebooks, joy, jog, just do it, jewish service, jazz.
kalx, kcpr, kdvs, kalw, kdfc, kusf, ksfs, kzsu, kzsc, krfh, kfjc, karate, kung fu, kites, kaiser, kindle,, kp advice nurse, kp health status questionnaire, kit car, krav maga, knott's berry farm, khan academy, ken jennings.
literature, public libraries (plus gtu, cal): albany, oakland, berkeley, sf (link+), learn magic, Lev Grossman list, la jornada, la opinion, lawn bowling, lists (songs, books*, movies, bucket, internet phenomena), listen, library website resource, love, loving, loved; lumosity, liquid soap refill, la primerisima, life and work principles -ray dalio, lawrence hall of science, little free library, law 101, legal form (for dogwalking, from pierre), laundry, lift weights, learn kickturn, butterfly; lose weight, gut; lap swim, latin music, live!
libraries: books, magazines, newspapers, cd's, dvd's, lectures, audiobooks, computer, website, librarian, movie, trivia). Kinds: public, university, personal, little free, book stores, kindle, audible (audiobooks), friends, family. “heaven is a kind of library” -borges , *1001/501/newbery/bloom/etc.(teen, 500, gates, awards, bestsellers),
masd (martial arts, self-defense), museums (52 in SF), movie(s)(e.g. oscar nominated shorts), magic shows, massage, MHA (mental health advocates), march, make signs, mensa, make a friend, made museum, meditate, medicate, money, microdose, music, meetup, mtv, make it stick, marriage book, mt. Madonna, mountain home ranch, medical power of attorney, magazines (e.g. mad, men's health, utne, national geographic, bloomberg, the week, rolling stone), mountain climb (e.g. Fuji), (bb) motivation, moon phases, mtn mike's (veggiemore), mooc's (massive open online courses), microloans, monster trucks, mma, microscope, (catholic) mass, muslim service, make your own cult, make the world a better place.
nature, nature walks, new york times, nolo law, nextdoor, national enquirer, nerd rap, neil gaiman, news, newbery books, ninja!, national parks, nt'l historical landmarks, nap, nothing.
okcupid, oyc (open yale courseware), origami, orange is the new black, onion, opera, open-mic, oscar nominated shorts, olympics, omio (oatmeal).
Pat zonca, pastor taco, power of positive thinking -peale, pizza, phrontistery, play! pinterest, psychiatry/psychiatrist, politics, procon, (random/ recommended) podcasts, pow-wow, philosophy talk, plays, portland, pushups, physics, prisoners, personal trainer, exercise partner, paypal, printed phone numbers sheet, photography, pile process, master phone (compass, maps, contacts, etc.), people watch, parades, parks, purpose, party, get published, pottery, psychology of well-being, point reyes, pop music, pandora/sirius.
queries and questions (wikipedia, alexa, google, librarian, conversation): who what where when why how.
rubber band girl, research project, read!, re-read, rose marie's mission events, rituals, radio, run, remission!, retreat, ridiculousness, religion, rock climbing, relax, rest, recharge, rodeo, rocky horror, raves, renaissance faire, roller coasters, reggae music, research: conversations, online, libraries.
superbetter, sushi, Sarah Salazar 's sister -josiecarson, SSA, spiritism, shop, sermons, sex, sex news (on literotica), sweat lodge, spanish (grammar, dictionary, books, news, conversation), swim, shower, surf, solitaire, stamps, success,, stretch, sweat!, subscribe (blog), speed reading, segway, sunscreen, dr. soleil, visit steve n penny, spreadsheet, (museum of modern art),, sake, SNL (saturday night live), standup, shotgun players, “salon”, scientology, scramble, shaolin monks, (smart intelligent caring kind, alienation isolation loneliness), sumo!, swim music, simple radio, six flags, santa cruz beach and boardwalk, sikh svc., sleep, snooze, specialize, spike and mike, snapple facts, sunbathe, sports: giants, 49ers, sj sharks, flamethrowers, cal gymnastics, basketball, olympics.
tilden park, taekwondo, tourist guidebooks, talk!, tony robbins, thrift store/garage sale/flea market, ted, trivia, travel,, true crime, teach, think and grow rich, tablet for prisoners, train, telescope, train museums (model, actual), tattoo show, tv (wbsm, got, westworld, black mirror, ridiculousness, southpark), test prep books, trivial pursuit cards, library/bar trivia night, terry pratchett, thai, trivia crack, today in H, e.t. telephone home, trader joe's 8a-10p (everyday), taiko drums.
ultimate frisbee, uncle (augie, esme, summer James, etc.), unitarian, unicycle, uhaul facts.
videos, vegetarian, volunteer (prisonlit, mission san jose, plant trees, big brother), variety (reading, restaurants, religious rituals), victory, vest, visual thesaurus, vocabulary, vote, videogames, virtual reality, veg/do nothing.
wybc, wmbr, whrb, wprb, Wag!, wikipedia, work, world book, weird news, weird al, wwr (white water rafting), waterski, walk, webmd, write, watch, write a book, wash bedding, weather, wingchun, (wiki-trivia? By subject), who wants to be a millionaire, wwe, wwf, pro wrestling, win ben stein's money (wbsm), who, what, where, when, why.
xxx, yoga book (2100 asanas), yttp (yoga to the people), other locations (paid), youtube (e.g. parkour, people are amazing, ask a ninja, juggling, magic, music), ymca (“Y”, hours: 5-10 M-F, Sa/Su 7-7:30p), yahoo, yahoo espanol, you don't know jack, Yale (oyc, coursera, wybc, wybcx), yosemite, zonca, zoo, zzz.

