Perfect, the most perfect, the least imperfect, the most high
levels, like a video game (life is a game?)
better than God? (depending on your definition of God)
the most good, the most powerful, the most knowledgeable, the most wise
the most loving, the creator of heaven and earth, the source of all goodness
I'd say these are all facets of a theoretical, single God
(which could be a rotating position)(humans? aliens?)
or God could be like a shared mind, or a team
(of the best, in any category, e.g. most wealthy, most happy, most beautiful)
(or the best at any particular skill- martial arts, swimming, marathon, etc.)
The God people want to believe in is thought to be real, and immortal, too. He loves everyone, hears all prayers, and answers them. Residing in heaven, which is an afterlife, perfect and better than earth, with angels where you (your soul) goes after you die (if you're good!). God is kind of a platonic form. I don't believe in any of that shit. God, angels, souls, forms, heaven - all bogus. But earth is, and can be, heavenly. Your dna/memory/works/legacy can survive you (an alternate 'afterlife'). What people call their souls is just a conception of consciousness, separate from the body (as evidenced by lucid dreaming, etc.), but I don't believe in ghosts, either. But vibes, like radio waves, mos' def. Telepathy might even be entanglement! (Your thoughts are not private. Someone is in your head. ? well, mine anyway. a benevolent entity, hopefully).
Soul? Sole sol: a solitary one-footed fish drinking beer in the sun! (to soul music). Signs of life? A soldier watching silence of the lambs, the statue of liberty, the statute of limitations. Soul? Sold!
So, who is perfect? Some Olympians might have received a perfect score.
The bible says your father in heaven is perfect.
Students occasionally earn an A+.
Maybe okcupid has a match that is 100% compatible?
Maybe you've experienced the perfect day, or the perfect meal, that kind of thing.
There's a song that sings about "perfect imperfections"
(because maybe perfectionism shouldn't be a part of real perfection?)
or it's subjective, and you shouldn't be so hard on yourself!
if nobody's perfect, then God maybe should be seen as the least imperfect
(which would still be the most perfect)
just a funny thought i had
the most high could be someone experiencing the bliss of
endorphins, victory, heroin, mountain climbing, cliff scaling, you name it.
the most happy? maybe a meditator? or someone getting married?
or a couple in love, real love, true love, "soul mates" or whatever
if life is like a game, then whoever's at "the highest level"
the smartest, the wisest, the richest, the happiest, the most loved
whoever makes the biggest difference, causes the most human progress
the least delusional, the most enlightened, the most progressive...
the most effective at reducing human suffering
Better Than God:
I've alluded to this concept a few times in this blog, prior.
Here's what I mean:
God is a concept, a role (like santa), and maybe a status (supreme being)
(i.e. the actual alpha male of the human race)
the concept (or overlapping conceptions)
is rather complex, involved, and vague (see God on wikipedia!):
different names, with different characteristics, personalities, traits-
there's Allah, Brahma, Yahweh, Zeus, the Trinity, Ra, Baha, Waheguru, etc.
i recently thought of how The Flying Spaghetti Monster could be Cthulhu, lol
(they both have noodly appendages)
some believe all religions are aspects of the same reality
but there are some very real irreconcilable differences
such as God creating the universe, or being the universe
(Reality is all the god there ever is
God is real)
people submit, like sheeple or muslims (islam means submission), to whatever their priestly authorities (imam, pope, rabbi, etc) tell them to believe, i.e. doctrine and dogma and creeds and ex cathedra statements, etc.
but I say you can surpass and transcend this hypnosis, and make god concrete and real
by simply being good, yourself. that's all religion is trying to do. be good. don't be bad. get happy.
I mean, would you rather consider yourself possessed? (even if by God)
(do you not know that you are not your own?, said the bible) I wouldn't.
I think a REAL God is better than a wishy-washy hoped-for theoretical one.
I like the idea of people believing in themselves, or me, instead of
some ethereal, unseen, inhuman deity like Jah or Zeus or whatever.
But to each, his own. Different strokes for different folks. Poseidon?
Different cultures, societies, languages, histories, religions, identities -
I've also thought of God as the collective goodwill of humanity, from all religions.
If humanity is a hive mind, and we're really all-One, then Gods and religions shouldn't be exclusionary. Even with wildly different perspectives and gods, The Good is pretty much universal, I believe. That's what I think God is, by whatever name. Cult and cultural are similar, for a reason. But good is global, and it's a small world, spaceship earth, this global village, so let's get happy. A lawyer I knew might have alluded to this by expressing his distaste for the "exclusionary rule," whatever that is (!) We all belong to humanity. We're all animals, too. And we all want survival, peace, love, happiness, money, health, and pleasure/ecstasy/bliss. Everybody should be able to get lost in a good book, movie, song. Everybody should have security and comfort. The good life is possible for all! I don't think God needs to hear your prayers. We're all praying for the same things!
what I mean by Better Than God is the following:
1. The Universal Good, rather than competing and contrasting gods and religions and societies.
2. Something concrete, a good you, instead of a concept that is the product of hypnosis throughout history. Less memes, more "me."
3. if God=good, then maybe there's something better than good!
(make yourself good, better, best!)(maybe being bad, or crazy, is better than "good"?)
4. God is thought to be everywhere, immanent and transcendent, but maybe it's better to keep him in your home, your body, your head and heart, (inner-space), instead of the mostly cold, inhospitable, lifeless, and boring outer-space (!) Be God, don't become the void.
Also, wouldn't an immortal, omniscient God be terribly bored? Wouldn't he eventually be floating in space, after the star explodes/expires?
5. God, in Hinduism, as Brahma, is what you re-unite with at death. I think God should be Alive! and not the Oblivion of your corpse in an indifferent universe.
6. God is love. Is heroin better? (I don't know, but I think it's a good question)
7. Jesus lived to 33, they say. You can live longer, and be happier than him, I would think.
8. God knows everything already, but YOU take risks, are surprised, learn and explore, and aren't infinitely bored!!!
9. God is a man of war, vengeance is mine sayeth the lord, but I think peace and equanimity are better. (buddhism)
10. i think we're all better off without the threat of, belief in, and fear of hell (eternal damnation, unending torment). Jesus, as a psy-warrior, offered the ultimate sticks and carrots, reward and punishment, to modify human behavior. But immortality and the concept of an afterlife are illusions, a delusion. Attachment to heaven and aversion to hell cause suffering. We're better off making the one life we have, and the one earth we share and bequeath, better. Instead of waiting for heaven, let's make progress, betterment, improvement toward an (even more) utopian Earth.
p.s. i looked it up: the 'exclusionary rule' is 'a law that prohibits the use of illegally obtained evidence, in a criminal trial' (so now we know) (it has nothing to do with dating or religions!)
17 hours ago