boo a) an exclamation produced when trying to scare someone with surprise
b)a call, often at a sporting event, to express displeasure and dissatisfaction
c)a word used in hip hop and by rappers to indicate their g/f (hey, boo!) (from beau?)
season's greetings. before christmas, and before that thanksgiving, comes:
a)halloween b)all hallow's eve c)day of the dead (dia de los muertos) d)all soul's day e)all saint's day
i'm not sure which ones are synonyms, the same day, or which come first.
in spooky scary terrifying news of horror-
i'm now a (semi) vegetarian.
hitler was a vegetarian. boo!
i've got some pamphlets from
1)why love one but eat the other? (picture of a puppy, with a picture of a cute piglet)
2)25 reasons to try vegetarian
there's horror in both, all the more terrifying, because it's actually all true.
i was thinking that christianity deals with eating animals being sinful with
the eucharist
where you both love jesus and eat him, too.
you eat meat?
go to confession! you are forgiven!
i jest, but i still think people should be vegetarian.
people are animals, too, and we don't eat each other! (and we shouldn't)
in other news,
i checked out from the library:
flight of the conchords cd,
freakonomics movie,
ludmila's broken english by DBC Pierre, and
the Quincunx by Charles Palliser.
i went swimming at the Y yesterday. good to get back in the water. been awhile.
i won tix from kalx to see Blitzen Trapper and Allelujiah choir next week
i read ender's game, by orson scott card, from the library (book club at claremont branch libary)
16 hours ago