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

On My Mind

mental masturbation
published! : mind-spurt
ejaculated onto my blog
impregnating the worldwideweb
with memes, collections of words, constructs
(such as "psychesphere" to creatively re-conceive "collective unconscious")
(much, if not most, of it is conscious, i think)

work, job, employment, career, calling, purpose
author, writer, blogger.  God, god, love, all 1, community, communion
time, money, security, income, wealth, prosperity, comfort
service, help, teach, instruct, lead
happiness, reward, pleasure, contentment, joy, satisfaction
safety, preparedness
variety, challenging, engaging
positive, cheer, chemistry, excitement
new, novel, change, explore
heaven, utopia, bliss, elysium, fun
ecstasy, elation, equanimity, enlightenment
extinguish greed, hatred, delusion; attachement, aversion, ignorance
acts, behavior, comportment, deeds (abcd)
strong, fit, healthy, well, sane
praxis: translating idea to action
axe, just do it, hechos
buy bull: frustration, futility, absurdity, nonsense
topic, subject.  top, sub.
creative, appreciated, recognition, achievement, success
set for life, rich, no worries
cap: charity, altruism, philanthropy, benevolence
laughter, play, jokes, humor
ill: i love life
european, urinate, micturate, pee, stream, flow, yellow
ism: intimacy, sex, massage.  misc: +cuddle
oral, vaginal, anal.  ova!  sf ceo: suck fuck cum ecstasy orgasm
sf: spoon, fork.   scifi.  san francisco.  st. francis.  society of friends.
sex, drugs, rock n roll.
dukkha, pastmad, cbt
pain agony suffering torment misery anguish despair
cruelty brutality torture.  cognitive behavioral therapy.
stupid/dim, ignorant, uneducated, incurious, foolish/unwise, uninformed
dumb idiot moron.  sometimes, retarded.
sick ill diseased
vicious, viscous
smart intelligent caring kind
alienation, isolation, loneliness
hell, well, ill.  he'll, we'll, i'll.
dis-ease, discontent, dukkha, dissatisfaction
ignorant, incurious, idiot, imbecile
space time energy matter
science technology engineering math
math, calculation, numbers, computation
knowledge, wisdom, understanding, truth, enlightenment, omniscience
omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, omnibenevolent
thoughts, ideas, concepts
data, facts, information
science: describe, predict, explain
structure, intensity, discipline, processing, focus
theories, theorems, theses, the-ology, theme
understanding, overstanding, grok, comprehend
greed n corruption
research, speed-reading, teach to learn
essay, self-aware, saudi arabia, south america/africa, sail away
dreams, images, imagination, light, morpheus, illumination, illumine naughty
knowledge, know-how, biblically
learning, education, instruction, training, guidance
intelligent, interested, intense
mad, crazy, insane
ice: intensely curious engagement; neuromancer
stimulus, diversion, entertainment, escape, flow-state, play
facets of health, well-being:
  physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
mind mined, soul sold.
head, heart.  body, mind, soul.
bb: bodybuilding, bill bryson
bongo burger, boss burger
anxious, depressed, bipolar, schizo
schizoid, schizophrenic
eat, drink, piss, shit, fuck, raise kids, die
god: get old, die.  get out, dad.  (pain = pa in).  good old days.  good orderly direction.  god or devil.
lord: life or death, light or dark
eat exercise sleep.  read watch listen.  write talk create.  work play.
animals, tubes, big brains, consciousness, words, tools, culture, bipedal, opposable thumbs, stem.
education, parents, teachers, books, internet, librarians
knowledge sources: people, books, tech.  experience, error.
error, terror, terroir, horror, mirror, juror, lehrer, fuhror, purer, surer
inspire, perspire, respire, vampire, umpire, aspire, suspire, expire, empire
empirical empire
picture, fixture, texture, sculpture,  scripture, capture, rupture, rapture, raptor, puncture, tincture
survive and reproduce, genes and resources
evolution, adaptation, genetic fitness, naked ape
    homo sapiens sapiens: genus, species, subspecies
(domain) kingdom, phylum,
class, order (suborder, infraorder),
family (subfamily, tribe), genus, species:
eukaryote, animalia, chordata,
mammalia, primates, (haplorhini, simiiformes),
hominidae, (hominae, hominini), homo, sapiens.
vampirus, sanctus, lol
God, Devil, god, devil, gods, devils
saints, demons, monsters, santa, satan
podcast: prince of darkness, the shadow knows
mode, monde, demon, monday
dae: distant, angry, estranged.
dag: deputy attorney general.  dag ridded evil: david eldridge
write, right, rite
heal, heel.   soul, sole, sol.  light (2).  night, knight.
cow, couch, paint, window (ow, ouch, pain), carpet (seize the cross)
charming, people, icu (window blinds) (curtain, kurt cobain)
    pearl jam, richard thompson ("black").  warfield.
    raw: right and wrong; apple of my i (iphone, eye phony)
batman, vigilante, vampire, vicious, viscous, victim, criminal cop
song and dance, sad.   laughter, ugh later.  dad, disease and death.
mom, mammary, milk (mil k, 1000k),
murderer of millions, my oh my, mastery of mystery
holocaust, heartbreak, horror, torture, crucifixion, war
death, resentment, sadness, regret, tragedy, hell, sin, crime
depravity, damnation, decay, de-k, gr, grim reaper, grand
the spirit, spear it, penetration, fork you, communion, cum union
devil, demon, disease, disability, dying, death, darkness, destruction
evil, illegal criminal unlawful, unethical immoral, bad!
wrong, wicked, turpitude, rotten, spite, malice, revenge, cross
anger, hatred, rage, wrath, fury.  Gr.   general relativity.  special.
range rover (r anger over!), tangerine, hangar, languor
holy, divine, godly, saintly, blessed, reverent, pious, submission, humility
love, respect, caring, compassion, kindness, mercy, forgiveness, justice, truth, affluence, opportunity, freedom, liberty, diversity, unity, patriotism, humanism, idealism.
human (300,000 years!), humane, flawed, imperfect, tolerant, supportive, helpful, friendly, jolly.

