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I, God, welcome you to my blog!

The good book says only God is good, so it seems to me somebody needs to step up.

I hope you enjoy reading this, the Jesse Journal, as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to subscribe, write me an email, request that I write about any particular topic you may want my perspective on, send a prayer, click on the charity link, or donate money to my bicycle fund! Have fun!

Your pal, Jess
I'm a straight, virgo/boar INTJ (age 53) who enjoys books, getting out into nature, music, and daily exercise.

(my email is

F.Y.I. There are about 2200 posts..

Here's a quote from Fyodor Dostoevsky to start things off right: Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Me, lately

an update

-My friends Sara, Pierre, and Augustus went to Nairobi, Kenya!
They'll return in a month (in June).

-I bought an a.c.t. ticket to Chester Bailey, opening night, this Wednesday at The Strand in SF, 1127 Market.  My cousin's husband (cousin-in-law), Dan Clegg, is playing the title character.

-I'm having dinner tomorrow at my parents house, with my aunt Rosemarie, and bro Greg and Liz and nephew.  I've got an oatmeal raisin (non gluten-free) cookie for my mom, which she loves, and a movie dvd (The Aristocrats) for my dad.  I re-watched the movie, today.  I'll probably go to the Glen Park library in SF (which opens at 1p on Sundays), to hang out and read the paper, mags, etc. before showing up at my folks' place.  It's across the street from La Corneta, a mexican restaurant which I like, too.

-I checked out Glen Greenwald's book from the Oakland library, No place to hide.  I want to read Han Kang's 'The Vegetarian' which is in the news for winning this year's Man Booker Int'l Prize.  I started reading Sapiens, by Yuval Noah Harari, a gift from Pierre, who got it from his dad.  Also, Sara gave me, and I finished reading, Lev Grossman's 'The Magicians.'  Excellent!  Now I'm reading Bill Bryson's 'At Home.'  Jonathan Franzen's 'Purity' is up next (on deck).  7/1 update: I've read all of the above, except Kang.  I'm finishing Grossman's Magician trilogy (The Magician King, and The Magician's Land), and I've checked out Diamond's Guns germs and steel.  9 books, all good!

-I voted on Friday for Bernie (exchanging my No Party Preference ballot for a democratic one).

-My brother promised to take Ben (and I!) to the train at Tilden park (there's also a carousel and petting zoo), which looks fun.

- I made a list of people I know whose names (or nicknames) refer to animals (!):
Marlen, Karibu, Duv, Kat, Ant, Nat, Tick, Mare, Snake, Wolfe, Beever, Cougar-Crow, Parrot, Tiger.  There's also famous people like Flea (or the red hot chili peppers), Robin (williams).  And I saw a guy named Mosquito on a tv dance show.

-I weigh 205.  Aiming for 189, and no belly-fat, preferably with some abs/definition.  Then, I'll start lifting, to gain weight/muscle.  That's the plan.  Hopefully, I'll stop sleeping in, and get motivated to fill my days with my ambitious reading projects, as well as fitness goals, with music of course, and maybe even dating.  If I get sane (!), maybe I'll make more money, too.  Madness has its perks, but I really want it behind me, anyway.

Monday, May 9, 2016

God Poem

God in Berkeley

God is good! God is love! God is a man of war!
God is the Creator. Reality is all the God there ever is. God is always and everywhere.
Eternal and Infinite and Omnipresent and Limitless.
All-knowing, all-wise, omniscient
All-good, merciful, beneficent, kind, loving, forgiving, compassionate, benevolent, perfect, just
All-powerful, omnipotent
Alpha and Omega, first and last, beginning and end, birth and death, conception and oblivion
Eternity, Forever, Always, Never-ending, Infinity.
Immortal, Big
I am

God is evil! God is hate! God is a woman of peace!
God is the Destroyer. God only exists in theory. God is never and nowhere.
Never and Finite and Temporary and Limited
Ignorant, Deluded, Know-Nothing
All-rotten, vicious, cruel, unkind, hateful, unforgiving, malicious, spiteful, imperfect, unjust
Weak, impotent
Nonexistent. Ephemeral, Transitory, Impermanent
Puny, Mortal
Is Not

(S)He is All these things and more
(S)He is None of these things and less
Always and Never
Is and Is Not

Allah these things!  Nun of these things!
Real at the United Nations
Imagine (airy) -John Lennon song
False.  Fall ssss.   Untrue.  A UN truth.  
Virtual.  Virtue'll (contraction for 'virtue will')
Always -all ways.   You can't spell Never without Eve.
Infinite has fin and nite w/in it.
Imperfect - I (a)m perfect (!)
Remember, the art of war is deception
I'm about truth, and not much of a warrior, I guess.
Go Warriors!

Saturday, May 7, 2016


music spells

1.  Roy Masters said music was bad (hypnotic)
(hypnosis, hip gnosis, no sis)

2.Audio/music in background, all day (in some households)
(a constant presence, and apparently not annoying/distracting)
-Heuser's radio / Pat Brown's tv

3.Good music is timeless, isn't a fad
(Mark Wetters, overheard in dining hall at UCD)

4. Music is "compressed emotion" (an academic lecture)

5. Radio: Ray Dio, radiowaves are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.. (Dio is a band, means 'God')(ray of light is a madonna album)(ra is a sun god) (radio technology is "magic," like the voice in my head (can be perceived as) (psych tech? "on the same wavelength")

6.Music as a mathematical expression/translation of reality
(thought on a walk outside a practicing garage band in Roseville)

7.A soundtrack to life (life as a movie) (e.g. amped, motivated, heroic)

8. Biological! (heartbeat, breath, walking pace)

9.Primal! (such as a drum circle) (evolutionary, african)

10. Life as a dance (reality, physics -"Dancing Wu Li Masters" -book by Gary Zukov)

11. "Muse" -ic (inspiration, also evoking breath)

12. Dreams, enya, morpheus (god of dreams)

13. Guy/criminal in movie (I forget title), always wearing headphones

14. The "beat" (a band, a store, a word for winning a fight, from just the drummer) conflict: good vs. evil, religion: jesus vs. devil (violin, chess), part of matrix.

positive and negative

plus and minus, addition and subtraction
creation and murder?
god, devil
good, evil
sex, death

some more good and bad polarity:

vice, virtue
pain, pleasure
agony, ecstasy
hell, heaven
torture, heroin
hate, love
war, peace
slavery, freedom
depression, joy

isolation, intimacy
loneliness, friendship
tears, laughter
tragedy, comedy
twisted, content

a new twist:
tv twisted vice
cvs     crime vice sin.     
          charity, virtue, service.
          cthulhu voldemort sauron (!)
dsm death/saved, miracle
etc  evil twisted crime