today's topic: thinking, feeling, behaving 'well'
you can drink from our well, ha
clarity, lucid, eloquent (express self well)
non-symptomatic (no v/hs/p)
or ignore/don't react or engage w/ voice (resiliency, bounce back)
free, can think anything (options of thought)
creative, curious
tranquil, calm, peaceful, relaxed
(not frazzled with stress/anxiety/worry)
linear (left-brained)
(not fragmented, scattered, going off-topic, derailing, circumlocutory)
global (right-brained)
positive, optimistic
clean, endorphins, tired (at end of day)
happy, cheerful, light (vs. heavy)
in the moment (not anxious or depressed, about past or future)
awake, alive, aware
more open to change, not in a rut, pleasantly challenged
"blood flowing", "all systems go"
(things to do TO feel good, or WHEN feeling good)
active, productive, engaged, structured, busy
balanced (with breaks, rest, naps, meditation)
wake early, don't oversleep
yoga, exercise, walking (e.g. dogs), music
eat right, proper diet:
less/no meat (good for health, environment, animals themselves)
less refined sugar (avoid diabetes, obesity, tooth decay)
drink water
"as if" (if unmotivated, just do it)
smile: also, just do it, causes mood elevation, itself (they say)
connection, being social, meals with friends(fb doesn't count)
humor, laughter, levity, jokes
go outside, plan out day (nature/structure)
take meds, no alcohol/drugs
do chores, keep commitments, go to shop/store
stuff: get organized, de-clutter, clean, straighten up
hygiene: shower, brush, floss
17 hours ago