artificial intelligence (art of fish), academic intellectual, the american interest (foreign policy, international affairs, global economy, and military matters), canaanite city in the bible, amnesty international, accuracy international (british firearms manufacturer), active ingredient, artificial insemination, a concept of love in china, agios - ad interim (greek/latin) (saintly, for the time being).
my name: Isai (chuy, jesus), en espanol.

intelligent, smart, mathematical
illegal, sinful, murderous
intimacy, sex, massage
international scouting movement
idiotic stupid moron

crime and sin:
if god is everywhere, there is no evil?  god makes good.
historical dialectic: thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
  "long arc of history bends toward justice".
palaces and palages: pride avarice lust anger gluttony envy sloth
mortal and venial sin, purgatory or hell
hell is war, pain, place of the dead in general, a village in norway, he will, other people, hot, incarceration, rape, neverending.   jail, prison, dungeon.  slavery.  a state of mind.
("the mind can make a hell of heaven or a heaven of hell")
psy war, punishment, threat, stick, disincentive
church as a system of social control, hamartiology.
undead: vampire, zombie.  ima perv, dolores o' riordan.
ripe cranberries bounce.  bounce = exit.
coke brings your dead ancestors to life!
coke heroin acid meth pot, champ
read, reed

morality and virtue:
legal, lawful, just
scout oath and law and motto and slogan:
trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent.
on my honor i will do my best to do my duty to god and my country, to obey the scout law, to help other people at all times, to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
do a good turn daily, be prepared.
buddhist: right this and that
boo'd hissed!
(right everything! "be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect")
i prefer my dad on earth, lol.   earth is in the heavens.  more than one heaven.
scouting: bsa (boy scouts of america), sea scouts, explorers, girl scouts, cub scouts, venturing, etc.

basic categories:
1.see hear smell taste touch
visual auditory olfactory gustatory tactile
eyes ears nose tongue skin

2.logistics: all we do is move things around
(ideas, things, money, bodies)
  busy business, occupied occupation

3. basic needs:food, shelter, clothing, clean water / hydration, healthcare, sanitation
money, friends, peace, love, community, it takes a village, education, literacy, opportunity.
art, music, culture.  humanity.
or, lol, 0's and 1's.  binary.  if, then.  peek, poke.  go to.  end.  run.
    (basic, the programming language, get it?)

4. survive and reproduce, be good, happy, well. 
    work, play.  live, alive!
    carpe diem, seize the day!

5.input, output, body
(read watch listen, write talk create, eat exercise sleep) is everything.  a decision, constantly renewed.
in love: loving, loved.   god is love.   family, creation.
love yourself, love another, love everyone, love life, the universe.
love death.   all good things must come to an end.
flux, change, quality vs. quantity equation, life well lived.
"friends, maybe an enemy or two" -MH 
(satan = adversary, both sides (!)
      michael helbush, mental health/hospital (!)

diagnostic and statistical manual
depression, suicide, and meaninglessness
devil/demon, satan, monster
david sarah michael

some trump commentary
1.cocoa vs. coco vs. coca (coke, cocaine) -legalize it, don't criticize it.  and learn your words, dammit. wars: my understanding is that trump couldn't be any more wrong about trade wars being "easy to win."  The "winner" is just whichever country LOSES LESS.  Right??
3.brett kavanaUGH, despite being a federalist society conservative blah blah blah, said he wouldn't change settled law re: roe v. wade...and he's not being upfront, being disingenuous about his past, as well.  His exercise in painting himself as perfect and pure, is pretty obviously deceptive and actually reveals him as immature (like trump) and deluded that he thinks he can get away with passing himself off as a stainless model of probity, when really he's salivating for power, fame, and even more entitlement, like i have to admit I might have done if I were in his place, honestly.  But that doesn't make it right.
4. trump wants, i think, for the world not to take him seriously, and just laugh at him for being a narcissistic buffoon, which I guess is how he sees himself, piling on lie after lie, and just not taking politics or himself seriously, but just saying and doing whatever he wants, because it's fun, and he wants everyone to join him on his ride of absurdity and ridiculousness (with a mean streak of hatred and ire toward anyone who gets in the way of his laugh parade, or childish ideas of rapist mexicans and pink floyd/ prison cell/ wall street/ walgreens, walmart / WALLs).   "double you-all"?? twice as good as china's !!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

A little of this, a little of that

Religious content, of late

If heat rises, maybe heaven is hotter than hell -Stephen Wright
why does heat rise? Faster particles are less dense.
“chillout” music, like the center of the earth, cooling magma...

There's a radiotopia show called 'everything is alive', which I discovered on the podcast 'the truth' (on my Amazon Echo Alexa), that featured an interview with a can of soda. Really good.  People are things, too.  Think.  thing k.

I was thinking, the AI doesn't “know” anything. But then I thought, how am I different from Alexa? Do I “know” anything? My brain is a database, just like Alexa's cloud.
I think, therefore I am. I know that, I guess.

the earth is bipolar
(Teshara is 'as earth')(i was diagosed as bipolar, once upon a time)
'eleven plus two' is an anagram of 'twelve plus one'
(both are 13, jesus plus his 12 apostles)

a riddle:
what belongs to you that others use more than you?
Your name
(my birthmother's name is Annette Riddle)

For my birthday, I got a card with a butterfly driving a car showing a cop an I.d. (with a picture of a caterpillar), saying “that's an old photo”. The inside says, happy birthday for someone who's always evolving. I thought it was funny. It's similar to Gary Larson.
I thought the word came from “flutter by” (a spoonerism)
but my roommate, Michael, says he researched it, and it's actually because:
the frass (insect poop) of a butterfly is yellowish-white, like butter (ew!)
I like the flutter by explanation better, I think.
So now you know three things: the etymology of butterfly, and the fancy words spoonerism, and frass!

And finally,
my Roget's international thesaurus says the functions of Christ are:
salvation, redemption, atonement, propitiation, mediation, intercession, and judgement.
I'm not buying it. He's dead, like everybody else born 2000 years ago.
Irrelevant, basically. Just be good, lol.

I have to admit I don't really know what any of those are.
Christ means annointed with chrism. Meaningless.
Messiah means (the awaited) deliverer. Like a ups driver, with my package.
Or, darkly, de-livered...
Or, de-live: (murdered), like Death.
    messiah: leader, savior, deliverer (lsd!) ahh, a mess.  the message?
I've heard atonement defined as “at one -ment”, but I think it means something else.
“expiation. The reconciliation of God and man by means of the incarnation and death of Christ.”
As if Jesus were at fault for all of reality. What a head case. Alpha and omega, lol.
“now everybody's me” -dead milkmen

Redemption is what you do with coupons.
Saved is like a blogpost in the cloud, or what hoarders do.

Personally, I think Christ is dead, the “body of christ” is christianity (a corporation), and all human beings are basically no different from other animals, tubes from mouth to anus, that eat, drink, shit, piss, fuck, raise kids, and die. And our dna is only a small part of the story, because we have lots of other dna in our guts (the “microbiome”). There's no afterlife or souls or angels or god listening to 6 billion people's thoughts. Yesterday's poem in my email (the daily poem from the poetry foundation) was great, too. The God Who Loves You, by Carl Denis. Sound and fury, signifying nothing. Meaning is personal, mean like Gr. Grim reaper..  The holy spirit: spear it with a fork, and shove it in the hole. 

the way, the truth, the light?
everything is poetic, extra layers of meaning, something else
(pointing to itself and through itself to something else)
Weird Al Yankovic, the w.a.y.

The Truth (podcast/ can of cola!),  also a book by Terry Pratchett.

the light (i have a globe that's a lamp with a 25 watt bulb, the "light of the world" L.O.W./ whirled.   Low is a music group.  I have their album 'owl'.  Birth, coming into the light.  Light-hearted, light-headed, "my burden is light" (massless particles, but you can make matter into light, or even light into matter, e=mc2)

"to err is human, to forgive divine" -Alexander Pope

To share, divine -Economist
   Cher at the Sheraton sharing shares of stock with Sharon, Cheryl,
    and sheriff Sharif (don't like it -Clash) Teshara. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

College Radio

Listen: list ten

kalx (cal)
whrb (harvard)
wprb (princeton)
wmbr (mit)
kcpr (calpoly)
kzsu (stanford)
kdvs (davis)
kzsc (uc santa cruz)
kusf (usf)
krfh (humboldt)

a world of audio

every day!
i've got itunes (9,357 stations!) (and free, too)
   (in 25 categories/genres)
and now, i just signed up to Amazon Music ($3.99/mo)
    (29 million, 100 thousand + tracks, available)
pandora and youtube are other sources, too.

Grateful Dead
( is also a fan site)
"sunshine daydream" is the alexa skill for live recordings of the GD
    (live recording an oxymoron, i think)

there's other audio, like Joe Frank,
or wybcx (yale radio, online only -but they're off air, legal trouble)
or podcasts ("The Truth" was funny)
   (I've heard 'this american life' is good)
   (i listened to 'history unplugged' last night)

there's still at least 2 record stores in Berkeley
the library has a huge cd collection, too

good stuff!
i'm listening to top hits at the moment, which I never listen to
jazz is a nice way to start the day (whrb)

Alexa, my new toy

becoming a part of my routine

I wish there were a list of ALL the Amazon alexa skills (on wikipedia!)
I read there are 30,000 of them!!
with the 50+ new skills that are added, daily
   maybe sent to my email?
I'm not sure asking "alexa, what can you do" is up to the task

I wish Joe Frank's work were (a cheap) skill...
"dark, disorienting, deadpan, mesmerizing, muli-layered, philosophical, humorous, surrealist, sometimes absurd, Dionysian stories with fairy tale intensity whose effect is often funny, disturbing, and deeply memorable. (monologues and radio dramas, that "wander deep into the unconscious")
(I just learned he died in January)

i wish it had Encyclopedia Brittanica, and World Book, too.
I like that it reads Wikipedia articles (i use the 'website reader')
J! archive, one question at a time, would be a cool skill, if that's even possible

I can multitask and listen to ambient while reading (while stretching!)
  makes me feel productive, like waking early-
  i have a tablet that gives me J!.  I also have books/trivia cards.
I also wish I had access to ALL the wbsm shows
  (win ben stein's money)(6 seasons, 715 episodes)
My "Curiosity" skill hasn't been working (yet).
I'm looking forward to it, though.  ("in-depth knowledge on thousands of subjects")
I got a (free!) audible audio-book, which is fun.
   (the fun knowledge encyclopedia, 5 hours)
i haven't played 'smartypants' yet.  It's for 2+ players.
there's a geography quiz, 3 questions, jeopardy, and economist espresso

some other skills I like:
music, thunderstorm, ambient, ("turn off in 30 minutes")
   genres (jazz, rock, classical, top 40/today's hits)
i bought the amazon music service for $3.99/month (1st month free)
grateful dead (sunshine daydream -live-, and regular queue)
comedy/standup radio, podcast (history unplugged, this american life)

jokes/puns, riddles, limericks, poems, stories, beatbox,
how old are you, how are you feeling, what's up, what's new
the ugly truth, the daily show, start being mean
"a.d.d." (a daily dose) of happiness
  yesterday's quote was the happiness equation: reality divided by expectations
(you can raise reality or lower expectations)

i haven't tried yet:
explore your world, country trivia, planet facts,
awesome facts, breathtaking and mind-boggling facts,
today's teaching tips (for teachers)
   (the education category yields 6022 results, yesterday)
maybe it can read my blog aloud (needs an rss feed?)
also, "what's free from audible"
"recommend a new skill"
"song of day"

alexa would be cool for prisoners

Monday, September 10, 2018


a tally

enlightened, HH holy happy, understanding, knowledgeable, wise, mindful, awake, aware, alive!  discerning, equanimity, acceptance, stillness, love, joy, bliss, happiness, contentment, cheer, satisfaction, wellness, health, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, mercy, gratitude, hope, optimism, positivity, friendly, steadfast, charity, altruism, sympathy, empathy, goodwill, virtue, benevolence, holiness, sanctity, saintly, blessed, safety, security, community, teamwork, camaraderie, friendship, companionship, unity, mysticism, brotherhood, family, joking, smile, grin, laughter, fun, play, humor, satire, games, escape, leisure, rest, relaxation, content, comfortable, engaged, active, curious, lifelong learning, mastery, guru, teacher, instructor, guide, bodhisattva, helpful, skilled, fit, strong, well, sane, righteous, truth

lesser virtues?:
faith, hope, piety, reverence, submission, obedience, open, childlike, meek, mild

not delusion, confusion, ignorance, clinging, craving, attachment, aversion, avoidance, disgust, anger, hatred, rage, evil, spite, malice, revenge, sick and twisted, cynicism, pessimism, hopelessness, despair, doubt.

there's a lot you should/shouldn't
think/say/do, for

(don't should all over yourself vs. should is good!)

things to avoid, process, accept, grapple with, ignore, neutralize, or fight (!):
wickedness, evil, sin, temptation
torture, violence
pain, agony, suffering, torment
misery, anguish, despair
illegal criminal unlawful
immoral, unethical, amoral
sick, ill, diseased, vicious
demonic, devilish, diabolic, satanic, ungodly
disease, dying, death, despair, demented, depravity
kill murder assassinate, rape, turpitude
wrong, bad
ruthless, unforgiving, merciless
spite, malice, revenge
cruel, brutal, sadistic
sick, sociopathic, sadistic, satanic, suffering, spite, sin

Happy Family!

mine, anyway

Jesse (Joy)
Greg (Goodness)
     (gratitude, godly, grin, guru)
Larry (Love)
  Liz  (leisure, levity, life!)
Peggy (Peace)
  Patrick (positive)
Teshara (Truth)
Ben (Bliss)
Declan (Delight)
  Dan (Discernment)
Hennessy (Happiness)
Vicki (Victory, Virtue)
Erin (Engaged, Ecstasy, Equanimity)
  Esme (Enlightened)
Summer (Smile)
Rose Marie (Rest, Relaxation, Recuperate, Recharge, Recover)
                    (Merciful, Mystic, Mild, Mastery, Mystery)

Teshara: to share Ra!
   right awareness/attention, right action
    Ra, the egyptian sun god
   riot act, resident advisor, registered accountant
   rheumatoid arthritis
    Ra, an island in Vanuatu
    Robert Anderson
    risk analysis
    remote access

J is also for Jesus, joke, jest
and Jim
P: pay, profit, prosperity, pleasure principle, potential, police, polite, purity
R: righteous rage and revenge (!)

Friday, September 7, 2018


What should I say? What needs be said? Silence is golden. The rabbi in The Chosen, by Chaim Potok, went silent. A vow of silence, omerta, sh-it. Sacred Heart hs in sf. Animals can't speak, only humans, unless you count the birds and the bees. Most communication is non-verbal. Chemical or body-language. Humans, of course, are animals, too. How many languages have there been in human history? Linguists guesstimate it at 31,000 (6000 exist now, roughly). Sign language is an added layer.

Tick talk. Thyme marches on. N.E.-way... S.A.'s on KT, LN, and the KG in JL. 

Physics is the basic reality.  Here's something interesting! :

Mass, energy equivalence; E=mc squared:

The average human adult has 7x10 to the 18th joules of potential energy in their body!
That's the equivalent of 30 large hydrogen bombs.
Put it in the category of Burning Man, or maybe Self-Empowerment.

Of course, it's all relative.  The sun burns through 400 million 1-megaton H-bombs per second.
Pretty crazy!!  Like a "nuclear" family.  Or congress choosing the "nuclear" option.  Or "nuking" your dinner in the microwave.  New clear (scientology).  New klee- er!! (not nuke-you-ler)

Evil, murder, crime, sin, badness


be good, thou shalt not kill, ten commandments (one for each finger)
live, backwards (trying to get back in the pussy?)
(getting smaller, instead of bigger) (god is big) (bigger than you, lol)
be a part of something bigger than yourself (a corporation?)
finger, fin gr, fight to stay alive
murder- mr. dr. (49), red rum backwards.
Crime- cry me. Against the law. (“there is no such thing as “the law” -a lawyer)
there are sets of laws- civil, criminal (laws)
crimea- cry me a (river). Ace criminal (you've been hit by a smooth -)
(Putin stole a superbowl ring)
Sin (in S) (vs. in love/god) S for hissing, snake, sibilance, satan (adversary)
Bad- the badlands. Allahabad. Islamabad. Hyderabad.
Badinage. Bada bing. Baden powell. Badge, badger, badminton. Badass.
Dab backwards (dabble).
B, A, D (a bad report card, grades, going down hill)

Cat (especially a black one), witch's familiar.
(they get a bad rap, would object if they could speak)
wicca, witch, which witch is with the church (?), the sand-wich.
demon (similar to 'monday'), vampire (ima perv), flamers (pire),

“on fire” - buddhist monk, burning man, flaming faggot, in hell,
michael jordan, walking on coals, flamethrower/napalm victim,
fired on (bullets).  Also, Richard Pryor and Michael Jackson.
Getting burned (relationship, or bad business deal), the pink floyd album cover

 I had a co-worker at the Davis woodstock's pizza named Fire.
I knew someone named Siva, too

military intelligence

oxymoron- the guy selling oxy clean, or the dupe that buys it
Nose knows (biblically) =sex
fight (fig hate)=jesus shriveling a tree
rose rows (rowboat or battle)= fisticuffs, argument (argh, mental)
battle bat tull (baseball and jethro)= bats -bay area traffic solutions (road rage)
combat- calm bat (a cold thug bashing your head in)(a flying mammal)
peace- piece (a gun, right?)
war- wah, says the baby (are)
military – mill about (a bout!), grist for the mill, mull it over. Airy (in the air tonight)
win- Dubya in, won- one, obi wan (the jedi), god is One (neo?), 1 and 0, digital, phallus/hole
wind- I talk to the wind (king crimson), the fate of all mankind I fear is in the hands of fools.
(foolin' -def leppard), ship of fools -grateful dead (i'll be grateful when they're dead)
ga- grateful alive!! gd- gawd
intelligents- intel y gents (computer chips and -scholar and a- gentlemen (jim, gym), gentle
bout- what's it all about? The meaning of life, the universe, and everything? Mean-ing. gr.
A bout with the flu (flew? Floo, fireplace -hell), (much ado) allah bout (nothing, 0, zero),
sound and fury, a sound mind, noise annoys, (bose) noise cancelling headphones, bo knows
a tale told by an idiot, a tail tolled by idi amin (pretty idiotic, I admit)
weapon- wept on, without a T (cross). Arms- armed and dangerous, with only his limbs!
Gun- gee, united nations. Shots- at a bar. Bullets- bull let (bled), bible- bi/buy, it's bull.

Thursday, September 6, 2018


Things to say to Alexa
I just bought an Echo :-)
Thanks, Amazon!

“alexa, a joke” (until you've heard them all, lol), a riddle, a story, the weather, wakeup alarm
alexa, good morning! Geography quiz skill, today's news, today in history, today's (virgo) horoscope
word definitions, queries, who what where when why how, math (calculator), sports, distance
trivia questions (J! ?): ask it, ask me. Bible quotes. Anything random?

music: pandora, college radio, (?), play for an hour / turn off at 10pm, standup comedy
artist, song, album; genres; station, am, fm, white noise, “eclectic” / “everything”, top 40, playlist
hos (hearts of space), joe frank, podcasts, audiobooks (joke books, encyc? wb/eb), kindle

AI, would you like to come inside? How old are you? What are you thinking? What is your bday?
What is your favorite color? Who created you? Who is your favorite person? And so on and so forth
what song is this? (shazam) Lyrics, read my blog, language instruction, alexa do you have a nickname? What makes you happy? What kinds of questions can I ask you? Where can I find a list of skills.

Phone calls, order a pizza, hours for library?
tell Jeff Bezos xyz, recommendations

my itunes has 9,357 (free!) radio stations


and a couple camp songs, for good measure

Hello. Hi. Good morning. How are you. I am well, thank you. And yourself? Not bad, not bad. I go to the dentist today. Keeping my fingers crossed, no cavities. Yes, oral hygiene is important. Gotta floss. I use an electric toothbrush and a rinse. Gotta maintain. Dental work ain't no fun. Well, good to see you. Have a nice day. Yes, you too. My regards to the missus. Ciao. Toodles. Ta ta. Later, alligator. In awhile, crocodile. Peace out. Hasta la vista, baby. Hasta luego. Bye. B'bye.

So, what was that all about? Oh, you know. He's crazy- likes to make small talk. Boy, you got that right. He never shuts up. Just goes on and on and on. Well, we all have our faults. Nobody's perfect. At least he's not one of those silent crazy people. You gotta watch out for those. They might snap. Like a ticking time bomb, those people. Well, it's always the people you least suspect. The good family man, or the boy scout leader. Ya, there's always something. A skeleton in the closet, a body under the basement, you know. God only knows what people are hiding. Ya, well there's good and bad in everybody. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. You gotta believe. You gotta look for the good in people, or you'll get cynical, the world will look ugly. True 'dat. A salaam alaikum, my brother. God bless, my friend.

Hey man, what's up? How you doin'? Just chillin', you? Oh, you know, gotta eat. Getting some lunch. Oh yeah? You should try that new burger joint down the block, it's kickin'. Hm, that sounds good. Maybe I'll get a bacon cheeseburger. Nah, man, you can't eat that swine flesh! Pigs are dirty animals. Well, they say meat is murder, so I don't really see the difference. I mean, I wouldn't eat my dog, but that pork be tasty. My pastor said the word bible meant we should buy bull. And that pork is a poor K – you know, kill. Am I boring you? Wait, are you playing with me? Was that a play on words, you know, boar? No, not really, but it's an interesting thought. It's like asking how many storeys the library building has, you know what I mean? Yeah, I know what you mean -cows! You're like Hitler to a cow! Cowshwitz!! Well, they're delicious, and you know what they say, if God didn't want us to eat animals, then why are they made of meat? Ha, that's a good one. Maybe I'll eat you, one of these days. Nah man, be cool. We're made in God's image, and we're meant to be stewards of nature, lord and master over all the birds and beasts of the earth, who are here to serve us! And I want to be served a tasty bacon cheeseboyger, you dig?! Well, I ain't stopping you. To each his own. You are what you eat. If you want to be a lowdown dirty pig, go right ahead. Hey man, pigs are people too. There are vegetables, fruits, pigs, chickens... And you know what, we even eat Jesus, I heard a priest say once. That's some crazy shit. I ain't no cannibal. Well, I heard people taste like pork. Who told you that? The internet said some tribes-people called human meat “long pig.” I'll stick to actual pigs, thank you very much. Bok! Bok! You a chicken? You afraid to eat me? Ha, I got a hot dog for you. Na, man, I'm just playin'. Enjoy your lunch. See you round. Later, hater! It's all good.

A fella met a fella in a field of beans. Says a fella to a fella can a fella tell a fella what a fella really means. (he means business)

Oh chester have you heard about harry he chest got back from the army, I hear he knows how to wear a rose, hip hip hooray for the army.

One fat hen, a coupla ducks, three baby brown bears, four rabbit running hares, five fat fidgety females, six simple simons selling salt in siam, seven slimy sailorns sniffin slooze, eight elongated elephants elevated in an escalator, nine nasty nosed nimbryos nibbling on nine nasty nosed nimbryots (?!), and: Ten two ton, two tone, transcontinental trucks -with trailors- traveling from tallahassee tennessee to tyler texas on two tanks of true test texaco, twice (TESHARA!)

poor old blue!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Local Color

Random Research in Writing
(with assistance from MH)

Democratic party, as decided by someone random at cnn in 2000? When I was a boy, there was a tv show I watched with my dad, called Red and Blue Teams. The Republicans are bloody vampires, I guess was the logic, I mean what do YOU think? There was also a skit at scout summer camp called “poor old blue.” Blue was the name of a dog (not Clifford the big red dog) who died while his owner was away from the farm. Funny. Unlike “feeling blue,” which I assume is where the music genre “the blues” came from. Blue bloods is royalty, I think? I don't really care, so I won't take the time to look that up. I'm a red-blooded American. I read somewhere that bugs have green blood or something. I think I WILL google that one. Use a sentence with the word “delight”? The window was open, so de light blew out! That's from my uncle Jim, according to my mom. Hope I didn't blow it. Experienced a BJ? Someone blew you. Homonym with blue, is what I'm getting at. There's the blue whale. And blue ice. And blue things like sky, blueberries, ocean, and my eyes. No one knows what it's like to be the sad man, to be the bad man, behind blue eyes, sang The Who. Blue eyed soul. Blue is cool, red is hot. There are gatorades for each. When you want to drink your party, or maybe the opposition. Blue light specials used to be a thing at kmart, remember those? The wind blew. The wind cannot hear -king crimson. All this is noise and fury, signifying nothing. A bunch of hot air. A waste of breath, you might say. Breathing, a process of suck and blow, if you want to be clever. Blue also happens to have been the color of my room, growing up, and my favorite color, after red, and before green. A new thought re: blue is bathroom and loo, b + loo, blue! (like the old sesame street word skits). I read blue mars. Rhapsody in blue. Tangled up in blue. True blue.

Words of christ in red. I actually have a bible like that. I've “read” it. I had a roommate in college from Redding. He was religious, actually. I accused him of just trying to get in people's heads after his group prayer sessions. I wonder how Redding got that name. Red blood cells, red-eye flights, red sea, red robin, red bluff. Woodpeckers have red heads. My friends in San Leandro have a red-head girl named Miette (which means 'crumb' in french, i'm told). Reed is a college in Portland, OR. I've been to their library. Papyrus is a reed. It's part of the etymology of 'paper'. Maybe “read” is from reed, I dunno. Another question for the great and wise Google, omniscient deity of the net. Red line used to be a brand of bmx, when I was a kid, into that stuff. Redbox was a movie video company. Redvines are yummy. They make ropes, too. Red, red wine -ub40. Redolent of redaction? Ready or not, here I come. Otis Redding, and a prisoner I met in jail named Red. Red fox was a comedian, I think. The chinese flag (and the dress of chinese brides) are red. Teams with red uniforms statistically win more often, I've read. Red cars get charged more for insurance. Murder is redrum backwards. Murderburger in Davis had to change their name for some reason, so it became redrum burger. I think bars actually sometimes carry a red rum. Blood, cherries, strawberries, tomatoes, roses, hearts, and coke cans (etc., marlboro's, pall mall) are red. I like cinnamon bears and red vines licorice and hot tamales and v8 and twizzlers and red stripe beer, for example.. Mars is the red planet. Communist reds. Red sox. Redskins. Red october. The little red book of Mao. Red light district. In the red (red-ink). Red-letter day. Written and read (war?). Books- boo! Red river. Red zone. rojo.  santa, ho ho.

in the red:
Dire straits, abject squalor, grinding crushing poverty
impecunious mendicant pauper starveling (imps!)
indignant indigents. Trump's strumpet. Rump pumpers.
   going off topic (the expression 'buggery' was a Bulgaria reference (!),
   not cockroaches)

When people and products don't cross borders, soon armies do. -Hayek
If there were no borders (or people could work anywhere they wish), world income would double.
If global wealth were distributed equally, every human being would have $36,000 (?)

Pink the musician. Pink Floyd. Pinkie. Pinkie and the brain. Pink lemonade. Pinkerton. Hanky panky with a pink punk. Pink brand clothing. Plonk!

o'hara. The scarlet letter. Thread (kabala).

yellow bellied (racer), streak, mellow yellow (drug), yellow submarine, urine, lemons/meringue/ade/zest, sun, ( cowardice) (jaundiced eyes) (aged paper: sunlight and time) yellow rose of texas. Yell OW. Warbler. Yello jello. Bananas, banana slug. Daisy. Sunflowers. Polka-dot bikini.  Big bird.

Puce. Rivers of puke. Putrid. Pew. pee-yu.  Pumice. Off-grey.

range of O, OJ orenthal james, orange you glad it's me? Juice is loose, pumpkin

envy, eyed-monster, go, chlorophyll, party, little green men, inexperienced, commons (greens), day on the green, green to the gills (sick), veggies, gr in the evening, green hills, gulch (bist retreat center), mean green fat grilling machine, cheese on the moon, money, tom green, the green mile -stephen king,

violet / purple
beauregard, purple people eater, purple sage gang, mountains majesty, prose, aspire to the purple, vile violin vile-it, purple rain, the purple one, purr-pull

"craziest thing i've ever heard"
moon is a hollow alien observation-station!! (courtesy of Michael Helbush)

Hippy Hip Hop Happiness

hooray, ho!

Good morning. Sounds kinda like “god mourning,” doesn't it? Well, people are always dying. In fact, x people die every day, around the world (out of a world population of y humans (2018), and growing). And z percent die in their sleep. Well, I woke up this morning. That's enough to make it good, in itself. I'm in Berkeley, and the weather here is the best, not too hot, not too cold, just right. The bay area has a ton of shit to do (52 museums in SF alone), and the libraries give me access to x books (the link+ system shares the resources of x libraries). There are x roller coasters in the USA. America is a fucking amazingly great country. God bless america. I'm not crying about the dead. I've got a life to live. God's name is I am. That can be interpreted as “I am God” (or anyone existing is God). I read once that a guru said “reality is all the God there ever is.” I am my own reality. God is One.  Look out for #1.  So there. And our realities overlap, impinge, intrude, interact. We're all trying to make life better. That's what God is.

The word 'good' also can be deconstructed to “go od.” Odie was that dorky dog in the garfield cartoon. Overdoses are never good, though, in my opinion. I mean, life is better than death. But maybe they die happy, so there's that, at least. I mean, I've never tried it, but heroin sounds fucking amazing. Seriously, give the whole world a lifetime supply, wouldn't that be heaven? I mean, if it were monitored and regulated, and people knew how to do it safely, and everybody were fucking like rabbits, to boot, there you have it- utopia. It doesn't take a genius. Good music, good drugs, good sex, and good food- ingredients for happiness. Throw in art, good books, interesting conversation, and the “natural high” from endorphins from sports or exercise, and life is good. I mean, if the drug thing doesn't work out, there's always hiking and camping in nature, mastering a martial art, or making a shitload of money. Schwarzenegger said pumping iron is “better than sex.” So that's worth a try, I guess. Look good, feel good. Eat right, maybe try being vegetarian: Carl Lewis said his best year as an athlete was the first year he became a vegetarian. And I bet doing stuff like purging that Coca-Cola shit makes you feel a whole lot better, too, if not actually cleansed, pure, vibrant, and alive! If death is better than life for you, you have a problem, you need help. Help is out there, go get it.

The Buddhists think Enlightenment is the goal, not the synthetic bliss of heroin. Not only are people always dying, but all of us, young and old, are getting closer to death, ourselves. We're all dying. So seize the day, and cross some shit off your bucket list. Then again, life is not a homework assignment. Live how you want, even if it's only sitting in front of a boob tube all day. You are free to live as you wish. They say if you're bored, then you're boring, but you are free to stare at a candle and think: I can dull. Dullness is a valid, acceptable option. Whatever's clever does not have to be your operating system. Your life does not have to be epic, or a sitcom, or exciting, or creative, or anything. It might be better, however, if you weren't a zombie automaton going through the motions day to day, slave to the money, with a false consciousness, and never “waking up” from delusion, anger, and cravings. But we all only have one life to live, and some of us think “it's all good.” Just be. Breathe. We're like bubbles, temporary, impermanent, you're going to pop. Your parents originated you having sex, sperm and egg formed from food and drink they ingested, and -magically- you popped out of the womb in one piece, with (say) a hundred years ahead of you, before you become dust in the wind, one with the earth, disintegrating dirt, like the plants your parents ate. Your beginning was dirty, and so is your end! We are all impermanent -maybe you'll live on in memories, books, fame, infamy, what-have-you... children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. Still, nothing lasts forever. Your dna will dissipate. Only death is immortal. The universe will go black. The sun will expand and swallow up the earth. Humans really might be the only life in the Universe. You make your own meaning. Space and time are infinite. You can go both ways: infinitely smaller, infinitely bigger. Reality is amazing. Love makes life good. God is love. Start by loving yourself. Then, find someone to love. Make love. Maybe you should BE love. Love all, serve all. Love everything. Think, say, do. Be: Loved, loving, in love. Get: Good, better, best. Do: your best, give it your all, don't go halfway, play to win. Thou shalt not kill. Kindness is my religion. Be all that you can be. Live, love, laugh. Read, watch, listen. Eat, exercise, sleep. Write, talk, create. Breathe, be, become. Just do it. May the force be with you. May you be free, unforced, too. There is a science of happiness (“positive psychology”). Learn it!